Chapter 31 - Artificial Intelligence

"So… nothing I do will let you spill the beans?"

[That is correct, "the player" requires to find out for themselves, gaining knowledge of the world around them, either by leveling as said player has done till now or by exploring more with their own eyes.]

"Awww man… I thought something useful would happen now that I unlocked the player assistance feature… Hopes can become too high…"

E.V.E. became a bit bashful and annoyed by my remark. Turning reddish for a second.

[I am here to assist, yes… To guide those in need, but I am programmed to give the player the right experience, no cheating through tips or advice are allowed, the player has to find their way to implement the skills and abilities they so truly desire. Having stared into the face of death so many times Gaia found your survival skills noteworthy.

She believes, appreciation is in order, which is why she has appointed me to guide you along your journey. To think it would be someone so unthankful as you…]

E.V.E. became a bit snobby, as she turned away.

I must have hurt the A.I's feelings… hoping to rekindle what I had lost in an instant only because I had been alone for so long I felt the need to address how glad I was with its presence.

"I have to say, even if you can't inform me about my burning questions,

it is truly great to have met you, it's just… most faces aren't friendly around here…

Or rather… None of them are. So… Please take that into account why I'm being like this!"

Taking a glance around the area it seemed like I was alone, no animals could be seen at the crossroads of the volcanic area. This must be the time to just relax even for a little bit.

Maybe getting to know this E.V.E. better would be for the best, right?

E.V.E. Disappeared, for a moment I thought I was alone once more…

Only for it to reappear shortly after. Artificial Intelligence began imprinting on my memories. Memories of my past life.

I felt like it was too shy to ask me what I thought about the system and its way to guide players throughout the world.

[Artificial Intelligence Lv. 1 unlocked. This allows said "player" to interact with the system on a social level. Gaining a bigger and better experience of the world around you. Truthfully this element was implemented for those showing promise, yet showing signs of struggle for survival and mental wellbeing. As the levels of the artificial intelligence which we will be revering to as E.V.E. gains levels. More and more will be possible, for now, see it as a second voice inside your head. Enjoy.]

Not knowing for sure what the introduction text was telling me about,

I thought to myself that things couldn't get any worse, right?

Having arrived at the crossroads I had to make another decision…

The decision of where to go next? I knew the dungeon I was in had something to do with Norse mythology, or rather that's what I recognized about it.

The mythical tree of life, Yggdrasil… What was it like in this world? What was it capable of?

And most importantly, who created it and put it here within this world?

The questions just kept on flooding, thinking back to the beginning of my journey as a lizard what was I doing? I needed to find a way out… But, did I have a way of telling how much further I needed to venture within this dungeon of old? I had been going deeper,

the challenges all became more challenging as I went on… Yet, there was more world(s) than one where there not? Like the deepwater world with the horrific creatures?!

"Oh hell no!! Don't get me started on that one!"

[Which one? What are you talking about "player"?]

E.V.E. started to react to my rattling of questions.

"One of my more horrific experiences so far! Thinking back… The struggles only have become worse with few breathing moments in between… Being able to space out like this must have been ages… And… Could you please stop calling me "player"? I have a name you know… For someone being so persistent on using their name, please implement mine too!"

[It appears the player has shown signs of an intellectual human complex, understandable seeing how said the player was human in their past life. "Player" please tell E.V.E. your name so it can be implemented completely.]

With a confused look on my face, I looked around in the hopes of finding an apparition containing E.V.E's identity, but couldn't find anything. Then something rather obvious hit me and I took E.V.E's approach in question.

"Say… E.V.E?"


"Are you not part of the system?"

[My artificial intelligence is completely implemented with the system known to the player,

why you ask?]

"Well… If that is true, then you should have known my name by now, wouldn't you?

I mean… My name is known to the system and everything… But oh well…

Just for the sake of it, let me introduce myself to you.

My name is Mira, the name my parents had given me in my past life.

Back then I was a young man who took to himself, at home and at school too.

My parents did love me but were arguing quite a lot. Which was why I usually retreated to my room. Playing games, escaping to my digital paradise where no one could judge me.

At school I did have friends, I also socialized when needed, but was usually rather introverted. Making me one of those within the class that didn't stand out a lot."

[Well, it is nice to know you "the player" remember the name you had in your previous life.

I like this, but don't know what to think of it, oh well, time will tell. Nice to meet you too "Mira".]

[Name registration completed, previously the player inputted its name but registration never truly finished, now that this has been accepted by the Evaluating Virtual Entity the following effects will go into effect.]