5 Elders plan

5 elders, the highest authority in the whole World Government, known by most high people. But there is actually another person higher than the 5 elders, but only few people knew.

" BASTARD !! DAMN !! "

" So the people from us who were there cant be contacted was because of there is he there ? "

" Damn it ! Morgans ! Quick, catch him ! Kill him the spot if he rebels !

" Calm down, Morgans is one of the many Emperor of the Underworld. Killing him the world will only be more chaotic, he also has good relationship with many people we still needs. Our current situation was very trouble, especially the weapons and sea-prism stone supply from Wano. " the oldest looking among the 5 elders wearing a white gi and a samurai sword sitting on the sofa calmly said.

Hearing the eldest among the 5 elders talk, the four calm down. Although they all have the same rank, but still they need to listen and calm themself.

" Almost 3 days ago he was spotted leaving Alabasta, and arrive at Mock Town, Jaya Island, and then disappear. Where did he go ? and why did he appear at Alabasta again ? "

" Did he find Pluton and went back ? "

" No way.. Pluton is a big ship.. It will be easily spotted by many people.. "

" Dont you remember that he can take out and hide things? "

" Wait.. What we need to discuss first was the impact of Alabasta disaffiliate with the World Government. We need to find counter mesures.."

" Bastard Nefertari Family.. I told you from the start he dare to threat us. Kaido can be killed easily by him maybe he knows his weakness. We havent try yet to fight him, i dont believe 3 Admirals and more than 10 Vice Admirals cant kill him."

" He can fight with Admiral Kizaru easily.. Even injured Garp when he use himself as a sandbag..."

" I believe there is a weakness in him. Theres no invincible person in this world.. We need to remove him as soon as possible. He was alone, call the Marines and let all the Vice Admiral above in rank besieged him ! "

One of the elders with large birthmark on his forehead said, making the other 4 elders silent. While the man who deliver the newspaper just stood still respectfully in silence.

" Beside the Marines we sent, does the Cipher Pols need to go too ? "

" 6 CP-0 with the strength of Vice Admiral lost contact, its their fault to fail in duty and declare them death. We does not need to send anymore of our people. The Marines is enough. "

" His route following the Log Pose, he will soon appear at Sabaody again after going to Water 7, let besieged him when he lands at Sabaody.. With us near, we can prepared in unexpected situation.. "

" Do you really think he was invincible? "

" No. With us sending many high ranking marines, the Marine Headquarters will be empty, even though they are our subordinate. Im sure their Marshall wont agree. And also, cautious is important.. "

" What if he runs ? He can even appear at Wano which was very far, maybe he eats the Teleport Teleport Fruit.. "

" No way he will runs. A strong man has their own pride, if he dare to appear then he is death. "

" Yes, im sure he will not run. And also, we need to broadcast to the whole world. To remind the other Country who was right now maybe all hesistating wether to disaffiliate from us or not. And also to tell the world that the Marines and the World Government is still there. "

" You .. Go out.. Dont mind what happened with Alabasta, and let them be. " one of the 5 elders said to the man who was still stood there in silence looking down.

" Yes ! 5 elders.. " the man said with respect and back away and close the door.

Seing the man was out of the room, one of the 5 elders said lightly.

" No one in this world can be invincible.. Even adult was not.. "

" Yes, before i thought to wake up the adult, but i think its not necessary.."

" Told you all, kill him from the start he threat us. With that we dont have much trouble.."

" Okay, okay you are right.. We are just to cautious.. Then lets discuss the plan.."

" 3 Admirals, 20 Vice Admirals, is enough. Kaido"s even will scared in his pants.. "

" What about the Marines? Will they do it ? "

" Although it is a shame for them, huh.. Remember they are just our subordinate.. " one of the elder said in disdain.

" HAHAHA you are right.. "

" His ship was fast, and 1 week is enough. Lets declare it in the newspaper 1 week later 10km south of Sabaody. "

" Yes the sooner the better.. "

" Then, tell Morgans, to announce it on the newspaper tomorrow.. "

The Five Elders discuss calmly for Adam"s funeral, their discussing went even far to the future with his death aftermath. They discuss taking Wano again relaxedly, including taking over the Alabasta again.

While the Five Elders are discussing, at Sengoku office the scene was very confusing.

" This.. What happened.. Why did the Five Elders have not call ?? " Sengoku talk to himself.

Garp and Tsuru who were in the same room also confused.

" If they dont give any orders, then what you need to do was to tell the Marines stationed near Alabasta to stop monitoring and protecting Alabasta. Alabasta was already disaffiliate with the World Government. " Tsuru said calmly.

" HAHAHA maybe those people were planning something big.. " Garp said jokingly.

" With their attitude toward us, they will not send the Cipher Pols anymore. Maybe us will be sent, hahahahaha" Garp said laughingly.

" Shut up Garp !" Sengoku roar

Tsuru and Sengoku hearing Garp words also cleverly understood Garp meanings..