Chapter 28: Limit Break

Finally having defeated my greatest adversary,

I just couldn't believe I was still alive after all that!

What The Hell was all that?!

Have I defeated the floor boss?! And what just happened during the fight? That couldn't be normal, right?!

I wanted to keep on ranting, but got silenced by "the system." It popped up serveral level-up notices.

Apparently the creature I had killed was enough for most skills to level up twice in a row, not to mention I had reached max level again?!

Now that nothing was around to harm me,

I opened my status window without delay,

Unable to believe my eyes I gasped for air.

[Baby Ragnoss lv MAX

Tier: I

Name: Mira



HP: 320

MP: 490

SP: 124 (recovery rate 8,43 sp per second)

Armor: 24,5 (+5) (9,8% (+2%) damage reduction)

Physical ATK: 41 - 100

Physical DEF: 32 (+11,3%)

Magical ATK: 24,5

Magical DEF: 24,5 (+11,3%)

STR: 30 (+19)

DEX: 75 (+26) (+1)

VIT: 20 (+36)

INT: 35 (+19)

WIS: 35 (+19)

LUK: 15 (+34)

Attribute Points to spend: 0


Offensive Skills:



Defensive Skills:








Enviromental Skills:




<̶G̴l̸i̴t̷c̸h̶ ̵l̸v̷ ̴1̵≯

Skillpoints to spend: 12]

I had come out stronger than ever before,

but was this really the strongest creature here?

I didn't believe it, because the Iron Dragon I had encountered was even worlds apart in comparison with whatever abomination I had been fighting with.

It must have been something to test my skills so far...

To be honest, the creature felt out of place, not of this earth... but how did I know? I wasn't even able to witness anything of this world, let alone get out of this place... So why was I so sure of this?

I did find a portal to another world though... Hmm... what could this all mean?

Wanting to move on, finding a way up.

Quickly the system began popping up notices for me to rank up. As I tried to find a place to utilize my options, out of sight from predators, the system began bugging me even blocking my vision.

Relieved by the fact that I found a narrow passageway to a small bubble without other entrances.

I finally succumbed to the infinite spamming of the system and opened the rank-up menu.

[User is able to rand up, want to see the viable options?] [YES]/[NO]

Now was the time to choose so I answered [YES]

The window I had seen once before opened up in front of me, providing me with serveral new options.

[Your evolution tree will this time consist of 3 different options. Make sure you choose wisely as you may not be able to revert your choice.]

I nodded feeling the pressure of question I knew I had to first carefully examine all options before making my choice.


The adult version for the aquired species.

Ragnoss, have a tendency to carefully observe their surroundings and act accordingly, meaning they are wise hunters. If the user chooses to advance to tier III its Magic, DEF and DEX will greatly increase as they as the basic stats used by these creatures.

True to their baby forms but grown accustomed to their bodies, size will tripple, while scales will become sharper.]

[Baby Raijoss;

This lizard utilizes the elements of wind and lighting.

Making it a swift foe who can even glide through the air on the gusts it is able to create.

Its body like the other lizard species is scaled from head to toe, but the difference is provided by the bigger gaps between them, through these gaps the Raijoss are able to catch the so called wind currents and glide alongside them.

Their bodies are dark blue, while their scales are a bright white. Eyes as blue as the sky will light up together with their skin once lightning strikes down on them or when lighting is produced.

Most smite down from high above, and while they are known for their curious nature there have been times when they themselves turn into a bolt of lighting, as they fight from up close.

Their attributes mostly consist of Magic ATK, Magic DEF, and DEX]

[Baby Aquoss;

The Aquoss are known for their caring and nurturing nature. Their talents ly within the use of water elemental skills. Such as the ability to breath underwater which allows them to take their time while others struggle to survive.

Because of this, they developed a curiosity for everything not from their habitat, which would let them nurture those in need.

Other skills like the mastery of water, includes;

The use of water and wind magic. Allowing them to easily move within the waters making them nible and versatile.

Because of their caring nature they found special uses for their water elementsl magic, which allowed them to heal those who ingested the water or bathed in it.

Their bodies like those of the Raijoss are made for speed and manouvrebility, still fastly different from one another the bodies of the Aquoss have even bigger gaps between their scales, pact with larger and sharper scales on their feet, tails and back allowing them to quickly turn when needed.

Their skin, white as snow has luminescent proportions allowing them to navigate through the depths of the sea. Their scales on the other hand are dark blue providing them with the much needed camouflage against natural enemies.

Their attributes mostly consist of Magic ATK, Magic DEF, DEX and VIT.]

As I read through all the descriptions I became a bit uncertain of what to do... the reason why was for the fact that all had their own advantages and disadvantages. My own form, "Ragnoss" too had its own advantages. But again... being able to fly or even breath under water really felt like insane perks.

Before making my choice I had to make sure no one could disturb me during my evolution. Wanting to make sure I looked around,

as I did... boulders could be seen laying around, not big enough to cover the entire entrance...

I had to stack them on top of one another.

As I did, I knew I had to think of something else with the types of creatures who were lurking from the shadows.

As the pebbles, rocks and boulders had formed a great pile of rubble, quickly I began roasting and melting them together with .

As I did, my imagination went its own way,

thinking of soaring through the skies and swimming through the depths of the see.

Soon enough reality snapped me out of it as I thought about the beast I had seen within the confusing portal. As I did, the option of water quickly lost its charm. And even if I would choose for the lighting option, wouldn't all my hard work be for nothing?

As I though hard about it, a message popped up allowing me the option of metamorphosis.

Still... I knew the better option was still to go for the Ragnoss tree. Why? Because if I didn't,

I had to start from scratch once again...

As I found my resolve I selected the option which to be was the best to go with and quickly I fell in a deep sleep, whitin the dream world messages passed me by as I dreamed of the possibilities I willingly let go...