Sleep peacefully

" This.." Ashura Doji look at tons of food appear dumbfouded.

" I think this is enough for more than 200.000 people for a year, with 3 servings daily. So the rest was to find many chef and people to deliver toward other regions. Thats it." Adam said patted Ashura Doji big stomach and disappear in place.

Ashura Doji still dumbfouded and shocked look at the many foods piled up like a small hill. Hearing Adam words, he awake and quickly report to the people still in the Tatami Conference Room, after finding Adam disappear.

After hearing Ashura Doji explaination, soon everyone with curiousity went to the window from the Conference Room and they can see tons and tons of foods piled up like a small hill in the yard.

" That is a tons of food enough for more than 200.000 people for a year, with 3 servings daily. The most important is, from here i can even see the best quality from it " Inuarashi said in shocked.

" Amazing Adam-san.. How did he do that? " Nekomamushi ask with curiousity.

" If you are curious then ask himself, Hahaha ~" Yasuie said

" Umm, lets tell the remaining people to deliver the food to the other regions.. " Hiyori said waking everyone.

" Yes Hiyori-sama .." Everyone replied respectfully and back sit on the conference room.

Soon everyojne discuss again, and start counting and dividing the food toward many regions.

Currently, Adam is leisurely laying on his back on top of the roof of the castle, looking at the beautiful night sky. While removing his presense, so that no one can find him and disturb.

Spending 200 million, Adam really did not care very much. The berries he got from Kaido"s treasure room was very very much almost reaching 30 billion berries. Not including the treasures, and the Devil Fruits. With more than 5 billion berries in Nami", Adam is already very rich.

Its been one and a half months, since Adam come to this world. When the time he got all Saitama abilities in the lucky draw, he havent felt tired in body and spirit. Living in a body not normal like his previous life, Adam miss the tiredness and his peacefull sleep.

After using the abilty of Excalibur, Adam actually felt tired in body and spirit, mostly is spirit. But he did not show it to anyone.

Since he come to this world, Adam been continously showing that he was invincible. If Adam show his weak state, it will be strange for him, or maybe not for other.

After thinking about the gains today, from South Blue to Wano, soon Adam felt asleep peacefully.

While Adam sleep peacefully on top of the roof of the Castle, the meeting was done and everyone disperse.

Leaving the Nine Red Scabbards and Hiyori.

" Doji-san.. Where did Adam-san go?" Hiyori ask curiousity.

" Ohh.. I dont know Hiyori-sama.. He didnt say.. " Ashura Doji said respectfully.

Then, Hiyori look at Nekomamushi and Inuarashi.

" I didnt felt his presense, maybe he was nearby but hide his presense. Or maybe he was far from here. But he will come when the sun rises deliver us to Zou.. " Inuarashi said, with Nekomamushi nods.

" Kawamatsu-san, Doji-san, Inuarashi-san and Nekomamushi-san then go to rest.. Im safe here.. " Hiyori said smiling.

" But.." Kawamatsu want to said but was interupted by Hiyori.

" There is no bad and wicked people anymore in this country.. You all go to rest, its been a tired day.." Hiyori said teasing everyone.

" Ahh yes.. Then we will go Hiyori-sama.. " Everyone look at each other then they left respectfuly out of the room.

Hiyori was left alone at the conference room, then she first look at the note she made today which contain the country task and try to remember them.

After Hiyori left the conference room, she went to her own special bedroom most top of the castle, led by the maids.

This room previously belongs to Orochi. But after Hiyori seat as the new Shogun, all the things inside was exchange with the new one, and all was clean again even a small dust is not left.

" Ok you all go, i wil do by myself next.. " Hiyori said to the female maids following inside her room.

" Yes, Hiyori-sama." The female maids respectfuly without asking.

Soon, Hiyori take off her clothes and went to the bathroom. After a good bath, she wear her pajamas and try to sleep.

Just as she was about to close her eyes, she look at the ceiling above her with her eyebrows raise.

" Is there someone ? " Hiyori talk to herself sitting on the bed

Although Hiyori was not very strong, she still has high alertness in her blood. From hiding her identity for 17 years, since she was 6 year old.

Feeling curious, Hiyori try to call the people above, and got no respond. So she pick the Enma, and climb up toward the roof with curiousity.

The Enma which was now one of the 13 Supreme Grade Swords, still can be use as a weapon. But attaching Haki will be very dangerous.

When Hiyori still in her pajamas finally climb up the roof, she finally saw who was it.

Looking at Adam who was sleeping peacefuly with his two hands as his pillow at the back of his head, hesistated Hiyori try to call Adam with her low voice. Seeing Adam didnt awake, Hiyori back to her room, take the quilt on her bed and cover Adam"s body.

"Ahh.." But just as Hiyori squat beside Adam and try to cover Adam with the quilt, Adam who was asleep pull Hiyori arms and put her above him in his arms.

Hiyori was very embarassed, she look up and Adam was still closing his eyes. She wants to get off from Adam arms but it was difficult. Feeling the warm of Adam"s body, Hiyori get embarassed. Soon she close her eyes after finding a comfortable position and sleep in Adam"s arms.

While at Adam side, Adam suddenly awake when she felt someone beside her, but after sniffing the perfume which should be a woman. Since Vivi and Robin aboard, Adam miss sleeping with Nami. So Adam thought it was Nami then pull her without opening his eyes and soon felt asleep again.