Wano Situation

"Are you sure only a duel? Your state is very bad.. Whitebeard.. Did your sons know ?? " Adam said raising his eyebrow after using his Observation Haki toward Whitebeard body.

Adam strong Observation Haki can also see the state and condition of a certain person or other living beings, beside seing the future..

The Whitebeard Pirates all confused and look at their "Daddy" who was sitting on the main seat.

" Little Devil.. Are you underestimating me? " Whitebeard looking at many of his sons looking at him, then glare at Adam angrily.

" We know he was in bad state. But its not very bad like you said. " Marco suddenly talk and look at Adam.

" Ohh.. You ask yourself.. " Adam said with a smirk looking at Whitebeard.

" Little devil... you-" Whitebeard pointing toward Adam who was smirking angrily.

" Daddy. Did you hide something ?? " Marco ask worriedly .

" Yes Daddy.. Please tell us.. " Ace ask worriedly too

Soon everyone approach Whitebeard surronded him and ask worriedly.

Looking at the many of his sons looking at him with their worried expressions. Whitebeard sigh and said something made the whole people on deck shocked. Only Adam remains calm.

" 2 years. "

" This.. How can you hide it from us. If we know we should find another doctor that can handle." Marco said

" What doctor, i already have the best doctor we can found treating me every day.. " Whitebeard slam the deck with the bottom pole of his Murakumogiri a massive naginata, belong to one of the 12 Supreme Grade Swords..

Everyone felt silence again.. Looking at the Adam smirking face, Whitebeard ask again .

" Lets go, sail to the nearest island. Ill fight with the little devil. No one can stop me.. " Whitebeard said loud..

" Cough.. You got 2 years left, fighting with me only will shorten the distance.. You see, another request maybe ? Like delicious food.. Btw, im the best cook in the whole world." Adam said with a grin.

Everyone stare blankly at Adam, even Whitebeard hearing delicious food a bit tempted, then he quickly denied in his heart. But just as he was about to talk, Adam next words make him helpless.

" Yes, beside the best cook in the whole world. Im also the best doctor, although i cant make people come back to alive from death.. atleast i can treat you enough to live for 10-15 years more.. It depends wether you keep continously using the Quake Quake Fruit or not.." Adam said with a smirk

Hearing Adam words, every Whitebeard Pirates eyes lit up then they turned to look at their "daddy" again..

Soon everyone surrounded Whitebeard again and persuade him, making Whitebeard heart warm and helpless too.

" Hahaha.. Whitebeard felt headache. " Rayleigh look at Adam and said.

" Hahaha.. wait. This.. a child ? What is it ?" Adam ask kindly and patted her head at the faintly short violet hair girl and violet eyes wearing a light green kimono poking Adam legs and looking up at Adam with her cute face.

" Big brother.. What is big brother Name ?? " the little girl ask cutely.

" Adam. Whats your name ? " Adam squat infront of her and ask back kindly.

" Tama ! Wow.. So Big Brother Adam the one who defeat Kaido ?? " Tama said with worship in her eyes.

Adam shock hearing her name, because Adam know that she was the first person Luffy meet when first arriving at Wano..

" Yes.. This.. Why are you here ?? " Adam ask kindly.

" I.." Tama didnt answer and sadly glance at Ace.

Ace feeling being look, turn his head and look toward Tama. But then soon he turned his head again ignoring Tama, with his angry face.

" We met her at the Kuri Beach, at Wano.. Then she keep following us, especially when she knows we know Ace. When we leave Wano after clearing Orochi and his mens, then the Beast Pirates, we prepare to get back home..She sneak into our ship.. With our weak and tired state, we didnt found her.. " Inuarashi who was not too far from Adam place sitting on the deck drinking with his mummy state explain..

" You know why Ace is angry to you right? Then, you want to go back ? " Adam ask kindly looking at the sad cute Tama.

" Umm.. " Tama nodded cutely.

" Nekomamushi, Inuarashi. Why dont you stay at Wano first and hurriedly out of the country still with your bad state? " Adam ask turning to look at the two mink tribe.

" ahhh.. this we are going to pick up some of our soldier to station there until Oden"s son arrive 3 year later.. " Inuarashi said embarassedly.

Adam turned to look at Rayleigh, Inuarashi and Nekomamushi one by one reading their face..

" Hahaha.. you run.. " Adam laugh..

" You.." Nekomamushi point at Adam angrily.

Inuarashi and Rayleigh just drink embarassedly

" Orochi and the beast pirates were dead, but the yakuza stills there. The factories is still there.. " Inuarashi said lowly.

" How about Oden"s daughter ? " Adam ask curiously.

" She is with the two Nine Red Scabbards, Ashura Doji and Kawamatsu. Shimotsuki Yasuie the previous Daimyo also with them.. Currently they .. cough .. takeover/staying at Onigashima.. " Inuarashi explain..

" Then the yakuza take over the shogun ??? Who is it ? " Adam ask agian

" Ohh. Kyoshiro.. The boss of the yakuza group called the Kyoshiro Family.. His swordmanship is very strong. He hides very well, stronger than Orochi.." Nekomamushi said weakly holding his belly which was wrapped by the bandage

" Then ill go there. Wait for them.. " Adam said patted Tama head gently and look at the Whitebeard Pirates on the other side talking..