Jaya Island

Nami and Robin look curiously at the map.

" SKYPIEA.. Really.. there is a sky island.. But what happened to the Galleon.. It look like an old ship.. " Nami said looking at the map and looking at the direction of the galleon which was already sink.

" Robin, go check your book, find about St. Briss.. " Adam said still wiping himself.

" St. Briss. Ah, here it is.. 207 years ago, St. Briss set sail from the Briss Kingdom of South Blue.." Robin take out her book from her Storage Ring, and read it to Adam and Nami.

" Look, at the ship.. Its the same.. " Adam said pointing at the ship picture in the book.

" Yes, the sail did have a mark like this.. It must have been drifting in the sky for at least 200 years.. " Robin nod.

" Umm. " Adam hums.

" Theres no treasure on that ship, Adam? " Nami ask with expectation.

" No.. Only skeletons, and its a lot around 200 .. You want ? " Adam said while giving a quick peck at Nami"s lips.

" No.. " Nami said quickly pushing Adam.

" Ahaha.." Adam laugh after giving a quick peck too at Robin..

Adam went to the bathroom for a quick bath, then back to the Wheelhouse.

Mock Town Port, Jaya Island.

Adam park his yacht on the port, along with many other pirates ship..

" AHAHAHA interesting ship.. Who own this ? "

" Black Flag, a pirate? Wait, theres no skull on it.. Strange.. "

" Haha dont care, the ship look luxurious, maybe theres treasures. "

" Not famous, then they were weak. Hahaha boys lets go.. "

Many people were curious with the shape of Adam"s ship. Some dare people even try to go and look. But after seing the man in the bow standing looking at them smiling, they stop their steps. Their excited expression turn quickly into a horrified look, some even fell on their butt.

" DEVIL KING !!! "

" ADAM !! "


Adam ignore them and look at Nami, Robin and Koby beside him.

" So many pirates.. " Nami said looking around.

" This Jaya island in Paradise is a national Island.. Without the jurisdiction of the World Government and the marines, an island consists only of pirates.." Robin explain..

" How can there be a such chaotic existence.. " Nami exclaimed.

" This kind of town is really not a rare existence Nami.. There are many such places like this in this world.." Adam said seriously.

Robin who has mixed in the Underworld nodded in agreement.

" Who wants to fight ? " Adam ask suddenly.

" Me.. me.. The last time was more than week ago.. " Nami said excitedly raising her hand..

" Then you go.. A pirates without treasure it will be a joke, there must be a lot they keep. Just confiscated it .. " Adam said patted Nami shoulder.

" Hummph ! You dont need to tell me.. " Nami said excitedly looking at the many pirates.

" Ill go too.. I want to try my Devil Fruit abilities.. " Robin said smiling.

" Yes, dont use your body too fight.. Its still far from learning the Armament Haki.. " Adam remind Robin.

Robin nodded.

" Me too, teacher ! They all are pirates, i wont give mercy like previously.. " Koby said seriously.

" Good then you all go.. Ill wait here." Adam said leaning on the rail .

Nami, Robin and Koby nods. They jump to the port and confront all the pirates who were still scared.

" You all. Defeat them, i promise you can leave. " Adam shout toward all the pirates in the port, including some who was in the Mock Town far from here.

" DEVIL KING ! DONT ! I GIVE UP.. WE WILL BE YOUR SUBORDINATE.. " Somone who was on their butt still in the port shout scaredly.

" I told you. Defeat them, you can leave. Run = death. " Adam said calmly, but his words were heard by everyone..

All the pirates in the port silence. Until many figure come from the Mock Town toward the port loudly asking what happened.

" ARROGANT ! WHO WAS IT ? "A tall man with tan skin and short, unkempt blond hair shout loudly after arriving at the port.

" I heard voice in my ears telling me to defeat them, what is it i dont understand ?? "a man with wavy, shoulder-length blue hair and wears a purple-tinted visor over his eyes laugh too while holding a girl beside him.

Every pirates from the Mock Town came, and ask toward the pirates still in the port.

" Its the Bellamy Pirates, Hokahoka Pirates "

" Roshio Pirates were here too.. "

Adam look at the coming people from the Mock Town and smirk.

" You are the one who talk so arrogant ? Do you know who i am? " a blond haired man with a smirk look at Adam licking his lips.

" Bellamy Pirates? I told you, defeat them. You can leave. Run, death. " Adam said calmly.

" Bellamy ! Its "Devil King" 10.2 billion bounty !! " Bellamy subordinate said reminding him.

" HAHAHAHA do you think there is really a pirate with more than 10 billion bounty on his head? Its fake! You all read newspaper too much ! " Bellamy said disdainfuly toward everyone .

" Stupid.. " Adam shake his head helplessly.

" Nami, Robin and Koby.. Go.. " Adam said lazily.

Nami, Robin and Koby directly move toward the nearby pirates and attack them.