The Android approached the fearful girl, the blood that was spilled onto it dripping down onto the ground, causing a trail to be formed. She continued to press the power button as the Android brought its arm up, arming itself as it started it's gun, getting ready to shoot her on sight. When all of a sudden the robot she had been pestering for the past 2 minutes powered up, it's large blank eyes gazed over at the Android beside them, then at the frightened girl beside it. He looked over at them both again, trying to understand what was going on. He started to move around a bit and get control of his actions, learning what controls he had and what he was capable of till his memory frame had reached its peak. When he came back to his senses he noticed the current scene of what was happening and his immediate response to the situation was to defend and kill. Pablo raised his arm up and shot at the same time as the Android, causing both shots to backfire at them, sending the Android flying back down the stairs, and the other two to just get some pressure. Avery looked up at Pablo as she rubbed her eyes."You… you're active? Do you work?" she asked as she put her hand on his cheek. The Robot shook her off and patted her head as he got up and loaded his arm with another bullet, walking over to the door and getting ready to shoot the Android. Once Pablo stepped in front of the door he looked down, the Android was gone, just bloodstains on the carpet.
Pablo looked back at Avery and waved for her to follow, and that she did. She got up and followed him over to the stairs, slowly heading down, each step creaked and croaked 'till they reached the end. The path of blood leads to the living room. Avery quaked with fear "no…m-mom!!" she yelled as she ran down the hall and into the living room, Pablo right behind her. As she reached the room, right in front of her was something she had never wanted to see before. Her parents were dead on the floor, both her mom and dad had huge gaping holes right through their chest. The carpet had been stained with blood. She looked over at the clock, it wasn't even 6:00 yet, it was 5:48 pm, why was he home? She kept wondering as tears flew down her cheeks like rain. She had never thought a day like this would ever come. The Android looked back at Avery, raising its arm again, limping closer, it had broken its leg from the impact before. Pablo approached the disabled Android and immediately twisted it's arm straight off. Chucking it through the window as he kicked it down. Not saying a word at all, he walked over to Avery and started pushing her through the door. Avery pushed him slightly, her eyes full of tears, she just wanted to see her mother and father again, she was too weak to fight him though. Before she knew it she was out the door with Pablo silently leading her down the road and away from the house. As they walked down the road all they could hear was the quiet screams of dying people in each and every apartment and house. "Why is this happening… and why does everyone have to be killed… why…" she muttered softly as she walked behind Pablo, she expected him to answer, she wanted him to answer, she was so confused and scared, she felt alone. Pablo said nothing though, he had nothing to say, well he couldn't anyway, his voice box hadn't been inserted yet, he just patted her head as comfort.
About an hour later the screams had ended, there was nothing left actually alive other than Avery. She looked over at Pablo then down at the ground "so… what do we do about surviving? cause there isn't any way in heck that I'm letting you leave me now, not after all that's happened, I-I can't survive on my own out here." Pablo looked down at her and opened his mouth to speak, but said nothing, he looked down and had a silent sigh as he sat down and patted the ground beside himself as if telling her to take a seat. She was hesitant but did as told, knowing he was basically the guard or protection of her, she and no choice but to do what he said, or pointed to. She sighed and yawned, it was currently 8:04, although she had no idea. It was dark, almost looked like the middle of the night already, and she was exhausted and stressed. Pablo laid her head down and put his hand over her eyes as if telling her sleep, keeping it there 'till she did, which took about 20 minutes, but it happened eventually. She had fallen asleep, leaving her guard down, but she trusted Pablo to protect her.