Cleansing Skills

Kalpow frowned after figuring out the exact age of the seals placements. 'These seals must be the result of the skill technique. Fu… ignoring the question whether or not these seals are harmful or not, the soul will still receive damage due to the restrictions of the seal. Now I just have to see whether or not these seals are poisoned…'A cold sweat dripped from his forehead. He felt extremely anxious but still continued to get the answers. 

With a small incantation, he looked through the depths of the seal qi. He was silent. "Go." A cold voice reached the prisoner's ears. Saying no more, he left the room to see a guard waiting for him. 

Kalpow silently looked at the skill book. Previously, he traced the book to find if there is poison added or not. The results he got were positive but never did he imagined that the poison would be so well-hidden. He fell in thoughts. "Is it possible that my identity has been discovered…? No! That's not possible unless someone planned the whole thing which is near to impossible. Then for what purpose was this skill book poisoned? It is honestly impossible for the Prince Consort Lambert to survive for three months after learning the entirety of the skills." At this point, Kalpow again formed a hypothesis. 

"Hm… certainly, it's a well-thought trap but the reason remains unknown. I'll inquire about it after cleansing the book… Fu… If I didn't have a lab rat, I would have probably learnt the skills hastily mind is an absolute mess right now. I have to find a distraction…" Looking around the room, he found he had found a couple of research papers in disarray. 

"Welp, might as well draw my kids." Taking out a blank paper and inked pen, he started drawing with a smile. A few minutes later, Kalpow smiled in satisfaction as he looked at the thin paper which depicted two small kids looking like twins - one boy and the other girl, showing their white teeth. "Those two would surely fight over this picture if I showed them…" 

Kalpow's life on Earth was bittersweet. His parents died when he was eight and he doesn't have any relatives. Struggling with finances, he did part-time and lived on his own. As for his studies, being an extremely hard-working student, he earned the praises from teachers and got a scholarship in one of the best universities in his country. A few years later, he got a high-paying stable job. 

Right after getting his job at twenty-four, he married his first love he met in the university. A year later, his wife got pregnant. He soon learned of the fact that his wife was pregnant with twins and got worried. Fortunately, his wife's constitution was healthy and the twins were born soon which made the family more lively than ever before. However, happiness never lasts forever. Three years later, due to conflicts, he divorced his wife and he started raising his kids alone. Few months later, he got transmigrated… 

"Hopefully, father-in-law and mother-in-law got the news of my disappearance quick." He clenched his fist and hardened his resolve to go back to Earth. With this newfound determination, he slowly put the drawing in his spatial bag and started devising a cleansing method.

"It's a bit tough to clear out the entirety of the weird seal qi but it's not impossible. The previous Kalpow's knowledge on purifying and alchemy skills were top-tier. The interesting thing is that these already overpowered skills will get even more overpowered if the seal qi were infused in the skills. From just a look, I can tell that the destructive power of the qi is on a whole another level compared to normal qi. First, let's break the chains." Performing some hand seals, the chains bounding the seal qi broke apart. 

Prior to this, Kalpow prepared a formation to trap these qi which he now activated. The qi was now trapped and had no way to break free. "Next. I must remove the poison but I need some herbs for that…" Fortunately, the herbs required are not rare and he already had them in his spatial bag.

Taking out more than forty herbs, he burned then directly and now took the skill book holding it at a distance which didn't let the heat to effect the book. "The gas evaporating will thoroughly cleanse it. Now, the last thing I need to do is infuse the qi in my body. That's going to be a bit risky but I have a plan B prepared in case something goes wrong."

A few minutes later, after cleansing the skill book he fell in deep meditation trying to create some connection between his qi and the weird seal qi. 

Fours hours passed. 

In the meantime, the spirit ship slowly approached the Otherworldly Imperial Divinity Palace. Even though it's called a palace, the area alone covers 12% of the whole Divinity Realm. The reason it's called a palace is because the Grand Emperors (high-ranked Prince Consort) as well as the Highest Ruler Empress Divinity resides here. It is to be noted that there are countless superpowers in the White Divinity who, by combining 70% of the total forces excluding the Divinity Palace, can contend hand-to-hand with the several hundred Grand Emperors. However, a single Empress Divinity has the prowess wipe out every single existence directly ignoring the man power! 

