Avery clung on to Pablo as he walked quickly down the roads, all they saw everywhere, around every corner was an android or poisoned and rotten flesh or organs from a dead human. It was like nowhere would be safe, just another broken bloody husk on the ground or a mindless Android destroying or killing things. Avery sighed and held onto Pablo "What are we gonna do now… we have nobody… and nowhere to go, there's nothing here but death and danger" she muttered as she sighed again, she was out of ideas, and surely out of brain cells, she wished it was all a nightmare, a bad dream, she wanted her family back, this was dreadful for her. Pablo sighed and smiled "Let's leave the city then, it would be safer if we headed out to the country before the Android's get there, plus we need to see if anyone else is alive at all, we need to warn them" she nodded softly in agreement to the idea of leaving, it wasn't safe there, and they wouldn't last much longer based off the equipment they had. After packing up the food from before as well as getting some more useful items like knives and weaponry. They set up to leave the city and head out into the waste that laid ahead. Step by step they walked through the city, quietly and carefully 'till nightfall. Eventually they had reached the outer parts of it, it was full of open space and dead streets, it was rare to find any homes, and if they did then all the lights were either off of the vehicle was gone. Avery looked up at Pablo ``Shall we try and enter one? See if anyone's alive?" she said softly as she tugged his shirt. Pablo sighed and facepalmed as he nodded "Fine we may try ONE house, only because my curiosity on if anyone is alive is urging, and only one die to the point that I may run low on battery power and if I do then you're left all alone". Avery looked at him as if there were stars in her eyes, she was so excited to go see, but also full of anxiety and fear from the thought of possibly dying.
"Perfect! So shall we get going then?" she said with a slight smile as she started walking towards the dark building across from them. As they approached it the house lights turned on and a man emerged from the shadows, they were bent forward and holding a long cane-like object. The creature slowly started walking down from step to step until they were just 10 meters apart. Avery slowly unsheathed her swords and slowly approached the creature till she had a better view of it. It was an old man, he had silver hair that was shaped like horns, he was the basic grumpy old man, he showed no signs of kindness or positivity at all. "The heck are you doing in my fields? Stupid city idiots, get lost!" he yelled out at them. Avery sighed and handed the swords to Pablo as she slowly and carefully got closer to the angry man."H-hey hey hey, calm down man, we're just trying to find somewhere safe, the city isn't safe, we all need to get out of here, it's great you're still alive" she said with a soft sigh of relief. The old man glared and used his cane to push her away jabbing her away "Get off my property! Stupid teenager! I'm sick of all your dumb pranks!" he yelled at her some far off footsteps could be heard from the far end of the field, just hundreds of red dots, the eyes, were following the old man's every movement. Avery watched, they hadn't noticed her yet, they seemed to be attracted to destroying noises around themselves. Avery quickly grabbed Pablo's hand and ran as fast as she could, she looked at the old man and yelled out to him "RUN!!" she had hoped that he'd hear her or even be able to run fast enough and board down his house, but due to her yelling loudly, the Androids had become attracted to her as well, they could sense her speed and immediately started chasing as well, running quite fast till eventually they just powered off and laid dead in the field. Avery stopped and stared at them, confused about what was going on, but seconds later Pablo grabbed her arm and started leading her through the fields and into the forest to escape them.