
" So what happened is i changed same as each of you did. some of you had minor changes like you dad or you mom, both of you had minor changes you had your skin color become whiter and you have green eyes, and mom became a blonde"~

" why didn't you have some minor changes like us then ?and what changed in you? i mean you're a girl now you have red eyes and grey hair you're taller even you're voice is of a women"~Mom

" well i think changes are 3 types minor like yours, gender like what seems happened to me i became a girl when i was a boy an hour ago and the 3rd is racial which happened to me too i'm no longer human i became something else"~Me

" what do you mean ?"~ asked all the family

" i mean what i said i'm no longer a human i became another specie"~Me

" what did you become?"~ mom

" A Vampire"~me

" Vampire like the super fast super strong blood sucking bat like vampire??"~Mom

"yep but i don't need blood to survive and i can walk in the sun"~Me

"you're kidding right?"~Dad

so i decided to cut the chase and showed them my wings and fangs, well that was okay i mean if i considered that as soon as i showed them that they kept staring at me for like 5 minutes and boy that was uncomfortable thankfully my older brother broke the silence and asked if i can use them to fly so i hovered a bit in the air no place to fly indoors.

" so now that i explained what happened to me, let me explain my theories avout what happened in the world right now okay ?"~me

when they nodded i started explaining

" well you see imagine that our world became a video game that you can't pause and only have one life before it's game over , good? , now keep that image in your head so it became easier to explain."~me

they nodded.

" well now we became charactere in a game we have levels ,skills ,weapons and many other things i still don't know or not sure of. First of think of the word status inside your head , you'll see a window that has your name, age, gender, race, and class those are your general information is it clear until now ? "~me

they nodded again.

" does anyone has anything in there that isn't correct like wrong age or race ?" ~me

they shook their heads. phew good my family is good.

" okay you're propably wondering what is classe i think your class tab is empty no ?"~me

they confirmed.

" okay a class is your spécialisation like your main job, in my case i have two classes first is vampire and the second is space-time Magician"~me

i decided not to tell them about being the only vampire in existence. that's how i lived my life i just give enough informations i didn't have to get out of my way to give more then you need no matter who,and you never know if someone can read their mind.

" so the vampire classe is pretty obvious and with it comes skills like Inhanced Regeneration, blood magic or the wings to fly. and the space-time Magician gives me the ability to teleport " ~me

" the reason i have two classes is i didn't choose the first one so they gave me the choice to either choose a class or create one ,and because of my super need of teleportation, the system responded to my needs and created the classe for me which helped me save you guys."~me

"next you'll find attribute which contains your attribute str means strength agi: agility con:consitution int:intilligence wis: wisdom and spi:spirit if you focus on those you'll find an explaination of each one of those. what are your attribute by the way ?" ~me

it turns out most of them are between 6-8 so i have 3 grown man strength with my stats cool nice start.

" okay and as for the the available points you see in there those are points you can assign to your attribute i advise you to keep them until we figure out the best way to put them"~me

" and lastly skills now focus on skills and tell me what you see ?? " ~me

turns out they didn't get any starting skills i think they need to level up to unlock skills.

so i kept explaining to them and answering all their questions until it was 30 minutes until the zombies arrive so i told them to stay in my grand parents house with the rest of the family and close all the doors and windows and not make a sound you see we live in a big house which is devide into five houses one for each family.

finally it's time to get some action and fun.