Chapter 06: Hunting My First Prey

Gaining new abilities and replenishing all energy.

I felt anew... ready to take on the world!!

Yeah right... who am I kidding?

This world is just so scary... aaaahhhh!!!

Still... having said that I will get nowhere if I keep whining like this...

I have to focus on what's ahead! Like finding a way out of this mess!! Yes!! That's what I am going to do!

Having mustered up all the confidence I could,

I went on my way, hoping to find a safe place from all the monsters around me. Maybe a small cavern inside the dungeon here... preferably with a small water pond so I won't dehydrate in the meantime.

Hmm... okay, let's go search for that first.

Survival is everything!

Walking along the walls and looking around while staying high alert I couldn't help but be in awe with the sheer size of everything... makes you feel insignificant really... taking in as much as I could.

Still... the way I headed towards didn't have any openings towards smaller area's.

This area in particular was huge.

Or it was just because I was so small?

After a while I stumbled upon a fork in the road, giving me two options. I could either go left or right...

Hmm... what should I do? Oh! I know this is the perfect opportunity for right?

I carefully stared into the distance, to the left; luminescent mushrooms, rocks, moss, and other things showed up, and something that I wasn't able to identify.

To the right, there were mostly frogs, spiders, and other lizards? Not knowing what the unidentifiable thing could be I started to worry. What if it's something incredibly dangerous? Or worse, something like the dragon?!

Having my ability I should be able to slip past most creatures, right? And if I get hungry I just try and snatch the weakened ones as I did before.

Yes! So it's decided then, I turn right here.

Heading along the path I had chosen something felt off. Not about the path that I had chosen, but rather because it suddenly became painfully quiet.

Right after a nerve-wracking roar could be heard.


I instantly froze in place. The ground began to shake.

*thud* *thud*

I could hear whatever it may become closer.

*thud* *thud*

*, crumble*

Thinking I would be done for if I staged out in the open like this. I rushed forward in desperation hoping to find shelter from whatever the hell was closing in on us.

*thud* *thud*

*thud* thud*

It seemed to be increasing in speed and closing in rapidly. Finally, along the side of the wall, there was a small opening. Wide enough for me to fit in,

but small enough to hopefully go unnoticed by whatever was coming down this pathway.

I rushed in and ran farther in making sure I couldn't be noticed by it... freaking out about what it could be, It finally hit me...

What if this was the unidentifiable creature? What if it is another dragon? Would there be more?! Freaking myself out with my vivid imagination it went unnoticed that the massive sounds and the shaking of the ground had stopped.

Having calmed down from my paranoia I too noticed the eerily quiet situation I found myself in.

No creatures whatsoever... wait... wasn't there a huge amount of prey? Taking my time to listen something crept up from inside me.

The feeling of unease, knowing that something was wrong, yet being unable to do anything about it. That feeling of powerlessness overcame me when I collected the courage to look outside of the small passageway...

There it was... a huge reptile, not a dragon.

But neither the less, what I saw chilled me to the very core. The feeling of fear which came over me was so primal, I instantly knew I had no chance of survival against it. The reason why I couldn't hear a single screech, bump, or sound was because of what it had done...

A rather large group of creatures had been massacred, trampled to death, and left alone as if to say it was beneath him to eat any of them.

Thank god I just had my share of food or else I would have been in big, big, big trouble.

Quickly turning tail I headed for the other way of the narrow path, not only to find a way out of this mess but also to feed my curiosity.

At the end of the path a small enclosed spherelike area lighter up. It seemed there was no other way out... still... I was save for now... there I lay as fear and frustration had drained me completely...

What if I'm unable to move... what if a creature comes in and decides to eat me? I should try and hide in case some made it here to survive the rampage. There seemed to be a lot of spikes rock formations inside. There... there I should be able to mask my presence long enough for most to leave without any problems.

Walking in closer webs could be seen lying around everywhere, if I wouldn't get caught by one, this could also help me when others get stuck in them.

Gathering my last strength I laid down between the spiked rock formation. It seemed was a passive ability giving me a huge advantage towards others. Meaning I shouldn't be noticed too easily by other right? Haha, this takes me back... back to my previous life. Back then, whenever I was at school no one seemed to notice me either...

Maybe now, I could use it to my advantage?

My vision started to become darker, my eyes... heavier... unable to fight it I slowly collapsed on the floor. Succumbing to my much-needed sleep.

Waking up without knowing how much time had passed kind of worried me when I realized that time was a thing I didn't need to worry about right now.

Jumping up it seemed like nothing had happened so far. Having fully rested I could explore some more. Still... I finally had some sort of base.

A safe place where I could rest. The pond in the middle of the bubble so to speak got filtered in the same way. Moss on the bottom of the cowl filtered the water that fell from the ceiling.

Having drunk my fair share I went outside.

Wary of the unidentified monstrosity I tried to move a boulder in front of the entrance of my home.

Using I located a few bats above me, as well as spiders, the thing that was the nearest of all was a frog, only one name appeared so it should be alone right? Time to start hunting and using more of my .

Slowly I closed in on the unaware creature. Walking across the wall I climbed up a little so that I could get even closer while being undetected.

Suddenly it tilted up its head and began looking left and right in a hurry. It seemed stressed... I guessed that it had the feeling of being watched but couldn't find the culprit, namely me. Haha.

Now close enough to launch an attack I jumped towards the frog and slashed his back. Critically damaging his back it fell to the ground.

The frog frantically moved around trying to turn and cover it's back. He succeeded. Now face to face he finally noticed me and immediately began a counteroffensive. Jumping up and shooting acid at me.

This time I was prepared! I dodged the acid blob and rushed towards the rocks getting cover.

Unable to find me the frog began shooting in random directions. Still... I had to find a way to immobilize it.

Having the ability to turn them to stone or freeze them on the spot. That would be insane, right? Like the basilisk. I remember in my mythology research that it was small lizards who had the same ability as medusa, but instead of locking to their sight, basilisks can just turn to stone whatever they look at.

Meaning it would be even stronger!

Still... it's not certain that this is the same world as in my previous lives, there isn't any certainty that I could learn it.

The frog desperately struggled to stay alive. Frustration began to get the better of it.

I waited in the shadows making it clear that the frog drew his last. In the last attempt, it shot up his poison covering himself and the area around him with an incredibly potent poison.

I had to be careful about getting closer.

The rocks around him melted away, with my cover rapidly melting away I had to act quickly.

Its poison landed in his wounds, inflicting immense pain. Eating away at him it was the last thing he could do before the pain became too much to bear. While