The least of your problems

Why why i was happy being a male why did my gender get changed. Wait it said something about status let me check maybe i'm wrong


' Name:


weird what does it mean frozen i can't age or what?? let's keep checking maybe i'll find out.

' Gender:Female'

shit shit yes i'm female it's done what i'm gonna do now even my family won't recognise me.damn it keep your self together keep reading you only have an hour to figure out how to survive think about your gender later.

' Race:Vampire progenitor'

' Level:0'

yes yes at least i got something good out of this. yes finally a vampire.oh i'm so gonna enjoy this. for now let's keep reading.

'Class: Vampire '

no way does that mean what i think it does. yes it does i so love it yes yes wait if i'm a vampire shouldn't i be burning right now i mean i'm standing in the sun maybe it's my class. Anyway let's keep checking.

'Secondary class:


Str:20 Agi:20 Con:20

int:20. Wis:20. Spi:20

available points: 10

skill points:3

Title:Vampire progenitor'

so let's see it said i need to focus on something to get a description i don't need to understand what's a vampire but i have to be sure what's a Vampire progenitor let's focus on my class hmmm...

'Vampire progenitor: The last of your kind and the only excisting. Your kind went extint 2000 thousand years ago since you're the last of your kind you got rid of most of the vampire weakness the sun dosen't hurt you, nothing can kill you, you don't need blood to survive but without it you'll become weak, the only way for you to die is when you decide you had enough and die'

hmmm i like the sun part it's quiet noce i don't want to live only in the night and i quite like the no need of blood to survive even though i changed my race i'm still human i'm not quite alright with drinking blood, but the unkilable part is rather annoying i don't want to spend eternity alone i hope i can turn humans and i hope all my race is immortal. Well time to check what's the secondary class and why it's empty.

'Since you're a progenitor of your race and you didn't get to choose your primary class you get the chance to choose your secondary one or you can find a way to create a class that suits you'

hmmm that seems nice i think i'll create something to suit me well i still have time i think i can survive with my main class for now but it will be nice to....

As i was thinking of my secondary class my phone rang it was my mother just as i was about to pick up the phone i panicked i'm a girl now mom won't recognise my voice what do i tell her, fuck it i'll find something to convince her with.

"hey Mom"~Me

"Son tell me your okay??!"~Mom

"I'm Mostly okay what about you did you get the messages "~Me

"Yes, what is that about and i changed, what happened? " ~Mom

" i have an idea of what happened i'll explain it when we meet mom, are you safe in there ? are you secure ?" ~Me

" no i'm not there is no where to hide and the whole building is made of glass i don't feel safe if zombie will start coming, if you drive can you make it here ?"~ Mom

"i'll see what i can do mom, while you stay hidden until i find you put your phone on silence mode and keep hiding i'll check with you every 5minutes"~Me

"Okay son, watch out for yourself "~Mom

fuck fuck what i'm gonna do i can't make it in time no matter how fast i drive.