The Darkness That Surrounds Us

"KAGEYAMA IS ALIVE!" I sprint out! Where is he?! "Daichi, Kageyama is not here." Hinata looks at me. "Come on sit down with me on this bench." Hinata starts to tear up. He died?! No he is alive. I know he is alive. That calendar is his! I know it! "Daichi you have been asleep for a day now. He is in a better place now." He uses a peaceful tone. "I'm NOT ACCEPTING IT!" I start to run to his house. I sprint. I start to slow again. "Daichi you haven't recovered yet." I push my self to try to get to his house. At this point. I fall. I see the side walk and I hit my head. "DAICHI! I need to get some help! SUGA! IT'S DAICHI!" Suga runs over me. I black out. I see a place of memories. I'm here again. This place. Am I gonna die? Hinata! My spirt guide. "I think that it is time, you have done such much." I kept thinking about our team. "It can't be time. I haven't brought the team to nationals." The spirt says peacefully.

"You need to decide where you go. You can join Kageyama and go with him. Live a peaceful life. Or you can help the team to nationals." I want both. I JUST WANT BOTH. "I WILL NOT GIVE UP!" I see Kageyama in this world. I take his hand. I force my way. "I CHOOSE HAPPINESS." You have no control over my destiny. I have my control. I will fight for Kageyama. Even if he goes to nationals without me. That's my choice. The light blinds me. I wake up. I see Kageyama. He looks at me with relief. I see that I'm in the hospital. I start to cry. Tear up. "Kageyama?!" "Hi Daichi. You saved me!" There was no way I was letting you die. I was so frustrated he thought otherwise. "No destiny will stop us from nationals." Kageyama and Hinata are like a kids to me. "Hinata come here! Don't give up on him!" I whisper softly. The whole team came in here. "We are gonna make it to nationals!" I say with excitement. I went to sleep that night. All I could think about was my destiny and nothing is gonna stop us from nationals!