Mysterious Fox Masked Man

Tree 75, 5 Star Hotel Restaurant.

Many people gather here for a good breakfast and almost everyone here discuss the same thing. A handsome young man in blue jeans jacket was sitting in the corner enjoying his breakfast, while erecting his ear hearing the lively discussion.

' Hey, do you know about what happened last night?'

' Yes, its all over the newspaper.'

' Damn it, i come here to buy some good value Mink-tribe for a new pet., if that Mysterious Fox Maksed man...'

' Hushh.. Dont talk to loud, what if you will have the same tragedy as them like last night?'

' Oh yes..' the man wiped his sweat that appear on his forehead.

' We nobles and rich people should enjoy life, those slaves are one of them we should enjoy..'

' Yeah, but sadly. All the slaves where being release by that Mysterious Fox Masked Man.'

' But i heard, theres still some slaves left, ferocious Pirates that were not released by him.'

' Yes you are right, there are still some ferocious pirates not released by that man, yes do you know how many auction / slave house being destroyed in one night?'

' All of it ! You didnt read it at the newspaper? All of it, not only the auction/slave house. But the Kidnapping gangs too. Besides the slaves were released, all treasures also get stolen. '

' Then what happened to the people owning those auction/slave house, and the kidnapping gangs?'

' Ihh.. Terrible..Do you remember Page Two from the Beast Pirates that was caught by Adam the bounty hounter?'

' Adam? Bounty Hunter? You mean the handsome young man who caught 3611 pirates in 45 minutes with a total of 7.2 billion berries? Page Two? Ohh the one who lose both his arms?'

' Yes, the people related to the auction/slave house, and the kidnapping gangs have the same tragedy, they lose their arms.. Do you know Disco? The one who is under one of the Shichibukai, Doflamingo?'

' Disco? Yes i know him, the boss of the biggest slave house right? What happened to him?'

' Terrible !! Very very terrible ! His head was pierce directly from the throath to the top of his head by a wooden stick, and the wooden stick was inserted on the number 1 mangrove tree along with a huge note left on the tree by the Mysterious Fox Masked man..'

' Hey you over there, we are having breakfast here. Damn it..'

' Sorry.. Sorry..'

' Dont mind him, what note did the Mysterious Fox Masked Man left?'

' A sentence only. Beside Disco Head, the sentence were 'ALL RACES ARE EQUAL' , below it was a letter ' A ; marking his alias..'

' Disco head was a threat, and the sentence was his note. Ihh terrible.. What is the meaning of ' ALL RACES AS EQUAL' '

' I dont know'

' How about the slaves, where are they? Did the Marines didnt catch them?'

' Stupid, why should the Marines catch them? They are happy with the slaves running. Some 'Underworld' organization already posting the Mysterious Fox Masked man a huge bounty. And from the Marine Local Headquarters which is located at 60 tree, to the tree 1 is quite far. The Marine Local Headquarters is at south, while the tree 1 where the slaves gather at North West .'

' 'Underworld' bounty? How high?'

' 1 billion ! But theres no other characteristic of that Mysterious Fox Masked man, it will be hard to catch the real person.. And also, not long the Excalibur will appear, many think that this year is very lively..'

' 1 billion? Haha thats a lot, and also angered some Underworld forces, including one of the Shichibukai, Doflamingo. It wont be long to be catch.. '

' 1 billion is actually nothing, do you know how many slaves and loses in one night? Here you read the newspaper title is enough for you.' The man throw the newspaper toward his friend.


The man look ad the newwspaper big title in the front pag with shocked look.

' More than 10000 slaves? Where did they go?'

' They run from here with many huge ship stolen from the pirates.. Including the 25 pirate ship belong to Adam.. People says that Adam was the culprit, but they have no evidence..'

Hearing the discussion of last night, Adam who is sitting in the corner enjoying his breakfast appear a smirk on his face. Remembering the incident last night, Adam felt into a thought.


Since leaving Shakky's bar, spending a day gambling making the casino's almost bankrupt together with Rayleigh, and being blacklist and probihited to play again. Adam spend the second day shopping, buying many books, including navigation tools. Such as paper for maps, different island super expensive Eternal Log Pose. Tasting different kinds of foods, and souvenirs almost a day until bored.

Finally Adam pass through a auction house that is going to happened, after paying an entrance fee. Adam sit on the vip seat leisurely.

Looking at the auction the same like on the Earth, and looking the treasures or jewellry being auctioned, Adam felt bored. Until a living being start to be auctioned.

' Okay everone i think felt bored.. Now we will enter the mainstage.. First item, Human, Female, 16 year old, very beautiful, the most important is still virgin, and guaranteed... Starting Price 500.000 berries.' The ugly auction host start opening the bidding


' Virgin? Wow.. She also look beautiful.'

' 500.000 !'

' 510.000 !'

' 700.000 berries !!'

Adam heart turn into very ugly, but his face still calm. Adam felt into meditation thinking about the slavery in this world, and felt really bad. This slavery system in this world should be abolished. Adam determined and follow Fisher Tiger acts, and make this world upside down.

' 1 million 200 thousands berries! She is mine ! I will use her as my will on the bed ! HAHAHA' a wretched ugly uncle said a loud with the current highest bid.

The slave girl which wear a beautiful clothes from the auction house, and a collar bomb on her neck. Her trembling body starts to trembled more after seing the ugly people who bid her, tears keep flowing since the start he enter the stage feeling very humilated.

' 10 million..' Adam bid raising his placard


' Bastard, what are you doing? Are you kidding? A human reaching 10million.. Do you have the money? Hey the host ! What kind of auction house is this?' the wretched ugly uncle who bids 1 million 200 thousands berries stood from his sit and roar angrily toward Adam.

