
Adam with his Doctor level.99 with him, he also master in acupuncture technique. In his mind, there is a method to do it. So even Koby doesnt have the 50 times cultivation speed like Nami, Koby still can quickly raise his strength faster than 2 years like before he promoted to a Rear Admiral. Maybe in half year, Koby already has the strength of Vice Admiral.

" 5..5..1" Koby then fell unconscious, but Adam quickly catch him before he fell with his face to the deck.

" Ahh..Adam what happened.." Nami said worriedly.

" He lose unconscious, right now his body even touch by a feather will pain very much. " Adam said and very gently lay Koby on his back on the ground and spread his legs and arms.

" Im going to acupuncture his body. " Adam take out the acupuncture kits.

Adam start with one needle inserted to his forehead. Then he insert many needles to Koby body, covering Koby like a Porcupine.

" Whats the effect of this Adam? Did he feel pain you insert many needles to him? " Nami ask with curiousity.

" Im locking the strength in his body so it wont disappear, then erase some of his dark injury on his body. He will fill very fresh when he wakes up. No, he doesnt feel any pain when i insert these needles to him." Adam said then look at the stopwatch beside him.

Seing the stopwatch counting to the exact number Adam needs to wait, Adam quickly pull some needles out of his body. Then a black liquid full of disgusting smell pour out from the Koby pores.

" This.. what is this.." Nami said closing her nose.

" Its the dark injuries that have been acumulated for so long inside his body, from toxins, bad cells, virus and other things. This is actually good, you can see his skin becoming more white and feel more smooth, yes actually i need to do this to you. But i just remember, your next after this." Adam said kindly to Nami..

" Whitening and smooth skin!! Quickly my turn!!" Nami said excitedly.

Adam look at Koby who was sleeping comfortable and wake him up..

" KOBY!! " Adam tweak his ear and shout.

" Yes teacher !! " Koby quickly sits up and said respectfully

" Wow, he is full energy again.." Nami said.

Koby remember he fell unconscious before, looking around. There is some dark and slimy things on his body, and very smelly.

" Teacher, this is?" Koby ask.

" You fell unconscious because of too tired and your body cant handle it anymore half an hour ago. Now you clean this mess, and continue the push up, start from zero again." Adam said seriously.

" Good teacher !! " Koby quickly went to the Janitor Room to take the cleaning tools.

Adam carry Nami in princess and went to their room and enter the bath tub. Gently lay here, Adam start to undress her.

" You.. What are you doing.." Nami said embarassedly

" It will be dirty later.. Im doing it for you.." Adam said with a smirk.

" Ummm." Nami close her eyes embarassedly.

After Nami was naked, Adam start to acupuncture her with new acupuncture kits.

" Dont move, it doesnt hurt. When the toxins were all out, you can move.." Adam said to Nami gently.

" Umm.." Nami hums.

Adam start to acupuncture Nami with the other method, only releasing the toxins on her body.

" Why do i feel the toxins in my body was much more than Koby.." Nami said weekly.

" You drank alcohol, thats ofcourse, dont move and talk." Adam said gently.

After seing all the toxins were out of Nami"s body, Adam undress, turn on the shower. And go inside the bath tub together.

" Adam.. No.."

No need to describe, Adam and Nami will ofcourse do their shamefull things.

After a good bath, Nami look at herself in the huge mirror and shocked.

" Is this me? Im so beautiful.." Nami said touching the skin on her body and face.

" My wife is always beautiful.." Adam appear behind her and hug her gently.

" Next time when we go back to Cocoyashi Village, you need to do this to Nojiko. She will be happy, no woman doesnt like to be beautiful." Nami said happily.

" Umm." Adam kiss Nami cheek and leave her alone and went upstairs to meet Koby.

" 1671" Koby keep doing his push up.

" 1672"

Looking at Koby that was still greeting his teeth fighting the soreness and pain in his body. Adam was very satisfied.

"2000" Koby said and weekly lay on the ground.

Feeling being looked upon, Koby look up and quickly sit straight and greet his teacher in respect.

" Teacher.." Koby said respectfully.

" How.. Before you 551 push-up you fell unconscious, now 2000 only tired, amazing right? Next rest 15 minutes, and do 2000 sit-ups, rest 15 minutes, 2000 Squats, 15m rest, and last 100km run, do it every day. Fight the pain, if you fell unconscious again, i will help." Adam then sits calmly and drink his hot tea.



2 days has passed, Koby keep his intense workout, beside eating and sleep for 8 hours. Nami too, continue her workout and Six Power until lunch time.

