Chapter 2: Of Ebon and Roses

Aethas felt somewhat helpless looking at this pathetic human before his eyes.

"Alright fine! I'll help you!" Aethas facepalmed himself, he hated himself for being such a good person.

"However I want something in return." he stated, who would actually do this free of charge? Especially when involving such a top-heavy project as to open a portal to another world, if not universe.

Ciri looked at Aethas with eyes filled with suspicion.

"And what is your demand?" she asked with a tone filled with caution.

"You're going to pay back what you owed me!" Aethas eyes twitched in pain as he looked at the damage caused by this feisty little human. He couldn't really call her that by going with his own physical age right now, since she is probably older than him that's for sure.

But deep down, Aethas is an old uncle in his 30's already.

"What do you mean by "owed" you?" Ciri was confused by Aethas words, she thought maybe the magical translation came out wrong.

"Look at your surroundings, do you know how much all of these cost me?" Aethas pointed at all the wreckage that the girls made while he was unconscious.

"How much do they cost?" Ciri asked nonchalantly, she believed that it couldn't be worth that much… hopefully.

Hearing that, Aethas quietly took out his accountant booklet and began flipping through the tiny pages, calculating all the damages cost.

"That would be a total of 11,944 Standard Gold Coins" a reply that shocked even Valeera.

Deep down Aethas scoffed, 'Just 12,000 golds? I could make 10 times that amount running all the Raids from Cataclysm to Warlords of Draenor.' To most inhabitants of the current reality Azeroth, 12,000 golds is an unimaginable number.

With that amount one can purchase a plot of fertile lands and build a mansion on it with some golds left to spare for retirement! To note, an average family income at most only made around 50 golds annually!

All these equipment were possible because of his mother's effort in her Trades Company and all the sweet deals she made here in the Ghostlands.

"H-How much?" Ciri could only stutter after hearing the total amount.

"11,944 standard gold coins, you know? The 99.98% pure gold coins?" Aethas tries his best to repeat his words to the stuttering human before him. "I'm not dealing with this crap, if you don't have the money, pay with your body." Aethas scoffed, looking out his window and seeing that the sun's already up.

"W-what!" "HUH?!" Both Ciri and Valeera yelp at the same time after hearing what Aethas had to say on how Ciri can repay her debt, Ciri choked on her own spit though.

Aethas raised an eyebrow "What? If she can't pay me back in gold, I expect her to work here until she pays it off." he honestly did not know what got them so riled up.

"Oh… so it's like that." Ciri added on while Valeera only let out a sigh of relief, she was really planned on spilling some blood on the carpet.

"Other than that, my new servant, I FORBID you from setting foot OUTSIDE of this tower unless I give my permission." Aethas emphasis on the 2 words, trying to get their meaning through the barrier of language.

Later that morning, there's no point in going to sleep anymore, the sun is up.

Aethas was having breakfast with the family, Valeera included( they decide that it's for the best if they just lock up the entire Spire with Ciri included).

"Where's mom?" he asked his father, Theramar who is currently drinking WINE.

"She's on her way to Silvermoon, your aunt is asking for her help with a deal, business related stuff, too complicated for me." he dismissed it.

He raised an eyebrow for a moment there, they had family in Silvermoon? And when did his mother leave?

"She left a day ago, I sent a small group of Farstrider to escort her there, just in case they ran into Wretches or wild beasts." he added.

'That's good to hear, even though the Ghostlands are relatively safe now, danger still presides over the land.' if formerly the Scourge would get you, then it's most likely to be either Beasts or Wretches now, worse case it'll be bandits.

But over the years, the Farstrider of Ghostlands had built a reputation for themselves in being merciless to their enemies. (as known through their skirmishes with the local trolls) thus it built quite a deterrent point for any possible hostile.

"Teacher, I need to have a word with you later, it involves one of our more… volatile experimentation." Aethas then turned his attention to the old elf who's enjoying his morning coffee in peace, seeming like he had a good night sleep.

"Who doesn't love volatile experiments that could blow half the town into dust first thing in the morning, right?" Aethas wonders if that's sarcasm or not.

Somewhere in Eversong woods, a small entourage seems to be on their ways toward the capital city of Silvermoon, just a few short hours ahead.

The one who witnessed this was a group of armored figures on paled steeds, donning armors depicting themselves as one of the dead.

"Sir, I think they would make perfect slaves to serve us, especially that one there." one of the figures holding a staff, pointed at a female Sin'Dorei in the middle of a heavily armed convoy.

"But a few things still bothered me, what world had we landed in? It felt very strange, and why are the "Elves" here look so different from us? I thought all Elves originated from our world, yet they look nothing like us." he continued.

"How should I know? Aren't you a scholar? A Navigator? Maybe you should break open a few more books, probably find your answer in there." the leader scoffed before turning to a horrifying scene behind him.

A small group consists of 5 more beings, just like him.

Alongside them was a small band of Blood Elves tied up and gagged. They whimpered in fear as they felt their gaze upon them.

"Let's focus on capturing this last batch and returning home, this world gives me a sickening feeling." compared to their world of Aen Elle, the amount of magic that saturates this world is beyond his comprehension, it might be a paradise for any mages, however to him? The feeling is like a sickness within his stomach.

"You 2, stay with the Slaves… as for the rest." he mounted on the "undead steed" while drawing his great meter long blade.

"Dearg Ruadhri! With me!" and with the command, they charged through.

These ghostly riders are known as the "Red Rider" in their tongue, they were in charge of traversing across the multiverse to hunt for slaves to serve in their majestic kingdom, today is their final mission for this world as they had been stationed within this strange little world for far too long, roughly a week per say.

Unbeknown to the mortals, there was a little shift in the timeline.

Are the "Farstrider Guards" who they claimed to be?