Chapter 32 - Name System

[Monster with a name will automatically raise a rank in consideration of their original versions. See it as how in Action Role Playing Games named monsters are known as "Champions", "Elites" or even "Unique's".]

[The actions of the player named; "Mira" has unlocked the following title;

"Among the Named Ones". This title is proof of those among "the system" have acquired the privilege of becoming "named".

Said title unlocks the following;

DEX (+5)

VIT (+5)

and "Mira's" own choice of permanent (+1) for two skills.

This means that their bonus increases with level-up like the other (+1) skills, one could also increase the (+1) to either (+2) or (+3). Making the bonus extremely significant. "The System advises to think on this strongly as you will be needing it in the near future!]

"Wait… This is happening again?! I can't help but feel that the things that keep unlocking are rather unfair cheating, or even Over Powered… Why is it that the system is giving me this privilege?"

Thinking hard about it there wasn't something to complain about, although curiosity kept eating away at my conscious brain. For now, I decided it was best to do what the system asked of me, but at the same time, the thought of some hidden motives lingering within these actions was also present within my mind. I opened my status window looking at my stats I couldn't believe how high my stats had gotten in the time that I struggled to survive…


Tier: II

Name: Mira



HP: 405

MP: 640

SP: 164 (recovery rate 8,43 sp per second)

Armor: 49 (+5) (9,8% (+2%) damage reduction)

Physical ATK: 41 – 100

Physical DEF: 32 (+11,3%)

Magical ATK: 24,5

Magical DEF: 24,5 (+11,3%)

STR: 50 (+19) (+50%) (+1)

DEX: 86 (+31) (+1) (+1)

VIT: 30 (+41) (+1)

INT: 40 (+19) (+1)

WIS: 40 (+19) (+1)

LUK: 15 (+34) (+1)

Attribute Points to spend: 05]

As I closely looked at my stats another thought popped up into my head, having checked the stats of creatures previously encountered, my stats weren't that different were they? "There should be a way to make sure… Hmm…"

[Having difficulty making a choice?]

E.V.E. suddenly popped up realizing I certainly had not made a choice.

"You could tell?"

[Yes… I'm part of the system, like all windows are, which means, I can tell when some are kept open for longer as well. What is making you think twice about your choice? Maybe E.V.E. can help?]

"Hmm… Honestly, I don't know what would be the best course of action here.

I mean… my Dexterity and vitality have already gotten a boost thanks to the fact that I unlocked the name system… Not only that, my dexterity already has a permanent (+1) for each level up… Thinking about this, what makes the choice so difficult is that I have no way of knowing what is to come, right?"

E.V.E. did not respond after this question, meaning I had to find out for myself eventually.

"Then again, looking at how the system went out of its way to explain the possibility of increasing the permanent bonus, this just got me thinking, mostly… Just Brainstorming I guess?"

[Oh yea, what about? Could it be you're thinking up ways to exploit "the system" again?]

E.V.E. said jokingly knowing fully well what I would answer as she "the system" had been observing me from the beginning.

"Now that you mention it… Maybe that's the best way to go, right? Finding exploits will eventually help me to survive in future encounters with the unknown, right? Going by that though I should at least put a point in dexterity as we speak."

I did as I said, while E.V.E. did not budge at all, I knew she was still there, observing…

Recording my every move. Any "normal" person would probably feel unease about this, freaking out even? Well… not me… I had been alone for so long, that the realization of being observed by someone or something for that matter even being able to communicate with it… It honestly gave me a safe feeling. I wasn't alone anymore… Maybe I should try and tease her a little?"

I grinned at the thought, while I silently continued to observe how my first choice had turned out.