' This.. This guest with the placard number 27, are you sure to bid her for 10 million berries?' the ugly host ask with his disgusted smile.

' yes, im rich. My name is Adam, you heard from the newspaper yestarday.. Remember the 3611 pirates, i caught? Thats me..' Adam said leisurely crossing his right leg.

' This.. Oh yes Mister Adam.. Ofcourse i remember, so 10 million once.. 10 million twice., 10 million, the deal ! Congratulation to Mister Adam here..' The ugly host said after seing Adam face..

' Damn it..' the ugly uncle sit back and endure..

' That is Adam, whoah he is handsome like in the newspaper. ' the guest on the auction house whispers.

' Yeah, i heard 3611 pirates he caught he get a total of 7.2 billion berries, and thats not include the pirates treasures.' Someone said envly.

The slave woman on stage hearing the discussion in the infront of her felt a little bit relief, while looking at the handsome man who bids her.

' Atleast he is a bounty hunter, and still handsome' the slave woman felt a little relief.

' Next auction, a 20 million pirate, suitable for a mount, bodyguard, for the arena, etc,. ' next was a pirate with ferocious face being drag by the auction workers, enter the stage, while the slave woman back to the back stage.

With Adam Immesurable Senses, and high Observation Haki, Adam can see that the pirate on the stage were a bloody person, he can feel his previous innocent people killings. So Adam, lost interest.

' Next, 121 children. 80 of them was man, while the rest is woman. These people before were Oprhanges, being caught by pirates after destroying their hometowns. With the collar bomb attached to every one of them, and no way home, they will obey you to do anything. The oldest is 14 year old, an average of 9 years old. This will be a package, cant be bid in one only. The starting price is 55 million berries..' the host said while a huge picture appear which was inside a huge prison, showing 121 children in their weak condition, and depressed expressions.

With the 500.000 berries as the starting price of humans, 121 human a total of 60 million 500 thousand berries. But was sold in a package with 55 million berries as the starting price.

' Interesting, if i bought them, i can let them kill each other, and the last who stands maybe will be my powerful bodyguards..'

' 121 children.. Train to be a killing machine will be intersting..'

' Haha so many cute children, their flesh will taste good..'

Hearing the discussing disgusting rich people around him, Adam felt very disgusted in his heart, but still show his calm face.

'71 million twice..' the host start counting with his wretched smile, and the man who just won the intense battle bidding the children raise his head and chest in a proud way.

'100 million' the man who just bid felt bad and look toward Adam with his angry eyes.

' 100 million, 121 child human with an average over 800 thousands berries, its already too high' a man talk not too far infront of Adam.

' Yeah, im confuse what will that man buy for?' the man beside the man who just talk.

' 100million once, twice, deal ! Congratuliaton to Mister Adam, you can your slaves at the end of the auction.' The ugly host said kindly with his disgusted smile.

For the next hour, Adam keep buying the slaves which he look pure and a good person, while the pirates who was caught to be a slave was directly ignored.

Until at the end of the auction, everyone now knows how rich Adam is. Entering the vip room, Adam wait for a moment until was leaded to the slaves prison .

Adam look toward almost 270 slaves he bought, spending a lot of his money buying them. The almost 300 slaves also look toward Adam with ther different kind expressions.

' Hello Mister Adam.. the total is 880 milliion berries.' The host before said respectfully, but his heart was a bit confused looking at Adam didnt carrying any money with him and felt nervous.

' 880 million? Oh okay.. ' then a huge pile of cash appear in the floor infront of Adam neatly when he waves his left hand.

' You count yourself.' Adam said and walk to a chair not too far from him, and sits. Then he look toward the slaves he bought with different races, 1/3 of them is human, the other is different races. From Dwarves, Mink Tribe, Longarm Tribe, longleg Tribe, Snakeneck Tribe, Fish-men, 2 male and 1 female giant. Adam didnt saw any Merfolk before, after asking the person sit next to him before. Adam knows that Merfolk is very rare.

Several people were dumbfouded with the berries appear out of thin air, the auction house staff, including the slaves Adam bought.

' Hey quickly, count it.' The ugly host awake then tell his men to count.

10minutes later..

' Mister Adam.. This the key to their collar bombs, this button on the key is to detonate the bomb on their collar. ' The auction ugly host come to Adam bringing a lot of keys with different size.

' Oh ' Adam touch the keys with his left hand , and all disappear into his Storage Ring.

The slaves which is looking hot at the keys suddenly felt pain in their heart seeing the keys disappear.

Looking at the disappear keys, the ugly host shocked for a moment, then smile saying thanks.

' Thank you for coming to our auction host, welcome you again anytime..' the ugly auction host sait with respect.

' Hmm.' Adam nodded then turn to look at the 270 slaves behind the ugly host.

' Follow.' Adam said casually and walk out of the disgusting auction house.

The slaves all look together, until the giant male spoke.

' Follow him, if dont want death.' The giant male said to everyone present.

' Yes.. yes.. huuu...' the 121 human children adam bought all cried, only the eldest one keep calming his younger brothers and sisters..

Then 270 of them quickly follow Adam with their difficult steps and nervous, depressed expressions. While looking at the auction horse workers angrily.

A handsome young man walk calmly on the lawless area, followed by 270 slaves behind him in orderly manner. Many people quickly give away after seeing the man leading them infront.

' Adam ! Never Provoke ! A crazy young man who even dare to rage two of the Four Emperor.' They thought in their heart.