Chapter 6

Halfway through the movie, Tara had already finished half of her popcorn.

Ken: Tara, you hungry? (he whispers)

Tara: Nah, the popcorn you guys made is just so good.

Ken: (laughs) Glad you like it.

The movie got scarier as it progressed, Jason kept squeezing Cleo's hand each time he got scared.

Cleo: Ow! What is it Jason? (she whispered)

Jason: Sorry, this movie is just too scary, scary movies are just not my thing.

Cleo: Oh, I had no idea, why didn't you tell me?

Jason: Well, we haven't really discussed which movies we like yet, plus I was scared you'll think I'm weak because of all those stereotypes, besides I wanted us to have more in common (he says sheepishly)

Cleo: Jason, you know I'm a feminist and I believe in equality, so don't be afraid to be yourself around me because that's who I love. You can tell me whatever, we're one remember?

Jason: Yeah, I do, I trust you. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. I love you more than anything Cleo.

Cleo: (holds Jason's hand and kisses him on the cheek)

Zoe: Crap, my popcorn's done.

Cleo: Here take mine, I'm full anyways (she chuckles)

Zoe: Yay! Thanks.

Tara: Mine's also done….

Ken: You can have some of mine.

Tara: (pours all into her bowl and smiles sheepishly)

Ken: (surprised) I said some not all (he said in a whiny voice)

Tara: Well it's in my bowl already (she shrugs )

After the first movie, the guys went downstairs and bought some potato chips for the next movie.

Tara: Zoe can you stay for the next?

Zoe: Yhup, no prob

The guys returned with the chips

Ken: Tara, I bought you 2 bags of your favourite chips.

Tara: Aw thanks babe.

The next movie was very funny, the room was filled with laughter and smiles. Tara devoured both bags of chips and even tried mooching off Ken( which was very funny). The movie ended and Zoe, Jason and Ken said their byes and left. When Zoe got back to her dorm she saw Brian sitting at the door.

Zoe: What are you doing here? I hope you're not thinking of anything crazy?

Brian: No, of course not, I just came to say hi and check on you that's all (blushing)

Zoe: (rolls eyes dramatically) I don't need a babysitter, boy.

Brian: Yeah I know I- I -I just thought........

Zoe: (cuts him off) How long have you been here?

Brian: About two hours I guess..

Zoe: So you came all the way and sat at my doorstep for two hours just to say hi?

Brian: Umm ….. not really I-I was wondering if we could talk?

Zoe: Okay, I'm not that busy at the moment, you can come in and let's talk…..