
The other tribes and the city

Before we planned on taking over the Hounds, the days were free.

Nora and I along with a few guards met with other tribe heads along with Hugh and Hius and I have to say their presence there had a huge impact.

It was only then that I realized how lucky I was that Hugh decided to be on our side. The only reason he sided with me was because he disliked Rama's demeanor. He believed he was too weak and would take the tribe to ruins but liked me.

He told me he liked my presence.

That it was firm.

Hugh on the other hand was quiet, he spoke little, much like how I used to in the past but now that I had to take leads I had to change. Surprisingly though the ability came to me rather easily. I thought I would have a lot of difficulty trying to communicate more but it wasn't like that. I was able to say everything I wanted to and moreover I did really well with leading the men. Perhaps this behavior of authority comes from me training and leading the Alucard men.