Chapter 5

When they got there Zoe went to the bathroom to change into her PJ's, leaving Brian confused he didn't know whether he should sit or stand. Zoe finished changing and jumped on her big soft bed, she told Brian to come and sleep on the floor next to her bed he walked briskly to avoid any more punishment or Zoe shooting at him in the head. She cuffed his hand to her bed post, he sunk down and laid on the floor, curled like a cat at least he had his clothes on so he wouldn't catch a cold. I don't think he expected her to let him sleep by her on her bed after attempting to rape her, obviously no girl in her right mind would ever do that. That beautiful night Zoe slept like a baby while Brian slept like a cat. In the morning, Zoe woke up first and prepared her breakfast, she sat on her bed and was staring at Brian while he was sleeping. Brian opened his eyes when he smelt the aroma from Zoe's breakfast, he didn't eat yesterday so he was starving. "Oh you're awake, you were sleeping like a cat, do you want to go home? It's morning" said Zoe. '' No, not yet I'm starving I haven't eaten since yesterday", Brian said. ''Well next time you should think twice before attempting to rape a girl". Brian was now speechless because he knew it was true, Zoe gave him one of her sandwich and poured him a glass of watermelon juice. Zoe uncuffed him so he could eat freely, he thanked her and started eating like there was no tomorrow, Zoe started laughing at how he was stuffing his face but he was too hungry to even be bothered. When they both finished eating Zoe asked Brian if he was going home he said, ''Yes because I have to go shower and get some stuff done.

Zoe: I hope you've learnt your lesson and are not going to think about raping any girl again or I will definitely kill your sorry ass.

Brian: ( nervously) Yes I am definitely not gonna try anything stupid like that ever again after what happened yesterday I promise, and thanks for not reporting me to the police Zoe.

Zoe: You're welcome.

Brian: And Zoe...

Zoe: Yes?....

Brian: I am very sorry for trying to rape you if you won't forgive me now it's okay but I really want you to know that I truly am very sorry.

Zoe: Okay, bye Brian.

Brian: Bye Zoe.

Zoe gets on her bike and rides to Tara and Cleo's place. Tara opens the door when she knocked.

Tara: Oh hi Zoe

Zoe: Hi Tara, Zoe enters and notices Cleo is absent and asks is Cleo out?

Tara: Yeah she went to visit her boyfriend in his dorm.

Zoe: Oh cool so you also have a male sub?

Tara: Yeah

Zoe: Well I guess I am the single bestfriend then

Tara: LOL! Not for long though

Zoe: Why?

Tara: That Brian guy definitely seems to like you, something tells me his is gonna come begging you to be his Dom.

Zoe: Yeah he was acting really weird this morning he just might come begging like you think.

Tara: Yeah guys need girls like us to keep them on the right track. They just can't resist our charm

Zoe: So how is your male sub like?

Tara: He is very friendly, kind, caring and so many other things I can't put in words but basically he is every girl's dream boy.

Zoe: Wow, I can't wait to meet him. Does he attend this university?

Tara: Yeah his name is Ken, I guess our ship name can be Ten or Kara(laughs), I prefer Ten though because we are perfect ten :) You might meet him today he finishes his classes quite early, I'd ask him to come over when he's done.

Zoe: Oh cool that'd be nice.

Tara: Free day?

Zoe: Yeah, I love my schedule for this semester.

Tara: You're an IT student right?

Zoe : Yhup, and you do Business Admin?

Tara: Yeah and Cleo's an Architecture student

Zoe: Cool, wanna go grab lunch? I'm starving

Tara : You read my mind

Tara and Zoe walked to the food joint and as they were buying their food, Cleo called Tara on the phone to buy some of the food for her and they took their bags of food back to the dorm and prepared to receive guests, Tara brought out 2 bottles of red wine and added it to the spread.

Zoe: So we set a place for Ken?

Tara: Yeah he just texted that he's coming over.

(knock on door)

Tara: He's even here already(she smiles)

Zoe : How'd you know it's him?

