As the two of them entered the forest they grew with fear, the fear of how many could've been in there by then. Avery looked at Pablo, the obvious fear in her eyes. "What do you think…? 30 or 40? Maybe even 80?". Pablo just shook his head, he himself was trying to remain calm. Nearby the two could hear the sounds of some bushes being shaken and branches being broken. The animals that would usually hang around within these parts were all gone, the birds, the deer, the squirrels and so much more, other than the sound of the bushes, nothing could be heard. Avery slowly started walking towards the bushes that were being shaken. The closer she got the more she could see the dark creature ahead, it appeared to be made of metal, a huge robot of some sort. Pablo walked up and stood in front of her, blocking the strange robot from being able to approach her in any way at all. "What is that?" he asked her as she armed himself. Avery looked up at it then back at Pablo "It's a mecha I think… like a robot people can drive, one that can only move by being controlled" she explained to him, they could obviously see that the mecha was moving around, meaning Someone was inside. The appearance itself was strange, it didn't look like the Android's or like Pablo, it was more hand-made. It had large metallic claw-like arms and the actual base of it was more round, kind of like a giant metallic ball but with spikes coming out all over it. Its spikes were a defense type of thing that would basically impale anything that tried to climb inside without consent.
Avery looked back at Pablo as Pablo looked at her. The two of them nodded together as they started to slowly approach the mysterious mecha. "Hello?" Avery would yell out to it, she had hoped the driver or pilot of it would come out and greet them, but she got no response other than a slight acknowledgement. The mecha had turned over at her then back away, as if it was giving them the cold shoulder. It frustrated her quite a bit, she took a long inhale to stay calm then exhaled slowly, she slowly grew closer and closer hoping for them to respond soon. "I wish to chat? Or maybe ask a few questions?" she asked, she finally got a real response. The mecha obviously had speakers for communication, but they didn't work well, it's voice was muffled and strange, but it was clearly saying "Leave. I hate kids." whoever was inside didn't seem too friendly, which put Pablo on edge. He walked up and stood in front of Avery, seeming to try and stand guard, though it was strange, his reactions were growing slower and slower. Avery had noticed it before but didn't ask at first, she looked over at him as she placed her hand on his shoulder "You okay budd?" she asked him, trying to be discreet about it. Pablo had a soft nod as he held his arm up to the mecha, he was ready to shoot the stranger. Avery placed her hand on his arm, of course it was scorching hot which just made her jump back and whine in pain, but she got her point across. Pablo put his arm down and deactivated the shot which was an absolutely perfect timing. After he did the stranger turned the mech over to face them, they couldn't see the inside of it, but the person within could see them. A soft chuckle came through the speakers "you two are idiot's- I like that. What's your name's?" they said more kindly, they found true entertainment through them. Avery looked up at the Mecha with a bright smile "I'm Avery! And this, this is Pablo, my Robot" she said in response, trying to remain happy through the scorching pain that resided in her hand. The mecha had started moving more till it was right in front of them, once it was 5 meters away it knelt down and the window opened slightly, although they couldn't be seeing through it anyway, the most that worked out in their situation was that the speaker wasn't necessary anymore. The stranger walked over to the window and poked their mouth out as they spoke "So what are you two doing out here? I rarely see anyone in the forest, ya know, cause it's a forest and all." they said, being a bit more pushy with their questions. Avery just smiled a little weakly "well we're kind of on the run? The city is basically infested in Android's, the M.A.D ones that were so famous for lazy families" she said with a soft sigh. Pablo was getting slower and slower with his reactions, something was up and Avery could see it, but the stranger in the mecha was keeping her busy. "So you're saying the apocalypse is happening? Funny. if that's so then what happened to get other humans?" he asked, seeming more stiffened in his words, as if there was slight fear in his every word, maybe he had a mental fear of them or saw too many TV shows. Avery got a bit held back as she held herself, rubbing her arms as if she was scared or cold. "W-well… ya see… most