Vivi”s night

Until its time for dinner, Adam cook and eat togther with all people on the ship.

" This morning we were still at Reverse Mountain, but many things happened in this day." Nami said while eating.

" Umm. Meeting Old man Crocus, and Laboon. Then go straight toward Cactus Island, meet Vivi and Igaram. Now with the ship speed, we can arrive at Alabasta in 6 days.. " Adam said..

" Thank you Adam.." Vivi said with gratitude.

" Quack !! " Karoo quack lazily after on the floor with his stomach full.

" No thanks.. We are friends.. Isnt?" Adam said with a grin

" Ofcourse, but you wont stop on elsewhere? Its okay we are not in hurry " Vivi explain.

" Hmm. No need, do you want to stop Nami? Koby? " Adam ask

" No, its good i can practice in the coming days.." Nami said shaking her head.

" Yes teacher. No need. " Koby said with mouth full of food.

" Then just go straight to Alabasta.. " Adam said with a grin.

After dinner, Vivi and Nami keep talking chatting happily. Koby went to workout again. Seing Koby working out, Igaram also follows.

While Adam just lay leisurely on the Sunbed on the frontside of the Flybridge.

At night when everyone asleep, Adam went to his room where Nami was.

But when he open the room, Adam stood still.

What he saw was Vivi in her underwear and braless looking at the door that is opened in shock, looking at the perfect figure which was not worse than Nami.. Adam stood there looking at it, until Vivi shout and he awake.

Then Vivi shout and quickly cover her chest.

" Ahhhhh.." Vivi shout covering her chest and get into the bed and cover herself with the quilt.

" What happened? " Nami ask worriedly out from the bathroom with her bath robe.

Nami look at the door, where Adam stood still embarassedly rubbing his nose. Then she look at the bed where a small hill can be seen which was Vivi hiding there.

" You.. Havent gone out yet? " Nami ask calmly with her smile.

But Adam can see the anger on it.

" Cough..I dont know, she will sleep here.. " Adam said embarassedly.

" For the next 6 days, she will sleep here with me. You go watch out, this is Grand Line.. Sea Kings and dangerous weathers come and go.." Nami said calmly.

" Good.. Vivi im sorry.." Adam said toward the quilt and quickly went out and close the door.

Hearing the door closed, Vivi peek out from the quilt and look at Nami apologetically

" Sorry Nami.. "

" Its okay.. " Nami said kindly to Vivi and continued.

" Actually i m the one need to say sorry. You are too beautiful, and Adam is interested in you. I can see it. And i dont mind it" Nami said and sit beside Vivi on the bed.

" Are you okay with him interested with me?? " Vivi ask confusedly.

" Handsome, very powerful, kind heart, even though a bit perverted. I know i can have him alone, we have talk about it.. I dont mind him find another woman, just to make sure he doesnt stop loving me the same as always .." Nami said with helpless expression.

" He is too selfish.. " Vivi said angrily.

" Yes i know.. But, its helpless. You see, he is too powerful in bed, i also cant handle him alone.. " Nami said boldly.

" Nami you.. talking those kind of things with me.. So bold..." Vivi said embarassedly.

" Hehehe... " Nami smile and didnt care.

" Yes Nami, previously he did something to me too. But i hope you dont mad i just talk to you now.." Vivi said weakly.

" Hmm? What did he do?" Nami ask seriously.

Then Vivi explain when he was pick up before.

" Is it.. Let me see.. Wow its big. Your still 15 right.. Its almost as big as me.." Nami quickly sit on Vivi stomach and message Vivi"s breast below with her two hands.

" Ahhh.. Nami.. dont.." Vivi said weakly trying to get out from Nami clutch.

" HAHAHAHHA..." Nami laugh excitedly

Seing Nami didnt stop, Vivi also attack back.

" Ahh itchy,, dont there ahh.. AHAHAHHA STOPP. " Nami said laughing weakly from Vivi tickling skills.

Then two woman start attacking each other until both of them tired and lay on the bed.

" Vivi, do you want to have your skin to be more white and smooth? And having a healthy body? " Nami ask with a smirk on her face..

