Reverse Mountain

Gion look at Adam who is already on his ship sailing, and remembering Adam words.. Gion suddenly flushed embarassedly and quickly order her soldiers disperse. And she herself went back to her room on her ship, take a quick bath, and tiredly sleep.

While Smoker and Tashigi, and his soldiers also disperse. They felt helpless, they know the man is very strong and its useless to chase him.

" Koby.. Continue your practice.." Adam said to Koby behind him.

" YES TEACHER.." Koby said respectfully.

Adam havent drop Nami who was still in his arms, and look toward Nami face which was looking at him calmly.

" I love you." Adam said it seriously.

" Umm.. I love you too." Nami said calmly.

The scene felt silence, and Adam walk toward the Sunbed on the frontside of the Flybridge, and sit with Nami there still in his arms.

" Who else? " Nami ask.

" What is it.." Adam tried to be confused.

" Is she in your dream too?" Nami ask.

" No.." Adam shake his head half truth, he really doesnt know much about Gion.

" So, what about the other Woman in your dreams. Tell me, even though i can share you. But i want to know about them, and be prepared." Nami said touching Adam cheeks.

Adam felt sorry for Nami that he was too selfish..

" Oh we are going to Grand Line now.. Theres a woman that has been running from the Marines and World Goveernment, for almost 20 years since she was 7/8 years old. Her hometown..."

Adam tell about Nico Robis past, including the Ohara incident.

" She was betrayed many times by people adopting her, she joins many organization to hides herself." Adam also tell her about the people who betrayed her.

" Its so pity.. Sister Robin.." Nami said with tear on her face.

" Umm.. While keep running and hiding, she dreams to know what the "Void Century" is. She will try to do anything to read a Poneglyphs.." Adam said and explain about the Poneglyphs to Nami.

" Do you know where she is? Lets invite her to join us, im sure with you she will be safe and no need to worries to be captured anymore " Nami ask.

" Yes, currently she were in Baroque Works, a criminal organization created by one of the Shichibukai, Crocodile. The organization work to take over the Kingdom of Alabasta. They often function as bounty hunters and take down pirates in order to earn more money to aid their operations. These bounty hunters were persuaded under the false goal that Baroque Works" objective was to build an ideal nation and that performing well in the organization meant higher sosial status in said nation. The more important tasks of the agents were to spread lies and rumors in Alabasta about their king, Nefertari Cobra, in order to launch a rebellion againts him. They did this by releasing the illegal substance Dance Powder to cause a drough in the country."

" All these missions together led toward the takeover of Alabasta and Crocodile"s ultimate goal, acquiring the Ancient Weapon Pluton this is said to be hidden somewhere in the kingdom. Many of the agents doesnt know the highest leader which was called Mr.0, the identity is actually Crocodile. "

" So we now go to Alabasta, save the country, defeat Crocodile and invite Nico Robin to join us.." Adam said .

" Good ! Ill go to the Wheelhouse to navigate.." Nami said happily.

The ship has been sailing toward for 1 day until reaching the entrance of Grand Line. Currently the weather was so bad, which was raining and the waves raging.

" Can this ship be done ? Nami? " Adam look at from the Wheelhouse asking Nami beside him calmly.

" Give it to me.. You need to prepared if we hit the ship hit the mountain.. " Nami said spreading her map.

" Mountain? " Koby asked, while Adam is calm.

" Yes. Exactly i have a hard time believing it myself when i look at the map ! But look ! The Lighf of Guidance which was the lighthouse was directly pointing at Reverse Mountain located here on Red Line." Nami said while showing the map.

" Does that mean we have to crash through the mountain? " Koby asked nervously.

" No, theres a water way right here." Nami point to the middle of the Reverse Mountain.

" A waterway? That crazy ! Even if that waterway really is there, theres no way a ship could climb up a mountain ! " Koby said in disbelieve

" But thats what the Map says.." Nami said helplessly.

" Yes, we are gonna climb up a mountain with this ship. Interesting ! HAHAHAHHAHA ! " Adam said with enthusiasm..

" Teacher, will it be okay?? " Koby ask worriedly

" We have the best Navigator the whole East Blue here with us. Even something happened, ill not let the ship crash.." Adam said seriously.

