
I can swear it was the calmest dinner we had since the world changed you can see it no one had the energy to even talk , can't wait to see their reaction when they figure out they can't sleep they so gonna hate me. well the downside since my fam was dead tired and the girls are shitty cooks i had to cook dinner for the little ones, since aicha said it's delicious i won't ask the opinion of the rest.

After dinner the girls dragged me home , took me to the shower undressed me throw me in the bath tub washed me took me out and then fucked me sensless.

" So girls from now to the time the horde is here i'm gonna spend 90% of my time doing dungeons"~ me

" what do you mean ?~ Amanda

" i mean i'll check on you guys once in a while but i'll spend the rest of my time doing dungeon runs"~ me

" why ? i mean why you need to do all lf that"~ Sofia

" because i need to protect all of you "~ me

" why does it have to be you i mean the whole town is training why can't you lay down for a bit"~amanda

" In this world when it comes to keeping you safe i only trust my strength , you guys are my everything and i need you to keep on going so if it's needed that i die for you guys to be safe i'll do it"~ me


" lydia why ?"~me

" never talk about dying again , did i make myself clear"~ lydia

" i'm sorry i won't say it again, guys this whole territory is my responsibility i may be a carefree person but when it comes to survival i'm sure as hell i'll give it a 1000% "~ me

" okay give us time to discuss it "~ Sofia

" you guys know i wasn't asking "~me

" shut up and go sit in that corner "~ Sofia

" jeez what did i get myself into "~ me

" what was that ?"~ Sofia

" nothing"~ me

shit those girls are abusive and scary.

" okay our decision is you'll spend 18 hours top in dungeons , you'll have to spend an hour in the morning and 2 at dinner with the whole family 3 hours with us in the night"~ Amanda

" am i allowed to negociate"~ me

from their looks i guess i'm not. so we started drinking and remembering the funny stuff we did together when we were younger until morning came.

I should have run , you know when you break your moms favorite thing and she can't yell at you because you did it accidently but she gives you that look ? , well that's the look they all gave me when i got inside the house, and for some reason i got the feeling they are plotting something.

" Aicha here is your elder sister didn't you want him to take for a tour and then do some shopping "~ mom

" i did ?"~ Aïcha

" yes remember we talked about yesterday night"~ mom

" oh yes lily please ?? 😳😳"~ Aïcha

" sure anything for you little girl "~ me

" i'm not little 😡"~ Aïcha

i laughed pated her on the head took her hand and started walking out thinking about how to get revenge on mom she knows i hate shopping the most.

I spent a half day with Aïcha going from a place to another and to be honest i enjoyed it seeing her smiling made me fine with shopping i guess.

After dropping her home i went to the goblin dungeon and challenged it in normal difficulty.

I decided to improve myself to the point that i can defeat the boss by killing melee goblins first then Magician then archers and then finishing the boss the last, and it took me two days of continues runs and multiple injuries but finally i did , now i feel that i can easly pass the hard difficulty of the zombies dungeon.

when i went out i got a notification

" your building are done constucting you may check them".

Well finally their done i'll take a shower and go check them with everyone....