1 volt to 10 billion volts, and change the surrounding 100km in distance with him as the center into a thunderstorms. Adam felt shocked with the great proficiency and mastery of the Lightning Lightning Fruit powers in his body and mind.
" Nami, Robin.. You two dont come near me. I want to try to transforms.. " Adam said kindly to Nami and Robin with his grin.
Nami and Robin nod and back away a little bit.
" Transform " Adam thought in his mind and use the knowledge which was imprinted in his mind. Adam control his Devil Fruit powers into level.95 only.
Adam wears a black cape, and under it a simple, white shirt half-buttoned up, exposing the middle of his chest and some of his abs. The white shirt is left out the dark green sash wrapped around his waist. The Enma and Excalibur was on his left waist with the hilt tucked into the dark green sash.
Below Adam wears a black capri pants, with his foot wear was a zori that Adam has bought a lot from Wano.
When Adam transform, his body which was 196 cm in height became taller and bigger reaching 35m in height. The clothes Adam wears, including the two sword in Adam"s left waist also become bigger.
But all of it turn into blue in color which was a pure electricity.
" Cough.. Its like a Zoan, can transform too.. Hehehehe " Adam stop using his giant thunder god mode and return back to his appearance.
" Adam.. your hair.. hehe " Nami said covering her mouth.
Hearing Nami words, Adam touch his hair worriedly which was "Man Bob" in hairstyle with his black wavy hair.
" My wavy hair !! " Adam said weakly and look at Nami and Robin sadly.
" Dont sad, its only from wavy to straight hair, i told you to cut your hair, your hair almost longer than mine.. " Nami said curling her hair.
Robin nodded.
Adam take a huge mirror, then cut his hair with the Enma Blade covered with his Legendary Armament Haki to make it more sharp.
" Adam ! Why did you not use a hair scissor ? " Nami ask frowning aproaching Adam.
" My hair is very very very strong, it need a sharp blade and attached to with my Legendary Armament Haki.." Adam said helplessly showing the Enma covered in green aura which was the Legendary Armament Haki.
Nami and Robin frowned, then they pick Adam"s hair in the floor and try to cut it with their hair scissor from their Storage Ring.
" WHOAH.. A strand of your hair is very strong. " Nami said showing her scissors edge which was dented and bend.
Robin also exclaimed sadly looking at her sciccors.
" Thats why, dont come near.. My sword is very sharp.. I will cut my own hair by myself.." Adam said with a grin
After seing Nami and Robin backed away again, Adam continue to cut his hair with the Enma, infront of the mirror .
10 minutes later, Adam cut his hair into a "Undercut Slick Back" hairstyle
" How ? " Adam said asking Nami and Robin with a grin..
" Umm much better than the previous one, look cleaner and younger.. " Nami nodd seriously, followed by Robin.
" Why is it so hard to say that i become more handsome.. " Adam smirk without shame.
" Okay okay.. Now go melt the gold... " Nami said helplessly
Adam smile and went to the nearest part of the ship which was made by gold and touch it.
" Metallugury.. " Adam said calmly.
A electricity with high voltage flow out from Adam hands toward the gold Adam"s touched. Soon, the gold part turn into a huge gold bar Adam thought in mind.
" Gold Bar ! Heheheh !! " Nami said picking it up excitedly.
" You two, get off the ark. The ark have not finished constructing, with the gold being dissamble from the Ark, the stand holding the Ark below in the shipyard maybe will fell. " Adam said gently to Nami and Robin.
Nami and Robin jump of the Ark and waits for Adam.
Everytime Adam reshape the gold into gold bars and disammble it, Adam will teleport the gold bars to the ground near Nami.
10 minutes later, Adam was done and teleport near Nami and Robin. And the ark behind him fell into wrecks.
" This is all the gold from the " City of Gold", and its all pure gold.. With the previous treasures you have inside your Storage Ring Nami, im sure even 1/3 of these golds cant be put in there.. " Adam said while looking the gold bars pilled up like a small hill.
" This.. " Nami was confused while rubbing her Storage Ring in her middle finger left hand.
Robin just smile and silence.