of the people from the city are Dead- the Android's are on a killing rampage, not many have survived from what I've seen." She said, fear slurred in her every word, Even she feared the truth herself. That everyone was dead, that they were truly alone, her family and the ones she would interact with on a daily basis, all gone, even if that was a small number of people, it was still a number at all. The stranger remained silent, the mecha didn't make a single movement until it started beeping like crazy, "weee-wooo" could be heard repeatedly, like a car alarm it went crazy as the bushes started to shake violently. The Android's started emerging from them in circles, "8...9...11...20!! P-Pablo we have to-" Avery yelled out in terror as she looked towards Pablo, Due to her inability to listen to two people at once he had powered down, out of life, "out of Battery.." she said in fear as she ran over and picked up his empty shell, looking over at the mecha, but it just stood there, the stranger inside was obviously inexperienced in battle. A slight sigh escaped her mouth as she drew the swords out, one after the other she held them out and placed Pablo down on the ground safely as she dashed straight at a couple androids, they held out their arms as a loud piercing sound played, they were getting ready to shoot, she started panicking as she ran, her hands were shaking violently from the fear as she went to slice at one of them, due to her shaking she had chucked the sword accidentally, causing it to pierce through one of their legs making it fall to one knee, a soft screech escaped it's lungs. "Is it in pain…?" she muttered as she panted from the anxiety of being brought to another life or death situation. She ran over quickly and took out the sword from its leg as she held it out towards it and took a couple deep breaths, she glanced over at the inactive Pablo and the motionless mecha, the person inside hadn't muttered a word since the Android's showed up. Avery sighed heavily and prepared herself again to try and attack till she heard a voice yell out "Avery move!" it sounded rough and rushed to be yelled, Avery rushed to run away but was a little too late. The mecha had shot out a beam at the moving Android's, leaving little burn marks on Avery from the heat of the beam being near her. She screamed out in pain as she held her arm and slowly tried to climb away, behind the mecha. She glanced over at Pablo then back at the mecha again as she pulled herself over to Pablo, keeping him behind herself as she held a sword out for protection, watching as the Mecha went stomping around on each of the Android's. "Woah… that's… actually kind of useful," she said softly. The mecha went on for another 10 minuets with Avery just watching in silence, till each of the Android's were unable to do anything. The second it was done the mecha turned back to Avery and Pablo and just suddenly stopped moving, it completely shut down as a door opened and a young man stepped outside of it. He had obviously dyed white and black hair, it was short and messy as if gelled back but not in place. His eyes were ocean blue and he wore messy dirty clothes that appeared to be a school uniform that looked as if it hadn't been cleaned in weeks. He stepped out and walked over to the two as he knelt down in front of Avery and Pablo. He had a very stern expression showing as he held his hand out to Avery. She was very hesitant to accept it at first but accepted it a second after. As the two of them stood up, Avery still carefully carrying Pablo, the male turned his head up towards his mecha then back down to the defeated Androids. " I can't believe this is really happening… I can't even process this correctly." he said as he turned his head back to Avery. Avery dismissed what he said and declined to acknowledge it. "We should get a move on, only god knows when and if they will wake up or if more would come… " she said as she looked at him with a bit of a sad look, He looked at her and smirked a bit "ah, Well come on in my mecha then~ It's safe inside and we can use it as a defense system if needed and it's great for traveling!" he said as he pressed a button on his wrist watch as the door had opened again allowing them to enter. As he entered she followed after him hesitantly, knowing she had to take precautions now that Pablo was powered off. The inside of the Mecha was full of coloured buttons everywhere with tons of levers and cranks on every wall. The floor was black and walls were painted red, there was five chairs, one in the front and two rows behind it as if it was made for a team. The male turned around over to Avery and smiled "Oh yeah, you can call me Zero by the way, Zero Explortion" he said as a proper greeting, as he took Pablo from her and placed him in the back seat.