Chapter 41 - Endless Possibilities?

At first, I couldn't believe it, thinking that the system was pulling a prank on me.

But when I checked the other routes they are mentioned eggs as the starting point.

It made me doubt my existence for a moment.

"An egg? Wait… Does that, does that mean any creature starts from their egg stage?

Like how mammals take shape within the uterus, thinking about it in a way that process also elevates eggs."

As I said this an insane thought went through my mind.

Would it be possible to process devolution? Or would it be possible in a sense to evolve into something else than my reptilian heritage?

Thinking about it made my mind race, I had no answers, nothing to hold on to, nothing to confirm or deny what I was thinking about. Some might even say the strain of thought I had was blasphemous all together. But to me… I was honestly just curious.

Quickly the thought began to devour my rationality, in a way since the strain of thought had no answers only questions kept on being thrown one after the other when something dark and otherworldly began taking root. Something within me began questioning existence as a whole. Unconsciously I began trying to connect everything I had ever questioned or experienced.

Everything from birth, till this point. What was the point of it all?

I honestly had no answer as I desperately tried to make sense of it all…

For a short moment, I tried rationalizing the situation, seeing the egg as the starting point of the evolutionary tree. I began examining the available information and carefully looking over all that had presented itself to me throughout my life.

[The Reptilian evolution tree;

Since ancient times reptiles have roamed the planet, adapting to lives chances,

eventually evolving to venture through water, jungles, deserts, caves, or even the air.

Like other animals reptiles reproduce by laying and hatching eggs, the only difference usually being that the reptile parents leave the young to fend for themselves throughout the harsh elements, environment, and obstacles of nature. At times even having to fight their parents themselves for a chance of survival. Truly living by the one fundamental rule known throughout the universe as survival of the fittest.

Reptilian Eggs;

These eggs while having a flexible and squishy shell tend to cushion most impacts to give the young a chance to come into the world.

Reptilian adaptation;

Throughout the struggles which life throws at them, reptilians learn to adapt and evolve to survive against the struggles and obstacles they come across.]

After reading the introduction text of the reptilian tree, I quickly looked if the previously seen evolution options were present within the evolution system. Surely I came across all options, even the unique and previously unknown fourth option.

[Baby Scalus;

A newborn reptilian of the Scalerion Ultima, one closest related to the gigantic known lizards within the world, few have lived to tell the world about their encounter. But legends say that they are known for being wingless dragons who rampage the deep cave systems together with the landscapes deep within the forests.

The baby version on the other hand is known for its vigilant and flexible manor to claw its way through survival. Known to be hated by almost every species known to man, even their own. To survive they have developed nimble limbs which allow them to travel fast during short distances as well as claws to climb almost any known kind of terrain, such as soft dunes of sand, murky puddles of mud, but also speed mountainsides.

Their tail is known as a balancing tool through the experience of learning to climb,

swim or run. The tail has other uses such as pinning down and grabbing prey.

Its sharp claws and fang allow them to easily tear to tough skin and muscle.

The "Scalus" is known for its curious nature allowing it to learn and adapt throughout its experiences.

[Baby Ragnaa:

Baby version of the Fire typing Scalus.

Has tougher scales and a "stronger" organ inside their belly to conjure fire elemental attacks. Openings in between their scales allow heat to escape, not only allowing them to blend with the temperature of the environment in ways of camouflage, yet also to conjure even stronger flames.

The Baby Ragnaa while the same size as the Baby Scalus has White scales, and a reddish-orange skin underneath allowing heat to easily escape making them masters of heat manipulation.]

I looked at the description of the Baby Ragnaa, before going back to the description of the egg. The description of the Ragnaa was one I had been thinking about before gaining the elusive and special fourth hybrid option. "The Ragnoss".

[Baby Seathrios:

A sleuth version of the Scalus who can blend with the environment.

Has the affinity to learn how to conjure shadow and poison elemental attacks.

Baby Seathrios while the same size as the Baby Scalus have black scales allowing them to blend with the dark environments as well as with shadows allowing the environment to work as camouflage.

As they can both conjure shadow and poison elemental attacks, not only can they spit it with their mouth and ooze it out of their claws, but they can also radiate it from the tiny open areas between their scales.]

As I read through all these evolutionary options I recollected what I had experienced, perceiving that which had been mentioned at the Scalus section was all true…

I had been learning to adept, even honing my climbing and hunting skills…

It as if the system knew I had to do all this just to obtain a small chance of survival.

But was it all worth it? And was the choice the system had made for me even the right one?

The thoughts dragged me even deeper in the evolutionary routes as I notice certain names which I had not seen before… Names such as "Elemental Lizards" "Stealth Crawlers" or "Savage Raptors" What would happen if I tried observing them more? Would that be possible?

My curiosity quickly got the better of me as I reached out to observe the intriguing new names. I had found myself reaching out to the "Elemental Lizards" before even realizing it, which opened a whole new section to the evolutionary trees.

[Due to observing certain terms, categories have been added to the evolutionary tree, making it easier to distinguish between certain typing of creatures. The creature names have been unlocked and added.]

[Due to the survival of hardships throughout "the players" life "the system likes to provide the player with basic information about the elements known within Arganthes as the player explores the newly obtained categories.

Elemental Lizards; like the name suggests it categorizes the elemental sub-category of the lizards known throughout Arganthes. To those unaware of the available elements within Arganthes, we will be so kind to explain each element.

As for the basic elements, most should know there is a certain degree of elements,

such as; Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water. Which are commonly known as "Basic Elements".

Some might even know the elements which control the sun and moon, known as "Light and Darkness". Yet there are more to these elements than previously believed.

Such as that within the universe although originally thought to be part of either of these previous names elements, to contrary believe elements such as Ice which had been believed to be part of water or how the lighting was commonly known to be part of the air, which they are, yet they have evolved as separate elements known as "Advanced Elements".

There are yet two other elements that previously did not exist, one being the artificial element known as "Metal" which has the property to conduct any of the other known powers as "Humankind" has found a way to tinker with and combine said elements with it.

The last and most mysterious element known to "the system" goes by the name of "Void".

Which in a way has the same properties as "Metal" combined with "Darkness".

Other than the fact that it had been found from off-world nothing much is known about it.

Knowing multiple elements allows the player to combine and create their elements. In such a way "Poison" or "Venom" has been created which can be a combination of either Earth + Water, but also Earth + Fire, which allows the strengthening of said "Poison" or "Venom" by adding multiple elements.

As of this known century life forms have evolved which means both "Poison" and "Venom" have been added to the "Basic Elements Roster" as well as the "Advanced Elements Roster".

We hope to have informed the player sufficiently with the known basic about elements within Arganthes, we hope your experience so far has been informative and enjoyable, to say the least.]

"Ha! Don't make me laugh… Enjoyable?! More like horrific!? But… since I'm still alive I have to say that doing battle so far had always been enjoyable as well, seeing myself rise in rank, allowing myself to take on bigger and stronger creatures… If only…"

I stopped talking as the window closed on me, showing a new window that largely displayed the words "Elemental Lizards".

I knew it was just the system being formal towards their players so far,

yet I don't know why… For some reason I as the player felt played with as well…

At the moment when I began slipping away in thought the window which displayed the new subcategory opened up, revealing a world of new options to me.