The next day Avery awoke to a bright light in her eyes, she was on the side of a convenience store in an alleyway not mention she was completely alone. she had no idea where Pablo went and was missing everything she had before, she immediately checked her pockets. "My watch… my pocket knife… everything" she muttered as she glared and got up slowly. She was angry, no, she was furious, she'd been lied to, played for her tools. She got up slowly and started walking around the alleyway, avoiding open spaces and looking for someone or something, the streets were full of Androids and dead people. She had no idea where she was going, she just wanted to go somewhere away from her current location even though she would've probably died. "Damn Robot… remind me to never trust him again," she muttered to herself as she kicked a can. She could hear noises not far away, as suddenly a shadow emerged from inside the convenience store beside her. It was Pablo, he had two bags full of food in his hands, he quickly walked over to Avery with a soft smile on his face, he cleared his throat as she pushed a small metal stick into his throat and sighed "I got some food, sorry for running off without you, I didn't want to wake you" he said calmly, his voice was bland but he spoke perfect English. Avery looked at him angered, furious, frustrated with him. "Where the heck are all my things? My pocket knife? My tools? My watch???" she said in a more rude tone. Pablo looked at her confused "what? I don't know, did you forget them at the house?". She shook her head and sighed as she opened her mouth to speak but was cut off from a loud bang across the road in a house. Avery slowly took a step closer, she was curious if it was a live person or an android. She looked up at Pablo as if asking him if they could go check it out, puppy dog eyes and all. Pablo sighed and loaded his gun as he started walking towards the house, keeping Avery close behind. As they approached it, they could hear the voice of a human child, a boy, sounding about 8 or 9. "Damn it… why hasn't mom come back yet, first she slips dinner and now I have to make my own breakfast!? This is outrageous!! Stupid momma..." he muttered as he used a small pocket knife to cut the crusts of his sandwich.
Avery slowly walked up and knocked on the door, Pablo right behind her. "Hello? Is there someone in here?" she whispered softly, trying not to attract any Androids. The child sighed and got off the stool as he walked over and pushed the door open "Whos ask-? Who are you? You're not my mommy!" he yelled out at her. Avery shushed him quickly and pushed him inside as she pulled Pablo in. She looked down at the boy "how are you still alive kid? It's the apocalypse, this is impossible" she said in a surprised and confused tone, a child of all people was still alive. The kid glared and huffed as he turned around "Don't be silly miss, of course I'm alive, and an apocalypse is impossible! Mommy said so!" he said, now quietly, being obedient like he was used to with adults. He looked up at the girl then away as he hid his face, he looked at the knife in his hand and hid it, he realized she was the girl he had robbed earlier, it was bad to be noticed for that. Avery looked at him confused as she glanced down at the knife, realizing what it was. She sighed and shook her head as she walked over and took a knife from the cabinet. The kid looked at her and then over at the living room " really is the end of the world... Are you looking for weapons?" he said softly. Avery nodded and kept going through the cabinets, looking for better weapons. The boy looked down then back up at her "We have some swords in the living room...two of them, my father liked to collect them, momma called him… what was it… a weeb?" he said softly as Avery headed right in and took them out of their case, a soft smile as she turned to the kid and patted his head "These are perfect, thank you…" he smiled at the praise "Josh! Call me Josh!" she nodded "Josh? Alright, you can call me Avery" she said sweetly. All of a sudden the door was being knocked and banged on, the windows were being broken, the house had been surrounded in Androids. Avery looked around in fear, immediately taking the sword out, the boy started shaking as he latched onto Avery. Pablo sighed and pushed the two up the stairs immediately, making them head into the first room he saw. "Stay in here, it's dangerous out there, close off that window, if we stay in here long enough they may forget we existed, they're dumb like that- I think…" he ordered them around till eventually the entire window was inaccessible. The little boy shook like crazy, it was like a panic attack, only this time it was calmed easily. Avery softly rubbed his back 'till he calmed, she sat him down as she got up and held both swords in her hands "Damn Androids… I swear they will never give up...". Pablo nodded and opened the door, behind it was maybe 10 Androids, all of them were covered in dried up blood. It was unbelievable how many people were able to die in 10 hours. Pablo immediately took his shot and reloaded it again, shooting one after the other. It was basically raining bullets non-stop 'till one shot right in the room, almost hitting the child. Josh moved over, screaming as he laid down and cried. Avery glared and ran over but was immediately stopped by Pablo, he kept shooting, as they fell down dead one by one. Avery sighed a breath of relief as she walked over and picked up Josh, comforting him then picking him up "It'll be okay, don't worry, I promise to protect you kid" she said softly, little did she know what would happen soon after. The kid smiled and wiped the tears away as he hugged her. Pablo sighed and looked out the door, checking the coast as he nodded. "Alright it's safe" Josh smiled and ran down the stairs again, Avery watching as she walked right behind him. By the last step, she heard a sudden scream as she ran down quickly, Pablo pushing her behind him as he turned the corner and made a quick shot, shooting its head right off. Josh laid on the ground dead, a puddle of blood around him and a gaping hole in his chest just like with her parents. She turned the corner slowly and looked down at the horrid sight, the kid she had just promised that would live had died. She felt horrid as if she had just lied and actually physically broke the heart of a hopeful child. " no no not again" she muttered as she sat down and held her head, she had a massive headache now. Pablo glanced overhearing more noises as he huffed and picked her up carefully and rushed her out of the house.