Excalibur Invincible Ability

Being stare by Adam, Kozuki Hiyori felt embarassed and glance elsewhere..

" Umm.. Okay then.." Kozuki Hiyori nodded .

" Then you will be the Shogun of this country.. The Daimyo you choose yourself. Ill go now, and you and everyone here will handle the factories.. Destroy it... The polution is too heavy toward your people.. " After saying that, Adam disappear.

Seing the disappear Adam, everyone confused.

" This.. Where is he going ? " Kozuki Hiyori ask

" He should be going to the yakuza"s.. " Nekomamushi said calmly

" That man is really strong ? I dont feel any powerful breath or momentum from him, beside the Excalibur which giving me the feeling of majestic and ancient." Ashura Doji ask to Nekomamushi and Inuarashi..

" If white beard is " Strongest Man in the World ", and Kaido is " Strongest Creature in the World". Then Adam-san is " Invincible " " Inuarashi said seriously.

Everyone hearing Inuarashi explaination felt cold in their backs, but after thinking that Adam was not a bad person. They all felt relief..

Adam just now teleport and arrive at the shore of Onigashima region, which was the island east of Wano. Then he look toward the distance where the other 6 regions are located, after seing the spot he wanted to teleported into. Adam teleported.

Adam keep on teleporting on the whole 6 regions, exluding Onigashima.

Starting from Udon, located southeast of Wano. An idustrialized region of weapon factories where the lower-class are forced to work to exhaustion and death. Prisoner Mine, Executive Tower, Rock Quarry, Prisoner Iron Factory, Port Tokage.

Hakumai, located northeast of Wano.

Ringo, located nort of Wano. Ringo has wintry climate, and is mostly wastelands. There are Northern Cemetry, Oihagi Bridge, Underground Chamber and Port Kaeru on the Ringo region .

Kibi, located west side of Wano Country. Like the previous place Adam teleported into, much of it is a wasteland with factories located on top of rock formations. Beside the factories, the other known landmarks was Neko Port.

Kuri, located in the south of Wano Country. The biggest region of all seven regions, most of Kuri is a wasteland, but there is still many towns; Amigasa Village, Okobore Town, Bakura Town, etc,. . The landmarks of the Kuri region was the Kuri Beach, The Ruins of Oden Castle, Paradise Farm, Mt. Atama, Graveyard, and Itachi Port.

The last one was Flower Capital, located in the middle of the other 6 region, it can be said the Capital of the Wano Country. The rich lives inside the city, while the poor lives outside. The capital is divided into areas known as districts ; Red-Light District, Rasetsu Town, etc,. .

In the center of the Flower Capital, was a huge castle located on a huge plant. Currently, the Flower Capital was a bit ruins. Ruins from the revolution fight of the Kozuki Family and the Kurozumi Family.

Currently, Adam is standing on the air on top of the huge castle. With Adam Observation Haki, Adam can see many figure inside were doing a huge banquet.

The people inside were all the yakuza"s, country officials, remains of the Orochi followers.

In the main seat, there is a large man whose light blue hair is pulled back in a topknot that forms a massive faux-pompadour. He wears a dark blue kimono with circles and target patterns on it, as well as blue, high-collared cape.

With Adam Observation Haki and his "Voice of All Things", Adam can feel the corrupt, cold-blooded, and other bad aura from the people inside doing their huge banquet.

Adam held the hilt of the Excalibur at the back scabbard with his right hand, and pull the Excalibur out of its scabbard.

Adam held the Excalibur with his two hands on the hilt, and raise the sword up infront of him. Adam then fully attached his Conqueror"s Haki toward the Excalibur. While focusing toward all the wicked people at Wano Country. With attaching the Conqueror"s Haki, Adam"s Observation Haki was also directly increase in length and can easily wrap the whole Wano Country.

" From now on. All the wicked people in this country will surrender to me ! "

Adam voice was heard by all people in the whole country, those who were sleep even awake and look at toward Adam direction.

All people at 7 regions of Wano Country look toward Adam direction. Many people soon gather and look toward Adam direction. They can feel someone very majestic calling them. All people state was awake and without any pressure.

But soon, all the wicked people in the whole Wano Country fell on their knees and hands directed toward Adam direction.

The nearby people looking at the people fell on their knees and hands all were shocked.


All the wicked people in the whole Wano Country shout loud with respect. Making the people nearby them confused too.

Hearing and looking the many wicked people fell on their knees and hands, Adam nodded and give them all orders.

" From now on, stop your bad behaviour and wicked doings, you will loyal to your country, and loyal to the Kozuki Family. "

Adam voice was heard again through the whole Wano Country.


The wicked people in the whole Wano Country shoud loud again with respect. Making the people nearby who heard and saw felt shocked.

Adam stop using the Excalibur abilty, and look toward the many wicked people who was on their knees and hands before all stood up.

All the wicked people suddenly felt remorse of what they have done and cried on the spot. With being forced to surrender, in their minds were only the orders Adam meniton previously.

They didnt feel any thing being forced to surrender, then they all look toward the people nearby him and apologize while crying.

" What happened to them? Did they really surrender and follow the orders from the sound before ?? "

" Yes.. Yess.. You look.. They all are the wicked people in this country.. From wicked turning to a good person.. Terible.. Who do it?? "

" What terible ?? Is it not good? The country will be very peaceful. "