Golden Sovereign discussed with his crew about his recent assassin assault and came to a conclusion. "Whether or not there's any inner politics involved, I must report it to the Empress to remain on the safe side." His crew agreed with his decision. "Now that we're almost there, one of you go and inform Brother Kalpow."

In the room Kalpow had already wake up successfully infusing the qi a few minutes ago. He was currently checking the condition of his body looking for some abnormalities present or not. After not finding anything, Kalpow's mood brightened. "Seems like there is no problem but even if I do, I always have a plan B!" With the mind break he received earlier, his cautiousness jumped on a whole other level. 

"Your Majesty Lord Kalpow, Lord is requesting for your presence." He heard a voice outside the room and got up. He opened the door to find a subordinate who led him to the place Golden Sovereign is. 

After a few seconds, Kalpow saw Golden Sovereign with a smile on his face. "We are about to arrive soon. Brother, can I trouble you regarding the assassin case?"

"What are you planning to do?"

"This… brother, I'm planning to make a report to the Empress. Are you against it?"

Kalpow smiled. "No. I'm not against it but I advise you to not report the matter directly. If you do as I tell you to, then it would be safe for both of us. Trust me. I won't deceive you."

Golden Sovereign thought a bit before smiling indicating Kalpow to continue. "It's like this… report everything that happened from the last weeks truthfully. As for today, report that the assassin suddenly committed suicide. Remember to not hide about my existence. That's it… and oh, eat this as well." Kalpow took a small white pill and tossed it over to Golden Sovereign. 

Golden Sovereign was a clever man and instead of asking for reasons, he immediately ate the white pill. Kalpow smiled and asked a few things before arriving at his destination. 


"If you have spare time, come to the Awards Ceremony." Golden Sovereign spoke as he flew away with his crew. 

Kalpow smiled and nodded. "Let's see… my mansion should be somewhere around this area. My servants should be coming to see me at any time now…" Just as Kalpow was looking for his servants, he noticed several men and women in the dragon-marked blue attire. Leading them was a handsome young man with deep eyes. Each step they took caused the ground to tremble. Seeing them, Kalpow flashed a meaningful smile. 

With serious expressions, they made their way to Kalpow disregarding the shocked and confused gaze of the public. Just as the distance between Kalpow and them was a little more than one meter, they hurriedly knelt on one knee. 

"We welcome the return of one of the four great Immortal Emperor, Lord Kalpow! Please provide us with your guidance from now on!" The leading man said in a solemn voice. He was one of the close subordinates of Kalpow, Garen. Hearing him, the people in the area panicked and hurriedly knelt. 

Kalpow chuckled. "Bring me to my mansion first." Garen stood up and nodded. In few seconds, Kalpow entered his mansion. He dismissed his subordinates and told the servants to prepare a bath. Kalpow could only dryly laugh at the size of his bathroom. 

Dipping his lower body in the moderately hot water, he slowly let out a sigh and called a servant. A male servant hurriedly came and stood behind Kalpow. Noticing his presence, he spoke, "Before returning to the Divinity Realm, I told a servant of mine to find the exact locations of those lower realms planets where Space Distortion is occuring. Are you informed?"

The servant respectfully said, "Yes, we are informed. The search has been completed."

Kalpow's mood brightened. "Bring me the records." Without saying any more, the servant left. Space Distortion is a phenomenon which occurs which the space surrounding a planet suddenly cracks. There are many causes for it. One of them being transmigration! Reincarnation is a natural phenomenon so it doesn't disturb space. 

Transmigration is a violation of rules but it's not uncommon but it requires an external factor. However, the twist is the Divinity Realm doesn't allow transmigrations and it's not to be misunderstood that the reason the 'new' Kaplow transmigrated is because he was not in the Divinity Realm. The requirement for not transmigration is simple - "Those who stepped foot in the Divinity Realm are safe from sudden transmigrations."

Not to mention, the 'real' Kalpow's soul was extremely strong and developed. These are one of the few questions Kalpow would probably never get an answer unless he decides to get the answer. But, Kalpow was too obsessed on returning to Earth to care about these things. 

Soon, the servant came with a green jade slip on his hand, passed it to Kalpow and left. Kalpow looked at the jade slip and activated it allows the information to flow through his mind. "There is too much information. Let's filter it with 'planets with 4.6 billion years of history'."

"Ugh… There's still too many. Add 'blue planets' to the filter." Searching for half an hour, he finally found his home - Earth!