Chapter 05: Title Unlocked

Killing the creature posed to be a challenge.

Having come out of the fight barely alive, you can imagine me being jumpy with all kinds of creatures breathing in my neck, ready to kill me.

"You accumulated enough experience advances to "

The moment the voice in my head announced my level up I could only think about being inside of an unfair videogame... something, much like dark souls but way... way, harder...

Then, something miraculous happened.

My entire body began to shed off my poisoned skin.

And it felt like I was completely new! Is this for real? Did I just get healed by my level up?

This must be a blessing in disguise... doesn't it? I was so happy that I couldn't stop crying.

"Condition satisfied, due to this you unlocked the ability This ability allows one to inflict damage by biting or rip off pieces of meat.

Enough experience has been accumulated Advances to


So now I can bite things, that's one of the fundamental things in life. Without it surviving would be difficult. And the poison resistance, wouldn't that mean I wouldn't be damaged as much?

"Due to leveling up you gain a skill point."

My hunger was still there, but now I had plenty of food to feast on. Realizing this I quickly went towards the spider. Who still lay there motionless on the ground. I have to make sure the spider is dead and seeing how biting the frog gave me a new ability.

Ripping it apart with my claws would unlock another one right? Making sure it was dead I raised my claw and slashed away at the beast.

"Condition satisfied, due to this you unlock the ability "

Yes! There it is, exactly what I had hoped for, now I didn't need to spend my skill points on these skills.

I jumped on top of the spider, sinking my teeth in its flesh. The taste seeping in was horrible, but I had to eat... If I didn't I could die from hunger.

Right here and now I promise myself to survive no matter what! I am going to live and see the light at the tunnel! Not being able to take any of the meat with me I decided it was best to eat my fair share of both of the beasts. Filling my stomach.

Ripping and biting both apart made both skills level up as they were now both lv 2 it was best to find a safe place to rest.

While eating I also decided to observe both creatures to see if I could learn anything about them.

[A frog with horns]

[A very poisonous spider]

"Due to enough accumulated experience

advances to


Although didn't give me much information to go on, it still was enough to level it up, quickly observing myself to see what was new I was shocked!

Species: Baby Scalus

Name: Mira

HP: 20

MP: 10

Nothing had changed...

Looking at it closer I noticed I now had an HP and MP indicator?!

But... why are they both so low?!

And what is this... this Attributes section?

The voice popped up as if knowing what I wanted to do.

"Want to Observe the Attributes section?"

[YES] / [NO]

YES!!! Yes of course!!

Pushing the yes button opened the Attributes window. Which revealed my overall stats.


STR: 4

DEX: 6

VIT: 4

INT: 3

WIS: 2

LUK: 5

Again such low stats...

I couldn't expect much from someone who was recently born, right?

Maybe they will go up if I keep leveling? Or even by gaining skills?

I should look into that as I go on.

"Conditions Satisfied, Acquired Title [Brutalize].

Acquired skills [Cold Blooded lv 1] & [Bloodlust lv 1]




I remember playing rogue games back home and earning a title after certain conditions were met, Like [Beast Slayer] if you killed enough beasts.

Why would that be here? Hmm... I shouldn't complain about this, should I? Getting a bunch of skills by gaining a title. But to be honest, it did surprise me, I never expected it to be in here...

What do the skills do anyway?

I should first find a safe place before checking them out. While saying this to myself, I started wondering in search of a small crack to fit myself in.

After wandering for a while I found a crack in the wall the path through was covered with rocks, making it a perfect place catch my breath.

Here I decided to use on my new skills hoping to give me some insight.

[One gains the ability to blend in with the environment as their bodies are heated by the temperature around them. Allowing for a more sufficiently use of stealth].

[Can be used to keep weaker enemies away, or gain hp by eating.]

Aren't these skills extremely useful?

So there is a god up there, helping me to survive in these harsh conditions!

But... how do I activate them?

I get is activated at all times seeing as how it regulates my body temperature,

then how does work? Do I just stare at my prey intensely?

Oh well... We will figure it out eventually.

The biggest problem right now is that probably most creatures who have claws must also have this title. Meaning they also have these skills... Oh man... that doesn't make me feel better at all... Then again, I now know titles give you skills.

Which allows me to become better while Acquiring them. Would it help if I bounced around on my tail? Maybe it would give me a title then?

No? Lame... I am here, making a fool out of myself... Hoping to get something useful...

But nooo... Almost died...