A week after Aethas announcement, saying that he wished to leave home and go on a journey and being promptly rejected by his father, Theramar for being too "helpless" in a fight, well in a sense that is true, being a magic caster in a melee fight is a big disadvantage and all… but was he ever going to be alone? Being a part-time Warlock has its advantage, especially for one who went the path of Demonology.
'So what if they charge at him in a melee fight? I hope you can get past my Voidwalker!' Or a literal army of imps at his disposal! Plus the enhancement on summoning, a blessing of Fin'Felo, makes his summoning ability even more ridiculous, too bad his father doesn't know or really care about it for that matter.
To Theramar, one's own physical strength against his enemies is the best bet, a sure win method, well considering he's more on the fact of him acting like someone who is an Ogre in Elvish Skin than an actual, normal Blood Elf Warrior, not many can confidently claim they can best Theramar in a fist fight or just a fight in general, man to man fighting for that matter here in Ghostlands.
There has to be another way, maybe this is a test- no this is definitely a test of some sort, Theramar did say that unless Aethas can defeat him, he is not going to set foot out of the Ghostlands…
Aethas showed a goofy grin, now is the time to finally delve deeper into his "Mage" study, more specifically, portal and teleportation magics.
He already had a rough idea of how such magic works, albeit he hasn't tested his hypothesis out just yet, fearing of teleporting directly inside a wall, or worse into someone- now that is going to be quite a "beautiful" scene.
It is similar to the mage "Blink" spell, however this is on a totally different level, instead of just teleporting to anywhere within 10-20 feets radius, Portals and Teleportations can directly transfer him across the Continent or Worlds if needed be.
And that is his secret on how to escape, to use the upgraded version of "Blink" to get directly to Silvermoon, or best case scenario, Lordaeron, Orgrimmar or anywhere else on Kalimdor might be a bit too far fetch for his understanding as of now.
"Let see, Blink utilized the pathway of magic particles in the air as a key point, combining that with temporal and space translocation to shift the user's entire body to that one point." Aethas quickly read through his old note.
The use of spatial coordinate using mana as a source for Blink… *CLAP, he closed the old notebook hard, finally achieved his enlightenment.
"If Blink can be achieved through the nearby mana particles… then teleport should be using the leyline! Yes! The leyline! Why the hell haven't I thought about it until now!" to teleport, instead of using the Mana Particles as a guide! He should instead, focus his energy on traversing through the Leyline itself to reach his destination, he knows for a fact that all major cities of the world are built on top of a Leyline, it is important since it's the lifeblood of all Mages to draw their power from!
"Since that is the case… let's test out my theory." summoning his trusted staff, Aethas summoned a magical runic circle beneath him and drew power from the leyline directly, boosting his senses even further.
"That is… right there." he focused his mind onto the leyline current and followed it northward… toward Silvermoon, as it is the closest city and probably the safest location to be in if things were to go south with his "spell".
"Now, rip open for me." The magical power gathered around Aethas began to tear into the fabric of space, folding the distances between his location and that of Silvermoon palace to just a mere footstep away.
"I DID IT-" *BOOOM! As soon as he celebrate, the spell began to fizzle out and all the energy gathered began to unleashed itself in a blinding surge of mana light, basically turning his Spire into a miniature sun with the dark of night, giving the inhabitant of Tranquillien quite a late night light show.
"Mama! It's beautiful isn't it?" a Blood Elf girl, look to be 5 or 6 years of age pointed at the "Sun" in the Night.
"Shhh, don't look- the young Lord might be a wise and powerful man, however he is a bad influencer! If anything- don't do crazy things like that in the future, for mommy okay?" the mother chided her child.
"~Kay~" the little girl smiled gingerly, unbeknown to the mother, she had been influenced by the big bad wolf and would become the future "eccentric" Wizard/Mage.
Inside Silvermoon palace in the dead of night.
*BOOOM! The same blinding light that lit up Ghostlands Tranquillien Spire made its appearance in a form of a surprise, blinding all the servants and woke up half the city before setting off an invasion alarm that riled up the entire army that was stationed within the city wall.
"What in the world?" Inside of his study, Grand Magister Rommath peeks out of his window, seeing a blinding "Sun" coming from the palace and couldn't help but to raise an eyebrow.
Grand Magister Rommath, the leader of the Magi of Silvermoon and one who held the title of Archmage, like that of "Aethas" Sunreaver.
With just sensing the mana disturbances from the air, Rommath can already tell that there was a powerful Mage trying to create a portal, directly to the old marked Coordinate on the Leyline, which previously used for teleportation.
However judging from the explosion of mana currents, Rommath can tell that, whoever this mage is, he or she is not very… proficient in the arts of teleportations and portals.
"Amateurs…" Rommath scoffed as he returned to his studying, his current priority is figuring out a way to purify the Ghostlands of the Scourge taint.
Back in Tranquillien, Aethas little shows managed to woke everyone up and riled the garrison, putting them all on high alerts, but unlike Silvermoon, Tranquillien was already numb to all of Aethas experiment and thus, they returned to their usual business of whatever they're doing that night, either a night stroll, couples rumbling in their bedroom or just plain old boring guards duties.
Much better could be said for Aethas situation, as the little explosion of mana due to the portal collapsing onto itself was a bit too unexpected and harmless to say the least.
Much to his displeasure, it looks like he has to seek help for this little issue if he ever wants to freely explore the world and universe safely, and definitely not trapping himself in a rift between worlds or worse, inside a wall or someone else.
The first thought that came to his mind on "Who" to look for was none other than his teacher, the old Warlock/Mage, professor Sunreach, surely a Master Warlock must have some form of mastery over such matters, not accounting his side hobbies of studying into the Arcane Arts.
"For now, I need my sleep, that was too damn exhausting!" It takes a lot of power to actually open up a portal and maintain it for just that short duration, even with the power of the Leylines right under his feet, it is very taxing for a first timer like himself.
For some odd reason, it felt like Aethas just popped his cherries… for trying Space Magic for the first time… in like ever, well technically being transmigrated over might count as one, but he definitely had no knowledge of that, other than getting hit by a train, and unlike the old Xiao Yu, he definitely does not wish to be hit by a train, or Deep-Run Tramp.