Caught by Surprise

Warning: Scene of attempted forced sex

Robbie POV

I accelerated to catch up with Tony. The road was not as packed as it normally is. I had two glasses of wine during the meeting, so it was good that it was not packed. To top it off, all the work and drama that took place made me feel tired, sleepy, and dizzy. My mind was racing with several questions and emotions as I was driving.

Why was this happening?

All I wanted was to be with Tony. I even gave up the idea of wanting him as my mate and just hoped that we could at least be friends and I could support him but…

Ever since we met, it has been a roller coaster of a ride. I was never able to speak to Tony without it escalating into a dispute.

I truly did not lie to you, Tony… I really did not...

I noticed my hands have turned cold. My vision was turning slightly blurry. My headache almost caused me to crash into another car as I held my head.

Forcing myself to ignore the throbbing pain in my head, I concentrated on the road. Fifteen minutes later, I reached the staff quarter where Tony stayed. After parking the car, I jumped down from it and ran up two steps at a time. Reaching outside Tony's door, I swayed a little as my vision got hazy again. I exhaled internally, trying to calm myself. I have to explain everything. I won't let this misunderstanding break us apart. I stretched my hand to rang the bell when,

"Don't! You will wake Twen up" I heard Tony's voice behind me say.

I quickly turned around to see Tony sitting on the stairs looking at me. He looked miserable. His hair was disheveled, his pretty eyes were puffy with dark circles, and his shirt was half out of his jeans. He got up slowly and came face to face with me.

"I thought you might come so I waited outside. You were faster than I thought" Tony said in a hollow voice.

"Tony" I started but found myself at a loss for words. I didn't know how to start explaining. He walked past me and unlocked the door.

"I did not think that you will leave your fiancee standing. Then again, you abandoned someone you got pregnant, I guess this gesture isn't that big of a deal" Tony said with a touch of sarcasm

These words triggered me. I wanted him to know that I have no relation with Sarah. There was no one in my life other than him. I stretched my hand and turned him around. It was difficult for me to see his face clearly but his scent was unmistakable. Somehow, his smell was too tempting today. Not only it escalated my headache but it was also arousing me. I left him and stepped back. I have come to tell him the truth and clear the misunderstanding. The last thing I wanted is for him to think I am a horny brat trying to take advantage of him to make him believe my words. I ended up holding my forehead. I was a lightweight but I never got drunk in two glasses of wine. This was not good.

"What is wrong with you? Is it some stupid ploy to gain my sympathy?" Tony asked.

Though his words sounded critical, I could still hear the concern underneath them. He is too soft. He could have easily got inside the house and slammed the door on my face. However, he noticed that I was not feeling well and got concerned. How could he stay so pure and affectionate after everything he had gone through?

"I had two glasses of wine. I guess the wine was too strong so I am a little dizzy" I explained.

"Come inside, I will get you a soup to heal your hangover"

I got inside behind him and sat on the couch. I leaned back and closed my eyes. My headache was killing me, but what pained me more was that Tony was upset because of me again. Yet, he cares about my headache enough to invite me in. He should have left me to suffer as I did with him!! What an idiot!!

I opened one eye to see what Tony was doing. I saw him coming out of the washroom after getting refreshed. He tip-toed to the door of Twen's bedroom and peeked in. Looking satisfied, he closed the door very softly. Then he walked back out and went inside the kitchen. I closed my eyes again until I heard a 'clink' of a china bowl being placed on the table in front of me. I sat up to see Tony standing before me and saying very formally,

"Drink it hot. It will help you with your headache."

I picked a spoonful and gulped it down. It was too hot, it burnt my tongue. Tony had a coffee mug in his hand and was sipping on it quietly. I placed the spoon back in the bowl and mumbled,

"She is not my fiancee. We never even formally got engaged. As soon as it was proposed, I canceled it."

Tony looked at me with a mocking smile and said sourly,

"Is it just me or have you gotten better at lying?"

"I am telling you the truth," I said feeling more helpless than ever.

"Have your soup, boss. You must be very tired of living a dual life and telling so many lies." Tony mocked, sipping on his coffee.

I have never seen Tony act this way. His every word was like a burning arrow piercing my chest. I clutched my fist tightly. Though we were sitting so close, I felt we were miles apart. All my efforts to close in the distance went down the gutter. Tony no longer believes me.

I lost all interest in drinking the soup letting my headache throb its way to my whole body. I tried again speaking in a hushed voice, afraid I will wake Twen up.

"Please believe me" I almost pleaded

"Robbie, just tell me what you want instead of beating around the bush. What are you trying to achieve by all this?" Tony asked looking at me.

"I just want to be with you and Twen," I mumbled.

Tony closed his eyes and sighed. He looked at me and then the soup bowl. He spoke in a dull tone,

"Since you are not interested to disclose your motive, just have the soup and leave. I don't have the strength to participate in your games"

I looked at him with a sinking feeling. His voice sounded so distant, there was not a tinge of the old familiarity. He appeared to have given up on me. I felt a strong wave of hopelessness wash over me. Is it really going to be over like this?

I held his hand as he was about to go to the kitchen and looked straight into his almond eyes.

"Ever since we met again, I did not lie to you. Not even once" I spoke seriously and truthfully.

Silence greeted my words. I saw Tony look at me for a while before wordlessly pulling his hand away. I saw him go to the kitchen and then to his room. I remained sitting there for a long time staring at the soup. I bowed my head and picked up the spoon again gulping down few more spoonfuls. It had gotten cold. I got up, feeling defeated. I decided to see him once before I leave because I did not know if he will ever meet me again. The moment I got up a wave of nausea took over. I forced it down and walked to Tony's room. I saw him kneeling down in front of a shelf, with a drawer open and him searching something frantically. He had changed into an oversized T-shirt and loose pants. He didn't hear me enter until I was right beside him. Fear filled his wide eyes as he stared at me.

Since my head was so full of miserable thoughts that I didn't immediately register his expression. I blinked to see him clearly. He looked strange. Though his eyes were full of fear, his face and neck were red, his breath was coming in gushes and there was a bit of sweat on his forehead.

I was just wondering what was going on when I caught a whiff of a smell that turned my mind blank immediately. It was a smell I can never forget. It was this that led to all the in-moment decisions that I took. It was Tony's heat pheromones. With my headache and slight drunkenness, I got completely overwhelmed by the overpowering desire taking over my mind. I felt all my reasoning and senses leaving my head and losing control.

Before I knew what I was doing, I caught hold of Tony's oversize t-shirt and started kissing him aggressively. One of my hands crept beneath his t-shirt exploring his chest while the other held his wrist. I felt Tony's hand on my chest and face, resisting but just barely. Pulling Tony by the waist, I pushed him down on the floor. I held his wrist above his head with one hand and with the other pulled his t-shirt up...

Are both of us doomed to always meet such a sad fate?

Was it again going to end with me hurting Tony?