Tara: I taught him that knock (she laughs)

Zoe: Ten over ten,(she chuckles)

Ken walks in

Ken: Hi Tara(blushes)

Tara: Hey Ken, come say hi to my new friend.

Zoe : Hey Ken (shakes hand) nice to meet you

Ken: Nice to meet you too, Zoe.

They all sit at the table and wait for the others and then hear another knock.

Tara: Sheesh Cleo forgot her keys again(she sighs dramatically), Ken, go open her.

Ken: Cool.

Cleo enters sheepishly with a boy

Cleo: Hey guys ! (rubs her hand behind her neck), forgot my keys again, anyway this is Jason my boyfriend, say hi babe.

Jason: Hi Tara, who's your new friend?

Tara: That's Zoe

Zoe: Hi, Jason

Jason; hey

Cleo: Kay enough pleasantries let's dig in I'm positively starved.

they all laugh and start to eat

Jason: So Zoe, you're a female dom too?

Zoe: Yeah, they haven't told you guys how we met?

Ken & Jason; Nope.

Tara& Cleo : I guess we were preoccupied with other matters (they both chuckled deviously) , we'll need wine for this(they laugh)

They recount the story

Ken : Wow, that guy got what he deserved

Zoe(chuckles), definitely

Jason: So you let him go?

Zoe: Yep unfortunately, or people would notice his disappearance, but I made sure he learnt his lesson.

Jason: Cool..

Ken: So you have a male sub?

Zoe: Not yet, anyway Ken what kind of male sub are you?

Ken: (blushes) , I'm into MDlb (Mommy Dom little boy) role play, I love dressing like a cat, I love kitty role play a lot (he says sheepishly)

Tara: Yeah, my little kitty does a cute face and an adorable meow in his kitty get up(she teases), come on little kitty show Zoe your adorable meow so she doesn't think I'm bluffing.

Ken (blushes and goes red with embarrassment),Tara...

Tara: Come on we're all friends here, don't be shy.

Ken: Okay, Meow..... meow... meow.

Tara: See, isn't that just cute,(she kisses Ken on the cheek and says good boy)

Zoe: So Jason, what are you into?

Jason: Basically the same thing but I like dog role plays.

Cleo; He takes his role playing seriously he's got so much dog gear(she laughs), come show off your bark don't make Kitty upstage you.

Jason: Okay (blushing red), Woof . Woof.

Cleo : That's my boy( brushing her hands in his hair and patting his head).

Zoe: Not bad, he sounds like a dog, have you guys had a gang bang before?

Tara: Yep, once on my birthday, I pegged Ken and Cleo allowed me to peg Jason, we pegged our subs and kept switching during the pegging, it was so perfect.

Cleo: Yeah, they all wore their gears, they were so vocal our neighbours thought our pet cat and dog were fighting(Cleo & Tara laugh)

Ken and Jason couldn't get any redder, which made them laugh harder.

Cleo: I'm thinking we should get together again like that on my birthday it'll be a memorable birthday(she smiles deviously)

Tara: Zoe we'd expect you to join in on the fun..

Zoe: Wow I'd be honoured to join in on the pegfest.

All the girls laugh.

Zoe: Since we've got a cat and a dog, I wonder what animal my sub would be(all laugh)

Tara: My favourite part was when Ken and Jason started kissing, when I increased the pace when I was pegging Jason, it was the cutest thing(she chuckles), who'd have thought, a dog and cat kissing(she was practically wheezing with laughter)

Zoe: Wait up, that means you guys were together before we started Uni?

Tara & Cleo: Yah, we got our pets early (they both chuckle)

Zoe: Tara's birthday was like his month right?

Tara: Yep, Alright boys clean up and arrange everything.

Jason & Ken : Sure..

Tara: So girls what should we do next it's only 1pm?

Cleo: What about a movie?

Zoe &Tara: yeah that'd be great

Cleo: Boys, make some popcorn and bring them to the movie room, girls horror or rom-com?

Girls: Definitely horror first wanna see our pets whimper, (they all laugh)

Ken & Jason finished tidying up and brought over the popcorn and they all watched the movies.