
The spiritual meeting and the entry

While we walked towards the forest there were many things that popped in my mind. Many questions, many worries, countless doubts that were making me anxious. I kept thinking what if Maya's grave was no longer there? It's been decades, someone could have destroyed it. Someone could have removed it to make something there. Maybe it was destroyed during some storm.

I had many things and worries in my mind but contrary to my expectations Maya's grave was still there. Under the huge boulder on which she died. I had made her grave in the hollow space under it to protect it from rain and storms but it wasn't just that. Something else was there that left me quite surprised.

What astonished me more was that it wasn't the only grave there.

Some kind soul had made my mother's grave right next to Maya's. I had no idea who it was but the only people I could think of who could have done something like this were the people from the slums.