The paddy fields are line and greenish from far away. The first glimpse of the terrain paddy in a palace full ferrum on top of the hill was amusing. A golden kid really running to the top of the hill to catch his android, Bener. Look the sun is beautifully beaming towards the bridges on top of the green paddy fields. The bridge just have visitors from Northern District Kow Ling. Northern District Kow Ling good in beautiful wall to writing strong story and five seasons more than other districts. The tanks were crossed the border about ten inspectors look amazing in jacket and wand in silks of Black Jaguar's. They are the great to provide prophecy in infantry of military in short a tactical before the war. This lead a regular Constable Loberg the first warrior who put life before the Sun. The first tanks suddenly blipps a red code to all soldiers including passengers. The First Invasion is being entangled to this place. "It a spaceship." The alien light up the sky in their on thousand feet stunningly striving to the next of district full of creature such as human but not to mentioned an amphabian monsters controlled in complex mantra. A ring pop-out at the chest of a cyborg. After a moment another ring blinking in red at the forehead of a cyborgs.