" Ofcourse !! " Vivi said quickly

" I can help you with that.." Nami said seriously..

" How?? " Vivi quickly sit ups and ask excitedly.

Nami sits and said to Vivi seriously.

" Thats it.. Do you want ? " Nami ask

" Ofcourse, but does not need to be naked like you right ?" Vivi ask embarassedly

" Lets find him and ask.. " Nami said taking off her bath robe, and wear her sexy night gown..

Vivi embarassedly also take out her nightgown but it was not to revealing like Nami"s.

" You are going out with this clothes, is it okay?? " Vivi ask nervously.

" Oh yes, there still Koby and Igaram. I dont know if they were asleep yet.. Oh yes.. "

Nami use her Observation Haki and locked Adam presense.

Feeling beeing sense, Adam who is laying leisurely on the Sunbed thinking about Vivi figure he saw just now raise his eyebrows.

" Adam come !! " Nami voice was heard when she shout from the window.

Adam quickly appear infront of the door and knocked.

" What is it Nami.." Adam ask.

" Come. " Nami opened the door and pulled Adam inside..

" Here... Vivi also want to remove the toxins in her body too.." Nami said pointing to Vivi.

" Umm..." Vivi hums and nodded embarassedly..

" Okay.. " Adam said calmly.

" When should we start ??? " Adam ask

" Now, lets go to the bath tub.. " Nami said pulling Vivi toward the bathroom, and Adam follow calmly but his heart was excited..

Looking at Vivi with her night gown which was not short and revealing like Nami"s. Adam still gulp, because her night gown fit her body very much showing her perfect figure.

" Adam.. " Nami awake Adam from keep looking.

Vivi is very embarassed with Adam behaviour.

" Cough.. But you need to take the clothes off..." Adam said scratching his head and look at Nami beside him.

" Hmm???? " Nami raised her eyebrow and ask.

" That, i need to see the exact point for the needles.. Also, the needles will bring harm if it pierce through the clothes. Because, the fiber or dirty germs from the clothes will get inserted toward her body too, thats why it will bring harm if wearing clothes.." Adam said truthfully.

" This... " Vivi sits up embarassedly and burried her head on her knees..

" Can still if Vivi only in her undies? " Nami ask calmly.

" Hmm can, but need only to cover the points.. " Adam said calmly.

" Okay then.. You wait outside the bedroom.. " Nami wave towards Adam..

Adam quickly out of the bedroom and waits outside excitedly.

" Vivi.. Do you still want to continue? " Nami ask kindly

" I.. its embarasing if only in my undies.. " Vivi look up and said with her face already red like an apple..

" But it will make your skin more white and smooth, removing the toxins in your body.. Your body will feel very light, comfortable and stronger.. " Nami said seriously.

" This.. But.." Vivi words were interupted by Nami.

" Its okay. If he does something shameful to you, he will be responsible.. " Nami said with a grin.

" Nami you... You are forcing me .. " Vivi said weakly.

" Hehehe, come.. Lets change your undies.. "

10 min later, Vivi and Nami were infront of the mirror.

" Nami, is this too much ??? " Vivi said embarassedly.

" No, you only need to cover your two parts on your chest and here ." Nami said hugging Vivi from behind and touching gently

" Ahh.. Dont touch there Nami.. Its very embarassing. " Vivi said quickly remove Nami hands from her gentials..

Nami smirk and look at Vivi who was topless with only a tape covering the pink and pointed part. While below Vivi wears Nami"s g-string, with the only clothing covering her gential, with the strips only a string..

" Do you need to shave this.. Look mine is very beautiful.. " Nami saids showing her smooth pubes

" Yes.. Please.. I dont know how.. " Vivi said embarassedly looking at the mirror that there were hairs still shown because of the small g-string

" Good.. " Then Nami pull Vivi to the bathroom .

Let vivi sits on the chair, Nami get on her knees and open her legs and try to shave gently and carefully.

" Nami.. This is too embarassing.. " Vivi said covering her face with her hands.

" Its okay, relax dont move.. " Nami said and pour the shaving cream toward Vivi"s pubes.