" Adam, you have cross the Calm Belt, why dont we go directly ? " Nami ask

" Hmm. For many people Calm Belt is hell because the nest of sea kings. But for me, its nothing. We climb up the Reverse Mountain because it was fun.. " Adam said and pointed infront of him.

" Look. The lighthouse is there, the waterway was also there. Lets goo !! To be the Emperor of the World !! " Adam put his hand forward.

" To draw the World Map, and adventure !! " Nami put her hands above Adam"s.

" I.. i want stop the pirates era !!!! " Koby said putting his hands above Nami"s

" Good !! Lets Go !!! " Adam said shouted excitedly

" Go !!! "

Nami control the wheel nervously, Koby watch beside her. While Adam go to the bow of the ship excitedly.

The ship already follow the currents, toward the the waterway. Since the ship were already riding the currents, all need to worry about is steering the wheel properly.

Reverse Mountain is a winter island so the currents that hit its edge will tavel down to the bottom of the ea. So if the ship fail to enter the waterway, the ship will crash and get dragged down to the bottom of the sea.


" ITS THE ENTRANCE TO THE WATERWAY ! " Nami said and focus her steering skills.

" The ocean is really going up a mountain.." Adam said excitedly seing the first time..

Adam believe with Nami skills, surely enough. The ship easily enter the entrance of the waterway and climb up toward the mountain.

" We did it !! " Nami said excitedly.

" Pheww.. I thought it was dangerous.." Koby wipe the sweat on his forehead

" Hahaha, My Nami is the best.. " Adam said hugging her and kissing her cheek.

" Ahh.. Dont.. I still need to handle the steering.." Nami said embarassedly

" At the very top, the four currents from four Blue"s will merge and climb down to the Grand Line, since we are already riding the currents, all we have to worry about is steering properly.. " Nami said seriously.

" Ahahahaha Good.. " Adam said going to the bow standing excitedly

" I can see the Grand Line up ahead!!! " Adam said looking at his front

" Now all we have to do is go down.. " Nami shout..

" Full Speed !! Nami !! " Adam shout excitedly.

" BUOOOOOH !!!!!!! "

Adam suddenly felt more excited hearing a whale bellowing. While going down, Adam can already a huge black mountain infront the exit.

" A mountain !!! " Nami and Koby said in shock.

" No ! Thats a whale !!! " Adam shout excitedly

" Adam !! The ship will crash toward that whale !!! " Nami shout

" Oh yes.. Laboon !!!!! Go away !!!! I ll tell you where the Rumbar Pirates are !!!! " Adam shout excitedly while using his Voice of All Things .

" Hmmm? Rumbar Pirates !! I have been waiting forr so long !! " Rab excitedly said after seeing a ship was going down from the mountain, and Rab quickly give away..

The ship finally exit the waterway and park at the lighthouse nearby.

" Is that a whale? So huge... " Nami said after landing on the lighthouse and look at the huge whale who were looking at everyone excitedly.

" What happend to his head, it was full of injury.." Koby said in pity..

" Because he was waiting for certain group." A old man in flower head says walking out from the lighthouse.

" Who are you? " Nami ask, Adam just look at him calmly..

" Its a common cortesy to introduce yourself before asking others questions you know?? " the old man in flower head said then sit leisurely on his chair.

" Oh right.. Sorry about that- " Nami said embarassedly but was interrupted by the old man.

" My name is Crocus, the lighthouse keeper of twin capes. Im 70 years old, A gemini, and type AB blood" Crocus said calmly

" Youu !! I want to him !! Dont stop me Adam !" Nami said angrily and wants to go forward, but was hug by Adam behind.

" Hahaha.. That man is annoying, i already know he will interupt you. He is strong you know, he once was the ship doctor in Roger Pirates.." Adam said laughingly..

" Roger Pirates.." Nami said tremblingly and stop going forward.

" Whoahh.." Koby is also shock.

" You, Adam right. Btw, 3 days ago, Rayleigh come here from Sabaody to have a chat with me, then he climb the Red Line from here directly toward New World.." Crocus said calmly.

" why dont he just climb the Red Line directly from there? Or go from Fisherman Island?" Adam ask dumbfoudedly.

" Oh, that person is weird.." Crocus said calmly.

" Cough.. Old man, can you tell Laboon story toward both of them.." Adam said pointing toward Nami and Koby.