
Life or death?


Everything felt so cold. It was like I was walking through a snowstorm. The cold felt like it was piercing through my body.

I walked through pitch blackness unable to determine where I was, why was I here, I didn't even know why I was walking. It was as if my body was doing it on its own.

After walking for God knows how long I saw something shine in the distance. It had an orange-yellow glow.

I paused for a second then ran towards it.

As I got closer the view became clearer and as I made out the scene in front of me I slowed down.

There was a fire dancing on the firewood in the darkness, casting it's orange glow on the old man sitting on the log in front of it.

I stared at him in disbelief.


He turned his head towards me and smiled.

"We meet at an odd place."

Well, no doubt about that. The place is very odd… Something suddenly crossed my mind and I sat down on the log across Huang-fei's and looked at in horror.

"Am I dead?"