Chapter 4: Deatholmes- Show me Result!

Standing in the field of death before the Necropolis that is Deatholmes, Aethas and Valeera wore a shrouded cloak enchanted with the stealth ability.

"You see that?" Aethas pointed at a single tower in the center of the Necropolis that was visible from their position.

Valeera silently nodded as she turned her gaze toward that same tower.

"Our target, Dar'Khan Drathir, resides on top of that tower," he added, the tower itself was quite eye catching and badly designed to say the least, if this city of the dead were to be under siege, a single good shot from an Elven Glaivethrower or a Horde Demolisher can very well collapse it into nothing but a pile of dust.

However their target, the commander of the Scourge would be long gone by then.

Aethas had an urge to unleash a mighty Chaos Bolt infused with the power of Fin'Felo for that same purpose, however it would be too eye catching, and if he were to fail, the Scourge army behind that wall would be the death of them.

As powerful as he is right now combined with the staff Fin'Felo, there is only so much he can do, the Scourge can just use the wave tactic to drown him out.

"Alright, let's head inside- stay within touch range from me, else you will be discovered and we have to abandon this operation." Aethas told Valeera as he grabbed her hand with one of his own, while activating a concealing enchantment item he personally crafted just for this purpose.

The item ability was to completely erase their presences, making it undetectable and masked their life aura with that of death, making them completely invisible to the Scourge radar.

They made their way across the horrors that lay within the Scourge "city", calling this place a city is nothing more than an insult to civilization itself, everywhere is filled with death and despair, bloody iron cages that once held the living captive, ghouls and banshee roamed the street alongside other monstrosity such as Crypt Fiends and Abominations.

"I swear, after I'm done with Dar'Khan, I will purge this entire region in the flame of hell itself." Aethas silently cursed, the way the Scourge do things pissed him off- no wait, the mindless Scourge are technically innocent in a sense as they only followed the orders of their superior.

Which in this situation mean Dar'Khan Drathir himself, whom then followed the orders of his superiors, the chain of commands just continued until it reach it final destination, the Lich King himself, in this case it's likely to be Arthas Menethil after he merged with Ner'Zhul.

This is much easier than they had initially expected, the Scourge were oblivious of the two presence, it wasn't long before they reached the tower in the center of the Necropolis, guarded by two hulking meat sacks guarding a closed double door.

"Damn, this might be a problem- we either have to kill these two or look for an alternative route." Aethas frowned, trying to kill these two might posed some problems, the first being attracting the attention of all the undeads within the city, the second being abominations are a pain in the ass to destroy as they are created to sulk up damages.

"Aethas, up there." Valeera whispers into his ear while pointing upward, from there he could see that the windows are actually… opened? Hold on, who in their right mind would build something like this in a war fortress- oh wait, yeah it's the Scourge.

"Held on to me tightly." Valeera wrapped one of her slender arms around his waist, suddenly Aethas felt a dreadful feeling rising up from within.

She suddenly crouched and made a great leap upward, launching the both of them high into the air, halfway toward their destination before the girl tossed out a long grappling hook that latched itself onto the roof of the tower, from there she pulled the both of them upward.

"..." Aethas was completely speechless, what kind of Spartan training did she go through to gain such immense strength? It is completely illogical, such a small frame cannot possibly hold such power within them!

If there's such a technique, Aethas would definitely want to learn them, but on a second thought, instead of gaining such strength through spartan style physical training, he could just try to enhance his muscle with magic, since all he had on himself is literally an endless source of mana, all thanks to the Arcane Elemental, the Mana Sanctum and the endless amount of soul fragments he broke down throughout the years.

What surprised him was the fact that there is no side effect what-so-ever for "eating" the fragments, although the dark evil feeling he had after eating a fragments is there, but it doesn't seem to do any harm to him thus it wasn't much of a worry for now that is, which then reminded him about the little "Book of the Dead" thing he always had on himself.

He had long finished everything within and instead of discarding it into oblivion through the Felflame, he kept it… for some odd reasons, he felt that there is something … incomplete about this book, perhaps this is only one volume out of many that existed out there.

When we arrived inside the tower, what greeted them was an undead elf, sitting in a chair made from the bone of humanoid creatures.

"Dar'Khan Drathir." Aethas eyes narrowed as they shone a brilliant purple hue to them.

"Oh Bravo, you finally made it, you actually surprised me, I had underestimated your foolishness, to actually show up here "Alone" to face me ." Dar'Khan smirked in sheer contempt, looking at the two of them.

Valeera growled as she unsheathed her dagger soaked in Holy Water blessed by a priest ready for an attack, she planned to take Dar'Khan head off in one swift movement.

"Put a leash on your bitch would you?" Dar'Khan insulted Valeera, since the beginning he never did put the spartan girl in his eyes, he mainly focused on Aethas.

"It seems like you were expecting us, traitors." Aethas tone was that of mocking, Dar'Khan Drathir, formerly a nobleman with a very high position in the kingdom of Quel'Thalas, however he betrayed his kingdom and people to Arthas, and doomed them by destroying the Sunwell.

"Hahaha! Traitor?! You know NOTHING BOY! It was them who betrayed me, the position of Grand Magister should have been mine! But no… unlike them, my master promised me something even better… immortality, unrival power… and much… much more." he showed me his rotten teeth with a grin.

"But on another point, you are right, indeed I have been expecting you… your very soul cried out to me like a moth to flame… it seems like you had it too don't you." he pointed to Aethas little knapsack, more specifically, the content from within.

"Take it out, the Book of the Dead, I know you have it on you… I cannot believe the Lord would choose such a weakling as a candidate." Dar'Khan facepalmed himself while glaring at Aethas venomously.

"What in the living hell are you talking about? What candidate?" Aethas raised an eyebrow while looking at Dar'Khan dead rotten eyes, candidate? For what? Is this some kind of trial? And Lord? Is he talking about the Lich King? Or the Author Kel'Thuzad himself?

"Please don't tell me that you are completely oblivious to the priceless artifact you had on you… dear oh my… it is such a sin, the fool joined the trial of Death without even knowing, that book, represents the right to be the direct disciple of the Archlich himself and possibly his future successor… but no matter, you'll be dead before you even have the chance to complete the trial." Dar'Khan grinned viciously as he initiated combat by summoning a mass of undeads around the two.

"Behold… the power granted to me by the Lich King!" the very floor itself has risen against the two! So that's why the undead Scourge used the bones and remains of their enemies to build their fortresses… very useful indeed, Aethas cannot help but weirdly admire the genius of such ideas.

"Then please… allow me to return your favor in kind." Aethas pulled out his Fin'Felo and gave it a light wave, which imbued a massive amount of mana toward one single spell that is an inborn ability of the staff, Summoning- of which he renamed March of Oblivion.

A large black portal soon ripped a tear in space.

From within, countless burning eyes and green flames stare back, followed by a blood curdling sound.


"You little piece of shit… you brought reinforcement!" Dar'Khan cursed loudly.

Of course! Who in their right mind would want to assault a fortress of the dead with just two people? What a moron! Of course Aethas brought along surprise reinforcement! Never in a million year would Dar'Khan expect a grand summoning of a demonic legion surging at him.

"I love being a warlock" Aethas yelled as more portals continued to appear and thus the chaos ensued.