Chapter 8: Reclamation- The Future Ahead.

After Aethas and Valeera little "picnic" with the local Scourge leader, Theramar and his Farstrider, along with the Forsaken allies had finally eradicated most of the remnant of the Ghostlands Scourge force influenced, along with pushing the local forest Trolls population back to their ancient capital of Zul'Aman and created some form of peace alast.

However it did not come without the cost of many lives which had been sacrificed to drive back the ruthless Trolls, namely from the Farstrider, Local Militia and the Forsaken Allies, their sacrifice will be honored.

A few months had passed and Aethas was officially fifteen years of age, what a surprise, one actually became an "Adult" the moment they reached fifteen within this world.

Now, Aethas is finally allowed to leave his home and travel as an adventurer! Legally instead of having to commit himself to an institution like the Mages Academy of Dalaran or as such.

And thus, his new goal has change from just venture to Dalaran for more magical training, possible under one of the Council member, to just venture the world itself and discover what this version of Azeroth has to offer, plus for the fact that even having the slightest knowledge of Necromancy in the magical kingdom of Dalaran could have dire consequences- all thanks to the Mage Kel'Thuzad.

Other than that, Aethas want to visit Archerus itself and have a conversation with a Death Knight- and possibly study on them for his own use, but alast that goal is too farfetch as they could absolutely, positively murder him on the spot as they are still under the command of the Lich King at this very moment.

"But soon… the world shall burn- wait no, scratch that idea." Aethas murmurs to himself, alone in his little laboratory.

As for why he is in his laboratory, Aethas is currently doing some study on the Vial of Tainted Sunwell water, hoping to harness the power within and discover its mystery- more on the line of hoping to purify a trace of the water from the well of Eternity that is.

As for the "Trial of Death" that Dar'Khan keep rambling on about, it's just a jumble of messy "quests" that Aethas has no clue on where to start, even the undead elf didn't know what after other than collecting artifacts from other holder- which include the Book of the Dead that Aethas held onto, too much efforts for little to unknown gains, perhaps more can be found in Northrend, but it's suicide to just sail there.

After scribbling down a few more notes, Aethas promptly closed his book and put it back on one of the shelves before heading out of the laboratory and headed into town.

Tranquillien and the entirety of Ghostlands had become a whole lot more peaceful after months of constant purging and butchering of both Scourge and Amani Trolls.

They even had already implemented the plans on reclaiming past civilization points such as the surrounding villages and fields, they had achieved what Quel'Thalas could not do in decades within the matter of a year or two, earning the love and trust of the local population and soon to be immigrants of this land.

"Good Afternoon Aethas! Here, an apple for you." The fruit vendor, which was a Blood Elven Lady gifted a fresh shiny apple from her stall, looks like business has been pretty good lately as there was a crowd near the stall, waiting for their purchases. They also greeted him as Aethas went past them.

Now that everything has been taken care of, especially securing his family position and prosperity for futures to come, Aethas felt like a great burden has been lifted from his shoulder.

"Now, what to do next." Being a great fan of the Warcraft Universe in his past life, Aethas ponder on what is the next action he should take, before the rise of the Lich King and all hell broke loose once again.

Maybe he should start a journey across Azeroth and see the world, possibly getting even stronger and prepare for incoming disaster that he and his family going to spiral toward, notably the Lich King Scourge, the Aspect of Death, Garrosh Hellscream and his Horde and Iron Horde, the Burning Legion plus all the bullshit that came along with World War IV.

After strolling a bit longer, Aethas decides to head back home to plan out his next move, since everything in Ghostlands is doned, perhaps it is time for him to leave home and venture out, there are many choices, he could either head to Lordaeron- the capital of the former Alliance of Lordaeron before Arthas stab his father in the chest with Frostmourne.

There is so much he wanted to do, for example touring it, possibly having the chance of seeing the Dark Lady, and exploring Silverpine and possibly infiltrating the Kingdom of Gilneas, as they are currently on lockdown right now due to their *ahem, Worgen issue.

For once, Aethas doesn't have a clue about the current world situation, other than the fact that Kael'Thas has already returned from Outland, but as for anything else, such as Gilneas situation or that of the Eastern Kingdoms in general? Not a single clue.

But he is about to find out, perhaps making a trip to Silvermoon and taking a quick teleportation to the Undercity might not sound so bad afterall, or better yet! Learn the teleportation and portal spells! Aethas was sure there would be a mage or two in Silvermoon who are adept with such art, seeing how it was mostly the Blood Elves Mages that were responsible for transporting troops magically in the Horde- or that is what he saw in the game anyways.

For that, he has to ask his teacher for expertise on who to look for.

Later that evening at the dining table, where everyone in the family had gathered, Theramar and his wife(Aethas Mom), Valeera( she lived with them now) and finally the old coot Sunreach.

"I've decided, I will be going on a journey." his words were like a bomb shell dropping from a gnome flying machine onto the dining table.

The utensils were dropped, everyone went silent at his decision.

"Are you sure you can handle yourself, alone out there boy?" his father's tone changed.

"After all the hell you've been through, if I had a say in anything- you're going to get yourself killed- and don't even start mentioning magic, what good will it do if you were to be said, surrounded? A good cut across the neck and you would have been dead, I disagree." he looked at Aethas with eyes blazing green.

"Not unless you can beat me in a one on one fight in melee, otherwise… forget about setting foot out of Ghostlands." Theramar picked up his fork and went back to chewing his juicy steak.

Yep, defeating this Ogre wearing the skin of a Blood Elf will be a tough challenge, and for once- Aethas isn't confident, especially in a melee fight with blades and blunts.

Thus, there must be another way to go about this, escaping in the middle of the night? Or magically charmed his dad and went on his business? There are many magical means to do so, unconsciously, Aethas glanced at Valeera who is silently eating her vegetable he secretly slide into her dish as she sat by his side, before turning to professor Sunreach enjoying a bit of coffee, this old elf isn't going to sleep tonight... is he? the coffee of this world are very potent.