
I awoke the next morning bathed in warmth, the sunlight flitted across my blanket. I sighed heavily, my head still foggy. Everything ached, I would rather just stay in bed, nuzzling in the blanket deeper. My face immediately connected with flesh. I sat up shocked. The motion caused me to groan, and Adonis to jerk off the edge of the bed. I could that see he was as far on the edge that he could possibly be. I stared still processing.

"N-no no. It's not what you're thinking," he starts, pointing at me, "You, you we're having a nightmare and I tried to get you to stop thrashing around like a fish out of water, and YOU GRABBED ME. I tried to escape! You're just freakishly strong." Heat filled his face. Deep bags under his eyes twinged my heart, I knew he was up most of the night because of me.

"You're kidding right," I smiled, my voice teasing,

"Now I'm gonna be the woman that shared a bed with my captain."

"It doesn't have to be that way, I can ask you to be moved onto a different shift. You might be more comfortable that way anyway," he didn't catch my

taunting tone.

"Adonis, I know I'm an aggressive sleeper, I used to cling to my dad when ever I napped with him. I probably just thought you were him. No worries, as long as you don't fall in love with me."

"Who could love someone who snores so loudly?" He chuckled.

"I do not snore!"

"Sure, whatever you say little sis. We better give your mom a call. I can't take care of your ass for 6 weeks." Pulling out his phone, an old flip pone he dials the number.

"What the fuck man, you living in the 90s?"

"Ugh, don't start, I broke my smartphone and my dad bought me this to replace it. I just can't hurt the old mans feelings. Why aren't they answering."

"You know you're quite tender hearted. Also your dad's name is Tom, honestly didn't see that coming." He looked up at me and rolled his eyes and tried the number once more. I left my phone at the station so there was no getting ahold of my mom as I did not memorize her number. Smart phones just save them so there wasn't a need.

"Don't suppose you know where they went do you? I swear if they aren't back tonight I'm filing a missing person report."

" I need to get some stuff from the station I can call after that."

"Are you sure you want to go back? I can get one of the guys to bring it to you."

"I want to go back, " I said standing firmly.

Upon arriving to the station, all bay doors were open, trucks gone. Is it another fire, I considered. I felt relieved that no one was there. We entered the bathroom where all my belongings remained. A thick sadness fell over me, and anxiety filled my chest. The room had been cleaned and my items washed, folded and neatly piled. My heart, though heavy felt full at the care my department members took. My phone lay atop the stack. When I grasped it, the screen came to life. Dozens of missed texts and calls from Randy Smith, my mother, and a few numbers I didn't recognize. I dialed my mom first. It rang several times before finally going through.

"Baby, how are you feeling?" My mother's voice sounded happy.

"Is that Aurora," Tom's cheerful voice echoed in the background. The sounded like they were having fun. I didn't want to ruin it for them.

"I was just calling to check in and let you know I'm fine," I said, "No need to rush back. Have fun!" I quickly hung up. Adonis glanced at me, eyes pointed. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well, are you gonna be okay tonight? Unlike some people, I have to go back to work. I don't get a six week vacation." Grinning we left the station.

"I can call Randy if anything comes up."

"Randy Smith? Are you really that close," he questioned.

"Why are you jealous," I teased and then sighed,

"When my dad passed away he was there for my mom and I. He devoted a lot of time into being a father figure for me. For the longest time I wished my mom and Randy would date and fall in love. If that happened we would be a real family."

"Things don't always work out the perfectly. I heard how your dad died and I think it's big that she's dating at all. When my mom passed, my dad was sad that he lost the mother of his son, but he was at peace with it. She had cancer and by the time it was discovered it had spread to her colon. My dad was just glad to know he'd see her again. Honestly I don't know how anyone could be at peace with your father's case. His murderer is still out there. There's no clues, no paper trail, nothing." He said as we stood outside the car. From his voice I could tell he had a deep sense of love towards others. When he talked about my dad's murder anger filled his voice.

"Tom really makes my mom happy. I might not get the family I thought I wanted but I think I've gotten one I need. Besides, if not for your dad, I wouldn't have a pretty cool big brother," I smiled, punching his left shoulder with my right hand. As my fist connected with it, his right hand crossed over his chest to hold my hand in place. His eyes searched my face for a moment then slowly he released. It motion felt intimate. Awkwardly, I coughed, looking away. We stood like that for a moment until finally he sighed, and opened the car door.

" I just want you to know, my dad promised my mom that he would never marry anyone else. Honestly it's not what she would have wanted and I hope that he changes his mind, so that he can be happy. More than that I hope your mom can except him for the way he is." He looked over at me sheepishly.

"I am sure the two of them are capable of figuring out their relationship. Though my mom wants to get married again, she still respects Tom. Also do you not know her name? All this time you've never called her by her name. How long are we gonna go before she is more than 'your mom'" I teased.

"Guilty, I don't know it but to be fair the first time I met her was at the hospital. I wasn't properly introduced."

"Fine, fine. Her name is Anna. Call her that from now on." I stated. We drove on bantering like that back and forth. Six weeks without lights and sirens was gonna be a pain in the ass.