
Adonis opened the car door for me, his hand took mine and he helped me exit. I grunted, the motion causing sharp twinges on my ribs. His hand wrapped around my waist to steady me. For one tiny moment my heart stilled. His face close to mine, eyes searching my face for pain.

"You're ugly after crying, little sis," he smiles,

"Come on let's go inside. You look like you need sleep." The moment escaped me, and then I found myself regretting how easily my heart swayed. Seriously if I don't get my shit together. He's my boss and nothing can ever happen. I scolded myself as we made our way to the door. He looked at me expectantly when we arrived.

"I don't...I don't have my keys," I said realizing,

"You'll have to get the key I have hidden. It's over there in the rocks." I pointed, down at the small succulent garden I had. Small river rock filled the rest of the garden and underneath some over grown moss rose was a medium fake rock. Adonis moved downwards the steps and began to look for it. Picking up several rocks before seeing the different looking one. Pulling the key out he raised it to me smiling.

"Am I the first man to get a key to your house?" He grinned. He already knew the answer. Ugh, that woman told him. We moved inside and stood in the doorway awkwardly for a moment.

"Sooo... welcome to my house. Um I'll get the fest room ready..." I said turning to head upstairs. He caught my arm before I could leave.

" Do you have a chair?" His eyes showed worry, "I don't want to sleep in the fest room. You're supposed to be looked after. You're not supposed to take care of me. Just put a chair outside your door. If you leave the door open I can keep an eye on you."

"No, you don't need to! I'll feel bad if you go through all of that. I could sleep on one of the couches and you could take the other," I suggested. Looking over at me two mismatch sofas. One of them a brown leather, if a sheet was thrown on it, it's not so bad. The other was cloth couch. The back of it was hard wood covered by a thin piece of synthetic leather, and I added large pillows to cushion it. It was old and a lot of the fabric had been torn or deteriorated. This couch was probable the most uncomfortable thing I ever laid eyes on.

"Aurora, please just let me take care of you for one day."

"Adonis, it's not that," I started.

"Then lets get you to bed," he insists, taking my hand.

"Fine, but you can't stay in the hall. There's a comfy chair in my room, I'll sleep on it and you take the bed. I've slept on it hundreds of times." I exaggerate. We moved upstairs together slowly, his thick hands steadying my waist. I grunted and whined as we ascended. Any movement agitated my injuries. Upon entering the room Adonis, against my wishes took my large round chair. Though with his bear like stature, the chair looked small.

"Wow this is a comfy chair. I think I'll sleep here." He said sternly. I rolled my eyes, too tired to argue. I sighed deeply. Looking down, I realized, I never changed out of the two hospital gowns, the nurses had covered me in them when I arrived at the hospital. I also never got the shower I had been craving. Nervously I looked at the bathroom door.

"I..." I started but didn't know what I wished to say.

"You should shower. I'm a little hungry so I think I'll go downstairs and wait for some food to be delivered. Hope you like Chinese." He walked out the door. I don't know how he can read me so well, I thought closing the door. I thought about locking it but changed my mind. Adonis would only come in if I got hurt. With a head trauma, I didn't want to lock myself in a room for fear that I might pass out.

The shower felt healing, though I tried not to think about what my former friend had done, occasional images of the attack flashed in my head.i took this moment of solitude to cry away my inner pain. Finally, my tears had dried up, my stomach awakened.

"Good, you're down here, come here." I could tell the food had been here for some time but Adonis waited for me. We ate in silence. I loathe silence but with him it just seemed comforting.

"Thank you, y'know for today."

"I was just doing what I should as your captain. I'm personally going to make sure nothing like this will every happen to you or any other woman on the department. The rest of the crew feels the same way. Honestly we are gutted."

"I know you guys got my back. Though when the news breaks, I'm not sure what will happen to my case. I don't know if people with criticize me or the department. I'm worried that he won't be the criminal."

"Luckily there are tons of witnesses. Apparently he's been harassing you and making comments behind your back to other shifts. Another city employee said that he attempted to grope her a few days ago. She kept it quiet because he's been an outstanding Engineer for 5 years and she didn't want to be labeled a trouble maker. Needless to say we are gonna have to have an HR meeting about this." He folds his arms brows furrowed. The muscled on his arm bulge out making the flaming Maltese cross protrude.

"I don't blame anyone. Danny had a very playful personality, so I never felt that he was truly dangerous maybe my sense of people is off. I do wish the others would have said something but I'm glad they are willing to testify."

" I understand your meaning, but we can't let this go unchecked. You girls should feel safe and confident to come forward. You ready for bed?" Once settled in our places, I fell asleep, the day had worn me. My body was heavy with exhaustion. Sleep can be healing.