Creating an island.

Adam step the island below him, and use his Island Island Fruit power. Soon the small uninhabitated island shake..

" Adam ! What are you doing.. " Nami said nervously and directly cling on Adam"s back.

Vivi and Robin also cling on Adam left and right arm.

" Trying my power, dont worry.. " Adam said with his reassured smile.

The land where Adam stood suddenly raise from the ground and bringing Adam, Nami, Vivi and Robin 1000meters up overlooking the small uninhabitated island.

" What are you doing ? Adam ? " Vivi ask curiously looking below the small uninhabitated island.

" Giving us the best view.. " Adam smirk

Soon the small uninhabitated island below Adam and the three beauty all changed.

A crack appear in the middle of the island, and a huge mountain slowly raising up from beneath the ground reaching a height of more than 2000 meters above the ground. Soon river, lake, forest and beautiful beach appear.

" WHAT ! " Nami, Vivi and Robin was shocked .

The small uninhabitated island which consist only of reef and a beach changed into a huge tropical island.

" How? Very powerful Devil Fruit right ? Hahaha " Adam laugh happily.

The three beauty nodded and keep looking from above to the huge tropical island.

" That island is directly connected from the bottom of the sea floor. I can also create an island that is not connected with the seafloor. Here look.. " Adam said and the three beauty look at Adam.

Adam open his palm, and soon a miniature of the island below appear in his hand. With the mountains and rivers too.

" Amazing, this is the smallest mountain, forrest and river ever .. hehehe" Nami said jokingly looking at the small island in Adam hands.

Vivi and Robin giggle.

" What do you think if i create a huge island without connected to the sea floor and throw it from the sky.. It is very powerful.. Hahaha.. " Adam laugh.

" Yes very powerful, stronger than meteorite if you even throw it from the space. " Robin said calmly

" Yes, but it was a bit boring.. The other ability is, i can control an island too. I can easily destory an island with a touch and thought. If it was a villian who eats this, the world maybe already destroyed. Thankfully the Devil Fruit was hidden deep in the sea.. " Adam said with a grin.

Nami, Robin and Vivi were shocked.

" Then, what are you going to do with this island ? A huge tropical island, with no habitat its a bit waste.." Nami ask .

" This.. I dont know. This location is far from other inhabitated island, nobody knows.. " Adam said confusedly.

" Built a wall covering the whole island and mark with our Family"s Crest, maybe someday it will be usefull for us." Robin said suggesting.

Adam thought moved, and the Island Island Fruit power flow out from his foot to the ground below him. The Devil Fruit power flow out from Adam"s feet and soon cover the whole island, a wall made of rock 30m in height raise from the ground shore covering the whole round-shaped huge tropical island making it look like a fortress.

" Done.. " Adam said with a grins.

" From below, people can see it as huge fortress. But from a height like us, it was actually a huge round-shaped tropical island." Vivi smile.

" Next, when you found an animals, teleport them here.. So it wont be to deserted.. " Nami suggest.

" Amazing.. Theres a lot of fruits trees too.. " Vivi said after Adam jump down carry the three beauty to the forest which was the fruits farm..

" Ahaha yes, its fruits trees. It was included in my imagination when i create the island.." Adam said laughing.

" Its good here.. A clear blue lake.. A flowing rivers right from the mountain.." Robin squat and touch the clear water in the river.

" Cough.. The most valuable from all of this place was not those.. " Adam said with his mysterious smile.

Nami, Vivi and Robin frowned and look around curiously thinking.

" Currently we are in the upper course of the river and are not too far from the source, which was the mountain. Lets go.. " Adam said with a smirk and walk infront.

The three beauty followed with curiousity followed.

Soon, everyone went to the source of the river. Where the river was shallow enough showing the many stones. Adam stop moving and smirk to the three beauty who was confused.

The three beauty look around the source of the river, with small streams of waters flows from the mountain to the shallow rivers full of stones, making it beautiful and fresh.

" What is it ?? Nothing here.. " Nami frowning.

" The air is very fresh.. " Robin exhale.

" Umm. Its beautiful too, look a small rainbow from the small streams from the mountain.. " Vivi happily said.

" Here.. " Adam with a smirk, squat and use his right hand to the shallow river and grab the soils beneath it.

Then Adam grab the soil out from the river and open infront of the three beauty who were confused.