Chapter 1: Far from Home

The sound of steel against steel clashing against one another awoken Aethas, much to his now sore and somewhat injured of receiving a knee in the face.

"Is this one of those so-called portals that open up at the wrong place and at the wrong time?" Aethas rubbed his sore nose as he witnessed two ladies fighting tooth and nails against one another. He didn't know how long he was out for, but his laboratory is good as done, that is for sure.

One is obviously Valeera, while the other is, possibly the most strange but yet amusing one at the moment.

"Human! How did you infiltrate this place and injure its future lord!?" wait what? "Speak before I gut you like a murloc!" Valeera's tone was quite… venomous to their current target, a girl with white hair holding a long sword.

"prohibere! Pugnare tecum nolo esse accidentis!" Much to Aethas displeasure, it seemed like the girl could not understand them and used her tongue against theirs instead.

"This… might post a problem." as the two girls stare daggers at one another, Aethas was minding his own business by digging through his bookshelf on the side, looking for one particular grimoire, it wasn't long before he found it.

"Al-shal-arkhana-linguist!" reciting the awkward language from the book while channeling his mana in a certain formula, he casted the spell over himself, and one for the white hair girl.

"Stop this! It was an accident!" The white hair girl dodged the flying knives flying toward her, the power behind those tiny knives are terrifying as they managed to impale and stuck to the stone.

"That work?" Aethas was surprised himself, never in his mind that he thought such a spell would actually work on a human, albeit he had his doubts before.

The spell Aethas casted was obviously the spell name "Arcane Linguist"

"Wait, I can understand you now?" the girl was now baffled at the turn of events, one moment she was running away by opening a portal, and suddenly kneed someone in the face which then triggered a fight and now understanding speeches through the use of magic?

"Can we both stop this now? I'm sure this was all an accident… right, please don't soil my study with blood Valeera...please?" Aethas looks at the white hair girl with his glowing purplish eyes before looking at his overprotective guardian.

"Yes! It was all an accident! I didn't mean to intrude into your study! I only meant to escape my pursuer." the white hair human girl exclaimed.

Valeera only narrowed her glowing green eyes at the human, before turning her attention to Aethas. "Very well, but I will be keeping an eye on you." she glared at the human, it wasn't long before her gaze immediately tender itself when she focused back on Aethas, trying to treat his injured face… specifically a bloody nose.

"So, mind introducing us on who you are? Human?" Aethas emphasis on the word human, ironically, he was formerly one.

"I- erm… Ciri, I'm Ciri, but where is this place?" she asked, looking curiously at Aethas laboratory, meant for volatile experimentation's.

Aethas only facepalmed himself, asking himself what kind of Universe had been reincarnated into, first it was a non-canon Azeroth, then a Ciri suddenly magically jumped through HIS portal.

"But before that, how in the world did you manage to jump through my portal? And kneed me in the face?" Aethas questioned her, he just wanted to make sure that this is THE Ciri.

"I was… hoping to return home through a portal…" she said, albeit somewhat nervous at Aethas and Valeera's eerie glowing eyes.

"And where is this portal?" he continued.

"It's called "Tower of the Swallow", you might not have heard of it, it's on the shore of Tarn Mira, a lake in the Mil Tracta region, in the Elder Speech, it is called Tor Zireael." she answered.

"Huh… that is surprising." Aethas winced, now his theory is one hundred percent confirmed.

"You know where that is, Aethas?" Valeera looked at Aethas own expression, noticing that he might have heard of where that place is.

"Uh yes… I do as a matter of fact." he rubbed the ridge between his eyes "Ciri my friend, you… are very far from home…" Aethas, formerly Xiao Yu, didn't just play World of Warcraft with a passion, he liked to play other games as well, not to be a one trick pony, especially during those "Maintained" hours on every Tuesday and every other day of surprises.

"What do you mean? Where is this place?" the human girl, Ciri, was taken aback.

"Well… all I could say is… welcome to Quel'Thalas, formerly home of the High Elves, now Blood Elves, in the world of Azeroth." Aethas words were like a nekker strapped with grapeshots dropping on her head.


Ciri, or better known as Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, sole heir to the throne of Cintra, were actually trying to get back to Thanedd in Temeria, however things did not goes as planned when she was once again, attacked by a bounty hunter by the name of Bonhart, only narrowly escape to the tower by the intervention of a group of wraith-like beings named "The Wild Hunts." which scared off Bonhart horse and allowed her time to rush into the tower, as for why the Wild Hunts showed up as it did, she did not know, but she doubt that it would be of nothing good.

She was hoping of returning to Temeria, she almost returned to Thanedd through the teleportation, only to suddenly be hit by a random giant sphere of energy midway that swallowed her whole and before she knew it, she had assaulted a weird elf with glowing eyes with her knee.

Which now brought her back to the current situation.


"Huh?!" Ciri's reaction to Aethas words was beyond priceless, even her face showed it all, instead of going back to Temeria like she thought it would be, Ciri somehow ended up on Azeroth instead, with a bunch of weird, eyes glowing Elves in the kingdom of "Quel'Thalas".

"I know, quite a shocker isn't it?" Aethas chuckled, this somehow had turned into quite a funny scenario.

"Now, if you please do me a favor, leave my laboratory, I have much work to finish- and oh, I recommend that you not show yourself as a human when you leave… The Sin'Dorei have quite a distaste for humans." he pointed her out the door.

"How am I supposed to go back! At least tell me that much!" she raised her voice against Aethas, much to Valeera displeasure.

"how should I know? you intruded on me and my portal experimentation!" Aethas played it off and well, continued on with his day, knowing that his theory was indeed correct, all he needed was an anchor point, which meant the magical formation itself and a bit of time to actually perfect his mastery.

Sure having the owner of the "Elder Blood" around was quite amusing, however the last thing Aethas want is a bunch of xenophobic slave hunting elves from a near dead world knocking at his door steps every now and then.

Of course he could kick their ass, more on the line of his father Theramar doing so, but it was too much of a hassle, so it's better off to just send her on her way, and hopefully she one day grasp that ability and leave on her own.

she looked at him with eyes filled to the brim with indignation, like she had been wronged...

"what? don't look at me with that eyes, I can't help you! I'm not even good with portal magic at this point so go find someone else okay!" Aethas twitched his eyebrow looking at this human girl, since when did one of such a beloved character become so... pathetic?