
A new ruler

The three people on the stage were dumb struck, that was expected but many people around me were shocked too. Well, many of the older people must remember me since I often went to the city and visited places as a boy.

They began to whisper among themselves.

"This boy is spouting nonsense!!" Step mother was the first one to react, "Guards!" She looked behind her, "What are you doing!!" The three guards that were supposed to be behind her were no longer there. She had sent them to get me herself but none of them reached me.

"There's no use denying it step mother. You and your son, both are toxic to the tribe."

"Shut up boy! Caesar Hound died years ago!" She yelled back and looked at the guards on her side who came into action.

"T-That's right!! Caesar Hound is dead!" Rama said and I could see he was an idiot who only believed what his mother told him.