Huge safety deposit box

Currently, Adam is in the air keep teleporting with his sight following the 3d arrow projection infront of him, which was the location of the Island Island Fruit Adam has bought for 10 million berries.

In a minute Adam has cross the Calm Belt, and back to East Blue.

2 minutes later, Adam hover in the air and look at the 3d arrow projection infront of him which point to the sea below him.

After scanning with his Observation Haki, the depth to the seafloor was around 4000m from the sea surface. On the surface of the seafloor, what Adam saw was a huge ruins making him shocked and curious.

Adam take of his clothes and put inside his Storage Ring. Leaving him only in his black capri pants and the dark green sash wrapped around his waist with the Enma and Excalibur tucked within it.

Adam did not put his two swords because he can feel that the two sword does not like to be inside the Storage Ring.

Adam dive quickly toward the seafloor ignoring everything and focus on the 3d arrow projection. Without feeling any strong pressure because of the diving deeply, Adam went to a certain ruins.

Entering the ruins, Adam push the ruins blocking him and soon he saw a huge cubic-shaped thing silver in color , with 20m in width, length and height. The 3d arrow projection was pointing at it.

Adam can concluded that it was a safety deposit box, looking the ruins nearby Adam can say that this thing was already with the ruins almost more than 100 years. But Adam did not see any rust on the huge safety deposit box. And Adam cant also use his Observation Haki to peek what was inside it, making him more curious.

Adam put the huge safety deposit box inside his Storage Ring, after confirming that there were no other precious things like treasures or a Poneglyph nearby. With Adam swimming speed, soon he was out of the sea and hover in the air with his Moonstep.

Adam went to nearby uninhabitated island he saw on his way before and take out the huge safety deposit box from his Storage Ring.

" 20m in length, width and height, 8000 cubic meters, but i dont know how thick of the wall is.. Cant be peeked by my Observation Haki, and does not rust for so long under the sea.. " Adam talk to himself looking around the huge cubic-shaped deposit box.

Adam try to scratch with his Enma, and it can be scratch but with enough force..

" This thing is good for keeping treasures, it will be waste to be destroyed, and usually thing like this will self destructed if it was opened by force.. " Adam scratch his head while looking at the complicated lock of the safety deposit box.

Adam left here and teleport back to Vivi"s bedroom. Shocking the three girls for a moment.

" Ahh.. " Vivi shout embarassedly and hide her body with the quilt

" What is it ? " Nami ask curiously without covering her body.

Robin who was sit on the bed nearby still with her clothes also look curiously at Adam.

" Cough.. I went to East Blue, bla..bla..bla.. " Adam tell what he did and saw in 10 minutes he went.

" Treasures ! Im sure its treasures ! Ill go a quick bath first.. " Nami said pulling Vivi to the bathroom.

Adam pick up Robin who was sitting on the bed and went to the nearby chair and let Robin sit on his lap, while waiting Nami and Vivi.

10 minutes later, Nami and Vivi out of the bathroom with their new outfit, and look at Adam and Robin who was cuddling excitedly.

" Cough.. lets go.. " Nami words stop Adam"s hands which was already inside Robin"s clothes already ready to touch her bra.

Robin look at Nami helplessly feeling disturbed. With Nami giving a cute apology look.

" Haha.. Lets goo.. " Adam said after a peck on Robin lips who were pouting.

Adam touch the three beauty hands together and soon back to the uninhabitated island.

" Whoah.. So huge safety deposit box.. " Nami said excitedly.

" I cant peeked inside with my Observation Haki, and it was burried in the ruins 4000m below the sea surface and still looks good with any rust.. " Adam said helplessly.

" Unknown good quality material.. " Robin said touching the safety deposit box .

Robin try to figure out how to open it and 10 minutes has passed and still dont know how to open the lock.

" Adam ! Open it with force.. " Nami said helplessly.

" Yes, you can see 10 seconds in the future, when you saw unexpected things happened when opening it with forced, you quickly take the things out.. " Robin said.

" Okay,, back away a bit.. " Adam said gently to the three beauty.

Seing the three beauty back away, Adam pull the Enma and attached his Legendary Armament Haki on it.

Adam use his Observation Haki to look at the 10 seconds in the future when Adam succesfuly broke the lock, and he grins.

With a swing, the vault door was cut opened and nothing self destruction like Adam worried about happend.

But for safety, Adam take all the things inside quickly into his Storage Ring and out of the safety deposit box.

" I SAW SHINY THINGS !! " Nami said excitedly and cling toward Adam who already appear near the three beauty..