Power up





Race:Vampire progenitor


Class: Vampire Baronesse

Secondary class: space-time Magician(tier 1)


Str:100 Agi:100 Con:74

int:100 Wis:40 Spi:40

available points: 25

skill points:10

Title:Vampire progenitor'/ The first

hmm so all that fighting and i only got 15 levels ugh leveling up sucks now i think i need stronger monsters to get adequat experience.

let's see so i predict it's gonna be a long fight with a lot of zombies which means i need to last longer and have higher constitution because i'm definitly gonna get hit and injured and 100 points in most of the others attributs is good enough so i'll upgrade my constitution to close to 100 , 99 is good enough , so i added the points, whew i definitly felt that.

I remember the system saying that i won't be getting anymore skills from it and i need to improve my skills on my own well i tried using them different way while fighting yes there is an improvement but not the expected kind of improvement and i still didn't try to assign skill points so maybe that the way.



- Blood Syphoning

- Blood Wings

- Blood Rage

- Blood Magic

- Blood Manipulation

- teleport

- time slowing

- create blood slave

- Make followers

- space bind

- time acceleration

- Make vampire

- Blood fog form

- Blood clone

- mass teleport

- space portal

- time stop

- time bind

- blood Contract

- Space domain

- time domain


- Inhanced Regeneration

- Sun immunity

- Protected Mind

- Sword mastery

- Unarmed combat

- Noble authority

So i first i need to figure out which skills i need to upgrade which means i need to filter the ones useful in a fight, so blood magic , blood manipulation, space bind, blood clone, blood fog form and time stop if i need to save someone but with which to start.

i'll guess we'll go with time stop after i added a point to it , it changed from 5 seconds to 20 second which is good then i added a point to space bind which made the radius of binding a 100 metres for 1 minute, blood clone gave me the ability to make another clone and blood fog form added more damage, blood magic and blood manipulation got better .

hmm i still have 4 points left so i used 2 to upgrade space bind another time and the other 2 to upgrade the blood clone 4 of me fighting at the same time can do some pretty serious damage.

So that's how to upgrade my skills thank you system you didn't left me without a way although you're a bit stingy with points.

When we arrived home i started talking to the fam about what strategies we should employ and with minimum risks we came up with a lot of ideas but most of them will cost us a lot of lives and the best solution is that everyone fights using bows from the top of the wall while me and the girls fights on the ground since we kill zombies for breakfast, we agreed that this was the best way even though the family took some time and persuation to convince ( asked my elder brother to stab me with a sword and when i didn't pass through they knew i'm strong enough that most of them can't hurt me).

" hey again so we kinda discussed a strategie for the coming fight and most of them came with a lot of humans life lost so we thought that everyone should buy a bow and arrows from the shop with the mastery manual and we attack from the top of the wall that way we'll save much more lives, so please head to the mall and train yourself on hitting their heads in the dungeons thank you"

after sending the annoncement i decided to go and lay down i didn't stop and rest since the change and i need to let my body and mind rest to be in optimal condition in the fight