" Ahh so cold.. " Vivi said feeling the coldness from the shaving cream.

Nami then help shaving Vivi"s pubes.

10 minutes later, looking at the smooth pubes of Vivi, Nami excitedly kiss toward there.

" Ahh Nami.. What are you doing.." Vivi who keep covering her face then push Nami head.

" Hehehe, it look very smooth. I cant stand it.. " Nami said embarassedly and cutely.

After cleaning with the water, Nami told Vivi to lay on her back on the bath tub and herself call Adam who was still waiting outside..

" Adam.. Come.. " Nami open the door and quickly pull Adam toward the bath room.

Adam saw Vivi who was closing her eyes, topless with two tapes cover their pointed part., while below only covering her gentials with the strips strings only. Her breasts didn"t slump at all, they just stood proudly up like the most beautiful mountains imaginable.

" Cough.. Vivi, remember not too move or it will hurt you. " Adam said after coughing embarassedly and taking out his new acupuncture kits.

" Umm.." Vivi just kept closing her eyes and hums.

Adam then start to insert the needles one by one to many parts of Vivi, including her breast part and some near of her pubes and gential.

" Ahh..." Vivi moans when Adam insert on her breasts..

" Ahh.." Vivi moans embarassedly again after feeling the needles near her pubes and gential.

Adam finally insert all needles and wiped the sweat in his forehead. The sweat appear not because of tired, but to control his lust.

" Dont move, until i tell you so.. " Adam said to Vivi who kept closing her eyes with her face was already red like an apple.

" Umm." Vivi hums cutely.

Adam look at the white cloth covering Vivi"s gential which was spotted wet.. Nami also see it but didnt mind.. Nami look at Adam still sit waiting there, looking at his tent on his pants. Nami quickly kneel infront of Adam and take out her favourite thing and quickly suck it and rub quickly with her lips and hands.

With Vivi is still there closing her eyes, and Nami boldness below him. Adam quickly get off, Nami is too with her own hand below playing herself.

Looking at the smiling Nami, wiping her mouth she quickly stood up again beside Adam. And Adam quicly zip his pants again.

" Im going to take out the needles, dont move and stay still until i say so.. " Adam said to Vivi who hums back.

After pulling out the needles, soon the dark toxins on her body pour out, and it was smelly same like Koby and Nami..

" Its slimy, and smelly so much.. " Vivi said opening her eyes and look at her body..

" Yes.. Wait until it was all out of your body, and you can clean yourself." Adam said

" umm." Vivi hums and close her eyes again.

" Ok you go out Adam.. " Nami said smiling.

" Ahh, okay.. " Adam said picking up the acupuncture kits and put on his Storage Ring and dump it to the sea later.

Hearing the door close, Vivi open her eyes and look at Nami angrily.

" Nami.. You did shameful things with him near me.. " Vivi said angrily

" Ooopps.. i thought you didnt saw it.. Im sorry hehehe.. " Nami said embarassedly.

" Hmmph !! its not dirty ?" Vivi sigh and ask interestingly.

" Adam is very clean, and his liquid is also delicious not like in the books describe.. Maybe other man is not clean and taste disgusting.. But Adam is not.. " Nami said without any shame..

" Is it?? " Vivi said moving her legs itching..

" Hmm.. I see you need help.. " Nami quickly clean Vivi"s body and jump toward the bath tub after seing it was clean and help Vivi"s get off too.

" Ahh.. Nami.. Dont.. " Vivi said no but didnt push Nami with all her strength

Nami ignore Vivi and open the tapes on Vivi"s breast , looking at the pink and pointed, Nami bite and suck gently with enthusiasm, while her hands were restless.

" Noo.. Dont.. Ahh.. " Vivi said no, but her legs were spreading slowly letting Nami hands.

" Noo.. no.. Nami... Ahhhh " Vivi reach her orgasm and lay breathlessly on the bath tub..

" Hehehehe.. Lets take a bath again.." Nami undress and bath together with Vivi.

Adam who was outside finally grit his teeth and peek with his Observation Haki, when he saw and heard their situation. Adam try hard to go directly join them, but finally Adam calm himself and think that it was not the time yet..