
I’ll do something about it

I stood on the second floor lounge confused as fuck as to why those two were ignoring me.

I don't think I did anything wrong?

Are they angry because I drugged them all to sleep and went alone?

I frowned as I rubbed my temples.

I just came back from death's door and now I have to deal with this…

I sighed and looked towards the left corridor and saw Nora walking my way. She wasn't really paying attention to her surroundings, she was more busy devouring the ice cream in her hand.

"Nora?" She got a bit startled when I called her name but stopped to look at me. She didn't say anything to me and began thinking about something.

Then a smirk appeared on her face and she smiled at me.

"Yes?" She walked towards me.

She seemed suspicious but I ignored that, "Why is Azalea and Caesar behaving like that? I was the one who almost died."

She shrugged her shoulders as she began eating the biscuit cone, "Maybe because you're insensitive."

"I am not insensitive."