Tier: II

Name: Mira



HP: 405

MP: 640

SP: 164 (recovery rate 8,43 sp per second)

Armor: 49 (+5) (9,8% (+2%) damage reduction)

Physical ATK: 41 – 100

Physical DEF: 32 (+11,3%)

Magical ATK: 24,5

Magical DEF: 24,5 (+11,3%)

STR: 50 (+19) (+50%) (+1)

DEX: 86 (+31) (+2) (+1)

VIT: 30 (+41) (+1)

INT: 40 (+19) (+1)

WIS: 40 (+19) (+1)

LUK: 15 (+34) (+1)

Attribute Points to spend: 05]

For now, it all looked good, knowing I would probably not feel the difference until I leveled up once more. Being at peace with my choice my eyes fell on the luck stat, as my passive had increased quite a bit thanks to certain titles and skills as well as how it helped me out during multiple impossible situations. I had to give it to the balance of my luck stat…

Then again having more health could also be a good thing to have in the future.

Or maybe investing more points in STR allowing me to do more damage to my body as a whole? Thinking about it, man… this was difficult. Nothing was there to indicate that I actually would be allowed to gain another of these insane boosts. Making me think this might be a one-time thing… If so? There was only more reason to think about what had to be done.

[Thinking hard on your last point aren't you? Why don't you tell me what you are planning, maybe I could help you finalize your decision?]

E.V.E. sounded helpful, but at the same time, I knew she wasn't allowed to give away crucial information. Not about the system itself, right?

"Nah, it's okay I've almost made my choice. Also, it wouldn't matter if I told you about what I was planning, you can't give me advice about what's to come, right?"

Thinking about this I wanted to closely look at my stats, especially Luck.

As my window was still opened up in front of me I focused on the LUK stat, suddenly a smaller window popped up on top of the other.

Explaining to me what LUK was all about and what kind of influence it had on my actions and life as a whole.

[LUK: "Luck" increases the overall chance for beneficial things to happen to the player, like for example landing Critical hits, Surviving first-time lethal damage, or even positively ending negotiations with other parties. Increases "Item Find" "Critical hit chance" "Critical Hit DMG" and "Gold Drop Rate"]

Taking a closer look had made up my mind as it would also help me out to deal more damage in a fight, allowed me to survive critical damage, and taking into account having to do more in the future this even helped out with those plans.

With my mind made up I made my choice. Selecting LUK for my second permanent point, but… That was not where I ended it since I had some spare attribute points left to spend. Spending them all on LUK I felt overjoyed.


Tier: II

Name: Mira



HP: 405

MP: 640

SP: 164 (recovery rate 8,43 sp per second)

Armor: 49 (+5) (9,8% (+2%) damage reduction)

Physical ATK: 41 – 100

Physical DEF: 32 (+11,3%)

Magical ATK: 24,5

Magical DEF: 24,5 (+11,3%)

STR: 50 (+19) (+50%)

DEX: 86 (+31) (+2)

VIT: 30 (+41)

INT: 40 (+19)

WIS: 40 (+19)

LUK: 20 (+34) (+1)

Attribute Points to spend: 00]

But what I failed to realize was the fact that my LUK had now surpassed the 50 point barrier.

Thinking back something similar had happened with my other skills once they had passed the 50 points barrier or even the 100 points barrier regarding my dexterity.

Curious about this I waited in anticipation… And surely a window popped up informing me about my accomplishment.

[Congratulations "The Player" has reached a LUK base stat of 50 or higher. Enough points have been accumulated… Proceeding to unlock the following passive ability;

"Extraordinary LUK; "The player" having unlocked this ability is now able to slightly manipulate the outcome of its influence with LUK. Meaning "The Player" has a 2% chance to use his LUK a second time on the situation they wish for. Remember, as of now this is only able once per encounter or situation."

"The System" wishes the player good fortune and prosperity on his journey ahead of the future.]

I didn't know what to expect of the message I had gotten from the system…

But I knew that I was only at the beginning of my journey ahead.

Being overjoyed I finally wanted to exit the middle layer…

I had enough of all the lava and magma…

But what was waiting for me next?