Adam and Nami can already see the Polestar Islands where the Logouetown city located is from the bow.

" That Marine ship is huge...." Nami said exclaimed.

" That a special ship only for Vice Admirals.. " Adam said.

" Vice Admirals.. I still dont have the strength to fight people with that ranks.." Nami said weekly.

" Its okay, soon you can even fight with Admirals calmly." Adam said patted Nami head gently

" Umm.." Nami said embarassedly and giving a comfortable look.


Gion, the Vice Admiral from Marine Headquarters who was responsible for monitoring Adam. She cross the Calm Belt, then also went to Conomi Islands to handle the corrupt cases reported directly from the Fleet Admiral.

Gion current state is very angry, she lost trace of Adam a month ago, and now stills waiting at Logouetown. She doesnt care about hiding her presense and ship port on the Logouetown, because she know that if Adam saw it, he doesnt care.

" Vice Admiral Pink Rabbit !! The ships that was described by some witness appear not too far from the port !!!" A young woman in marine clothes reported quickly without knocking the door.

" Finally !! Tell everyone to standby ! Told Captain Smoker too.." Gion said while picking up her Konpira a sword katana type one of the 21 Great Grade Swords, from the table, hang on her waist, pick up her coat hang on the coat rack, wears it. And quickly went to the deck of the ship she park at the port of the Polestar Islands.

She can already saw the ship real appearance, and keep waiting while holding her sword on her waist. She saw two person on the bow of the ship which finally stop 100m from her ship.

" HAHAHHAA, Vice Admiral Pink Rabbit.. What are you coming here for? Or you have been looking for me all this time and wait here? " Adam shout with his left hand on his pocket, while his right hand held the Excalibur with the blade on his shoulder.

Because the Excalibur has no scabbard, Adam can only carry it on his right hand and put the blade flat on his right shoulder, without any worry hitting his own neck.

Currently on the port, there were also many Marines, with a man leading infront, unbottoned Marine jacket, white hair and two cigar on his mouth, beside him was a beautiful female marine in black hair wearing a rectangular glasses and a sword on her waist.

Adam know their identity, the man was Captain Smoker, while the other was Tashigi serving under directly Captain Smoker.

Everyone hears Adam words, make everyone furious. Especially all the marines on Gion boat which was all female. Female can be said to be easily angry.

Looking at many angry eyes looking at him, Adam didnt care. Only care the curiousity of Nami eyes beside him.

Gino actually didnt angry too much with Adam, but after hearing Adam words guessing correctly, she quickly take the sword from her waist and swing it toward Adam.

Adam look at the "Flying Slash Attack" coming toward him, Adam can feel the strength of it just by looking at it. If he evade, the ship will directly cut into two. So Adam didnt evade but directly appear infront of the "Flying Slash Attack" and swing the Excalibur in his right hand.

Adam Excalibur directly touch with the "Flying Slash Attack" a defending sound was not heard, only everyone can see that the attack from the Vice Admiral Pink Rabbit dissipate.

Adam stand on the air looking at Gion with his smirk.

Looking at Adam smirk face, Gion angrily swing her sword giving many "Flying Slash Attack". Adam still calmly appear infront them, and make them all dissipate.

For many times, Gion keep attacking with her "Flying Slash Attack", while Adam just keep on defending and making the attacks dissipate.

Everyone felt amazed looking at the fighting from a strong swordsman, even some civilians on town also gather to watch.

Nami and Koby also watch with amazed in their faces.

But everyone can see, that the handsome man was in upper position, while the female swordsman was tired.

" Can you stop defending and attack like a man ! Are you looking down on me? " Gion roar angrily

Adam look at the really angry Gion and sigh.

Then Adam slowly swing the sword in his right hand toward the sea right beside him. Without any "Flying Slash Attack".

Everyone was confused looking at Adam swinging the sword in the other direction, but suddenly they were shocked.

Civilians who watch in fun some fell on their butt.

Nami and Koby also opened their mouth in shock.

The Marines fell cold sweat appear on their body.

Only Gion face turned more angry after looking at the scene.

The sea was divided into two up to far far away in distance, when they look up. The sky was also divided into two in a very long distance.

Then the sea on two sides slowly fell and pour like a waterfall towards the middle position.

" If i attack, i dont know how you will defend.. We have no grudge between us, why should i attack you?" Adam asked calmly.

Adam didnt wait Gion answer and walk calmly on the air, held Nami waist, put the ship on his Storage Ring. Koby who was not too far from Adam looking at the ship he stands disappear, quickly garb Adam leg and hung on it.

Adam ignore everyone and quickly go toward the Loguetown.