Chapter 20: Ambush on The River of Flowing Magma

The creature spasmed and had drawn its final breath. Now... on death's door, the spasming creature relaxed its skin... as it had died without giving up the fight.

In respect of its tenacity and fighting spirit,

I closed my eyes and payed my respects.

Before I knew it...

My stomach began to growl more loudly than ever, signalling that now was the time to eat!

Without the stress of movement or tension of the muscles, my teeth easily sunk through the top layer of its skin. Although still tough and unexpactedly bitter... I prepared myself for the posibility that the creature would taste disgusting like the rest... I braced myself...

But, instead after piercing the tougher layer, something squishy and soft entered my mouth.

It tasted way better than what I had previously tasted! Had I finally found something worthy to risk my life for?! To be precise, it almost tasted like "Chicken"! But, yet a bit more soft and crispy.

As I dug my teeth deeper into the corpse, after carefully ripping small pieces of it for digestion.

Something gooey that almost tasted like iron mixed with the meat slowly began to poor from the body.

This must be the creatures blood, right?

But, then... why isn't it red like its used to be?

I mean... what I see pooring is almost like ink...

Such a deep and dark color... was there even a color to begin with? Isn't this just black?!

Disgusted yet mystified by what I saw, I knew I had to drink whatever it was... because I had not found any source of water to hydrate myself.

Not knowing when I would find my next prey or, how long I would last if I wouldn't eat my fill...

I had to become more greedy.

Quickly I began gulping down the liquids of the beast and eating every part that seemed edible to me.

As I was half way chowing down on the remains of the beast a notice popped up letting me know that got into effect.

As I had finished the beast entirely, not only did I level up my skill, I felt alive again! Brimming with energy I felt like I could take on the world!

Think about what kind of a creature I had fought against I couldn't think of something that resembled anything similar in my previous life. Other than make believe creature such as a dragon-like beast with glames coming from the tip of his tail.

Hmm... maybe I should observe the bastards if I ever encounter them again? Thinking about it made me shiffer from top to bottom. I felt lonely...

For the first time in days, I realized I had been born to roam the world alone... or atleast for now!

Who knows, maybe I'll eventually be able to find a companion as I'll find the exit of the dungeon, right?

I went on my way, knowing if I wanted to advance on my journey towards the potential exit I had to find a way across the river of lava...

The only way past it had been shattered as the lizard-lika magma beast had crushed it with sheer pressure of its weight... A sigh of dissapointment escaped my mouth.


Now I had to find another way...

If there even were any to begin with...

Looking around carefully I hoped to find what I had encountered previously... but, the gods weren't so helpful, more like... the entire world was against me!

As I walked for hours on end, nothing really seemed to allow me to cross the river of flowing magma.

So, it was best to leave it be and find another way around. Slowly I walked away from the river,

unaware of the peering eyes that followed my every move.

Now you might be thinking; but Mira, don't you have to warn you for incoming creatures?

On which I would normally say that you would be correct, but! My guess is that it mostly works on those being of the same level and lower.

Normally it wouldn't work on those way past my prowess of capability. With the exception of those whom don't even try to hide their pressence, take the steel layered dragon for example.

That sick bastard must have been so strong the entire ecosystem clears a path as it tries to venture true. Or all will have a brutal death waiting for them.

I realised I had been talking to myself for serveral hours now which had to be a clear indication that the loneliness got to me at a rapid pace.

I finally began venturing away from the unbearable heat that radiated off the river.

Too far away to notice movement in the back I continued searching without a care in the world.

Meanwhile more than one set of eyes began staring g at me with intent to kill... slowly the mysterious pressence of whichever had been following me for hours, carefully observed any detail or movement they could let their eyes on.

Slowly, but steadily they matched my rhythm, masking their pressence within the shadow of my movements. When suddenly one began to approach without taking the enviroment into account.

A that moment I heard some rocks and pebbles clatter against one another, realizing the sounds not only came from behind me... They were rather close as well!

Quickly, in the hopes of escaping whatever might have been tailing me, ever since I left in search for another way across... still unaware of its pressence I pushed on as now finding the right path across had top priority.

As I made haste to find a way across something huge was dwelling just underneath the surface of the magma. Unable to see its body, only its mere shadow was enough to make me shiffer as I broke out in a cold sweat.

That was when I realized something closed in on me!

Along the way I saw a huge platform in the middle of the river. I had to take this chance as it meant life or death. Whatever was tailing me must be at least double my size. 

I bloted towards the river as the edge seemed higher than the magma, using my momentum I quickly leaped towards the floating rock formation... As I jumped I wasn't certain if I could make the long jump across, yet... taking this leap of fate... was the only thing I, Mira could do!

Leaping through the air, my peace of mind quickly gave way to panic as I crashed towards the ever flowing magma, almost like a brick that instantly dropped to the ground.

it was then I knew... I had fucked up...

I had to quickly think of something before I would be scorched to death by magma.

I reachdd out to the edge of the platform, but as I closed in... the worst possible thing had happened... my claw slipped across the surface...

unable to grab the edge I plummeted to my death, because of the shock adrenaline shot through my vains, I closed my eyes preparing for my end... when suddenly I realised something odd. The world... the world had slowed down!

taking this chance to analyse my surrounding I quickly found a round bump sticking our on the side of the platform, I knew that it was double or nothing when I lashed out my tongue trying to latch on my one last hope for survival.

my tongue reached the bump, and when it did...

I realized it had a rugged surface, making it easier to grab onto.

taking this to my advantage I curled my tongue around it and quickly pulled myself if, which resulted to my tail being dipped into the scorching magma.

The sheer fire bit though my skin making me scream in agony, yet... not all was bad as this triggered a movement inside me which allowed me to hurl myself upward towards the surface of the platform.

As I landed it really made me feel like something out of a videogame, where multiple chadacters would fight each other to become king of the hill.

But there was no time for reminiscing memories of the past... not wanting to get caught I quickly rushed towards the edge in the hope of reaching the ither side of the river, but before I got the chance to...

Something approached the river from the shadows... Unable to see its appearance, I was unable to calculate the danger brought with it.

The only thing I was certain a about was the fact that I was unable to make it to the other side...

A confrontation was inevitable...

Slowly I backed away, hoping the platform would launch the beast into the air as it leaped towards me. Landing in front of me the platform shaked vigorously as its sheer weight overwhelmed me.

Yet... Quickly the platform stabilised quickly as if it was waiting for a confrontation like this!

It was then I realized what kind of beast it was and quickly observed it.

[Species: Scorching Salamander

Tier: II



HP: 150

MP: 325

SP: 30

Armor: 35 (14% damage reduction)

Physical ATK: 15 - 30

Physical DEF: 20

Magical ATK: 22,5

Magical DEF: 10

STR: 30

DEX: 15

VIT: 30

INT: 45

WIS: 20

LUK: 05]

At first glance the beast must have been at least three times my size, and something told me this was his natural habitat as it began to aggressively cover its body with flames.

The temperature even thought it was already hard to bear instantly rose.

By the time I had leaped onto the floating surface I knew it was a bad decision... but I had to try and survive even if I could have been walking straight into a trap with my eyes open.

Wanting to get out of the confrontation I tried backing away... but before I knew it something leaped onto the surface from the other side...

My suspisions had proven to be correct as yet another salamander had leaped onto the surface in the hopes of finding easy prey in... me...

Now unable to escape, and cornered from both sides only one thing was left to do... Arise to the challenge and survive to live another day!