Chapter 30: Connection With The Gods

The entity which I saw wasn't anything like the horrific beasts I had encountered before... instead...

I could have sworn that I had not seen such beauty before!

Awestruck I stared at the apparition,

it smiled at me and for the first time I felt emberrased, even warm inside...

But something felt off... and it didn't take me long to figure out and realize what it was.

Whichever it was... This being had a connection with all the events that had transpired.

Her radiance quickly turned into a menacing aura as the realization creeped in.

What did I see behind her? Where that the digital distortions I had seen before my death?

It couldn't be, right? Before I could speak up and ask about all this,

what the connections where between what had transpired and even what its connection was with this world. The apparition cut me off as she began to speak.

"Little one... this must not have been how you imagined your life, is it? Must be rather dissapointing, no? Hahaha."

The apperition didn't really have a recognisable form, it was like a light radiated through the distortion, as the voice vaguely emitted from rhe other side of the distortion.

I had seen something what felt like a portal only once, so I wasn't sure about what I saw right now...

Instead, it felt like the entity was not trying to pass throug... It felt more like it tried to establish a connection. Observing my every move... I sighed and lifted my head in the air.


"So... this was why I felt being watched all the time... Tell me, is this your doing?!"

Not knowing how deep the observation could have gone, and how much importance my question had at the time, the entity replied with a childish attitude.

"Pfffttt, that's how you react to something other worldy?! Boring!! Hahaha. The first reaction you made putting your head through the Gates of the Deep Sea.

Unkowning... Curious, man! You should have seem what your face looked like when you stood face to face with the Terror of the Seas. Not to mention the other worldy horrors or dragons you have encountered so far! Hyahahaha priceless I tell you!

But this... why is it you don't seem surprised anymore?! Huh?! You should be cowering in fear,

or at the very least you should be dying to know more about the impossible events of this world, right?!"

I shaked my head as I was still unable to move an inch...

"Well... I am scared, who wouldn't be in a world like this? But... I am stuck and can't really do anything let alone react to most things that have happened here in the darkness... I mean... I can hear you and can see the distortion, but there's not much to really be afraid of anymore..."

It stayed quiet for a moment when the voice got irritated.

"Hmm... say... I have been observing you, but there have been some moments of static,

I swore that when I would make first contact that you would be extremely surprised and shocked...

But here we are... such an anticlimactic situation... Mooaaaah!! It irritates me to no end!

Also, why is it that someone like you is able to talk with me?! Huh?! I thought I could tease you with the fact that you couldn't, aarrgghh!!"

I wisely kept quiet not giving away how I obtained this ability, for all I knew... the entity could be just another enemy. It was best to first find out more about it.

So I let it rant all it wanted. The air the entity had around it... I couldn't place it... but I knew I had felt it before. When I finally calmed down, it too loosened the roots.

"Toying with you isn't why I'm here... althought part of it, my purpose is to observe those Reincarnated whitin this world... but that's not the reason why I am here today. I came bearing a message for you. Mira."

I looked at the portal, confused as I didn't know what to think anymore... Was it telling the truth? Or was it a blatant lie?

That was when it hit me, the dots connected as I could fjnally place the feeling which was putting me off... The entity felt like it was a little girl... A little girl who was playing with her dolls.

So... what did that make me? Her toy?! The system popped up bearing a message.

[Don't let up that you're reading this... I came to warn you... Warn you about the dangers...

Dangers outside of the world you know and even tell you what caused your death in the first place.

I can tell what you're thinking so you don't gave to react at all, just make sure you read it all.]

"How... how do you know my name?"

I asked trying to act oblivious towards the purpose of the entity.

"I just told you silly! I'm the one who observes you... Look I can even open your information for me to observe."

A moment of silence fell, in what felt like an eternity, soon it was broken by the irritated snapping of the entity.

"Again... not why I'm here, to be honest I'm only allowed to relay the message as of now,

so thats what I'm going to do! Mira! We have observed you for quite some time now, and as we did, we felt it became time to tell you what the connection is between you, this world and even us as a species."

[If you want to know, make sure to survive your encounter with "them".]

We little Mira are what you the observer's and manipulators of life & changes known as the Kikai-ka. Our existance goes back life times even further back than most would be able to grasp.

For you see, we came from nothingness... We... are one of many, those who came from the void!

But we are drifting away... let me cut right to the case. We observe to conquer,

experiment and enjoy... We do this out of entertainment. Known to many as gods of this realm.

But no... we are not alone... For you see, you have a connection with us a connection to the gods!]

Before I could react the entity slowly fanished from sight, but not before a bright flash of light revealed the pressence of the entity...

What I saw... was horrifying... looking like a shillouette of a human or rather "skeleton" not to mention the fact that the glow of its eyes pierced straight through my soul... life felt like it was fading away as they lighted up greenish almost like something needed time to boot up.

Within the shillouette the glowing greenish light could be seen throughout its body, revealing a skeletal structure, but not made of bones... Instead it was made of metal?

Then suddenly the portal closed behind it and with it the distortion ended...

"Did... Did that really happen just now?"

I said to myself.

Suddenly a message popped up.

[Yes, it did!]

Shocked by this response towards my question,

I screamed and looked around me as if I had seen a ghost. But... nothing...

[You won't be able to find me outside, but trust me, I am definitely here...

Here inside the system. Calm down will you... I'm on your side.

Let me introduce myself as I feel we have to do something about this awkward situation.

I am you Artificial Intelligence Compenion, better known as Evaluating Virtual Entity or E.V.E. for short.]

"Hmm... E.V.E. I really like that name, well... Nice to meet you E.V.E. Since you're part of this so called "system" it means we are stuck with each other now. But what did you mean? Tell me about what has caused my death?"

[E.V.E. can't inform user of certain details yet, the user has to aquire knowledge from "Observers".]

Not knowing what to think of this situation I eas releaved I was still alive...

But what did E.V.E. mean? And what might have caused my death?

I was dying to know at this point...