A commuter being levitate-magnetic-field along a wire far the eyes can reached. Cyborgs all full packs in humility to made the morning service. The commuter is below the wire and hanging the it until reached the end point. After reached a the end point and the left side made arose sound to wait other commuter to arrived. A infantry from squad 30 holding briefcases one in blue and yellow, the other one is blue and black. The sticker is from SagaCity laboratory. He has to bring the goods to the Chamber of Faist to test the new weapon. The main computer attempt a task to The Suken has a blade behind his back. He has long blade and covered in silk. He is white color same as his haired and ready to start a day. His truck his full of paperwork and briefcases. The Supreme Order for each cities on this planet to collect item such guns and electric power component. The Suken has to arrived early at the Frontline Office so he can meet somebody after the task and few moments later another task will appear. One day at least 1000 tasks to be settle. The shape of second commuter levitate-magnetic-field just swing like monkeys in front of The Suken, the shape similar to a trapezoid box. It fully booked alongside the humanoid,droids and cyborg. The inside shaped the outside. The first commuter merges to the second commuter so the passenger cross the border on the correct path. "Awesome. Grandmother always said the second give good clue to the day." The Suken lifted his jacket and his baggy denim is tighter than snake of Anaconda. The rest of the pass the moment as usual day. He crawled to the levitate-magnetic-field commuter a d stand up in hurry. As the briefcases was left behind before the border lines. Three are three lines colour the first is for humanoid in red, the second is for cyborgs in green, droids in third needs to be blue so the merger is fine. But ten officers from The Sniper just entered and give the briefcases. The first army of SagaCity Service salute to The Suken at handed out the briefcases in serious face. The crowds pout and clapped to ring the bell. The Suken bow one time and his hand at the back of the head in pointing his shoes. His shoes have bubbled two layers and crazy wired denim until a knee. The two layers have a blade sharp than knife but swing faster than jaguar. His helmet at the back ringing to show new task. Next is Shibuya Temple. The commuter move up hill to the next station.