Chapter 42 - "Elemental Lizards"

The window which had opened up now showed the previously mentioned elements,

to my surprise each element mentioned a lizard counterpart even though I had never met most of the mentioned names before, names like; Raileus, Glacius, and Ragiron Before realizing it each of the mentioned names opened up revealing their known lore to me.

[Baby Scalus; Neutral Element.

A newborn reptilian of the Scalerion Ultima, one closest related to the gigantic known lizards within the world, few have lived to tell the world about their encounter. But legends say that they are known for being wingless dragons who rampage the deep cave systems together with the landscapes deep within the forests.

The baby version on the other hand is known for its vigilant and flexible manor to claw its way through survival. Known to be hated by almost every species known to man, even their own. To survive they have developed nimble limbs which allow them to travel fast during short distances as well as claws to climb almost any known kind of terrain, such as soft dunes of sand, murky puddles of mud, but also speed mountainsides.

Their tail is known as a balancing tool through the experience of learning to climb,

swim or run. The tail has other uses such as pinning down and grabbing prey.

Its sharp claws and fang allow them to easily tear to tough skin and muscle.

The Scalus is known for its curious nature allowing it to learn and adapt throughout its experiences.

Basic elemental lizard families;

[Baby Terranean; Earth Element

Baby version of the earth elemental typing lizard which has adapted to survive in extremely dry and heated weather. "The Terranean" usually is seen burying itself in the sand to traverse it like water. Its smooth and streamlined body allows for incredible speeds to be reached while doing this. This type of lizard has been commonly known as the sandfish.

Although most people know other terraneans out there, such as the Bearded Dragon or Thorny Devil all known for their characteristics of survival in the harsh dry, and heated environment of the desert. The terranean has a plethora of abilities for its needs to adapt for its survival. One of the basic defenses is known for the Scalus to be learned at an early age when it survives being chewed on multiple times. Resulting in tougher skin than other lizards within the family. This also helps terraneans to gradually absorb water or even swim to watery cores unknown to the outside world.

Because of these abilities, Terraneans also learn to manipulate the earth around them, allowing for creative ways of survival, even trapping their prey in pits or traps.

[Baby Aerosean; Wind Element

The Aerosean is an adaptation of the wind elemental lizard's branch.

These lizards have learned to hone their abilities allowing them to manipulate the air around them, allowing them for instance to hover, glide or even fly through the air depending on their experiences and needs for survival. This would also include the ability to create an air pocket which will allow them to venture in the water longer and deeper than most.

Their agile builds allow them to react to the smallest of chances even feeling out their surroundings within the air around them. Having mastered the art of breathing,

they too a large mana pool which allows them to even occasionally shoot outbursts off the wind. Has the potential to evolve into what humans came to know as Wyverns, but also has been bread for their appealing peacock-like fans this in turn is a whole other breed of lizard as this one is known for its colorful throated fan. Small, but highly territorial these tiny lizards compete by displaying their vibrant colored fans and taking out their daring competition. At the other part of the evolutionary spectrum, they allowed themselves to learn from the territorial squirrel, as they too have adapted a way to glide through the air with properties similar to that of kites.

Within the oasis throughout the deserts, humans have studied both the colored fan and the kite lizard to implement their techniques of survival, not only allowing humans to prosper in the process but even allowing them to correctly predict the direction of the wind.

[Baby Ragnaa: Fire Element

Baby version of the Fire typing Scalus.

Has tougher scales and a "stronger" organ inside their belly to conjure fire elemental attacks. Openings in between their scales allow heat to escape, not only allowing them to blend with the temperature of the environment in ways of camouflage, yet also to conjure even stronger flames.

The Baby Ragnaa while the same size as the Baby Scalus has White scales, and a reddish-orange skin underneath allowing heat to easily escape making them masters of heat manipulation.]

I looked at the description of the Baby Ragnaa, before going back to the description of the egg. The description of the Ragnaa was one I had been thinking about before gaining the elusive and special fourth hybrid option. "The Ragnoss".

Which I was happy about beyond imagination. By the looks of it, this truly was a class with unique properties. Now that the subclasses have been unlocked I was able to see that the class had to be a separation from both the stealthy subclasses "Stealth Crawlers" as well as the elemental sub classes. "Elemental Lizards".

[Baby Ryutai; Water Element

Baby version of the Water elemental typing lizard has learned not only to swim through water but also walk on water. They have learned to adapt and evolved in many different types of lizards, some being small, yet others being gigantic. Commonly known to be found in jungle area's their apex predator had been thought to be an earth dragon,

Imagine their surprise when it easily traversed the wild rivers as well.

Although few Apex predators are known because there are so few survivors many have known them to exist. The smaller ones adapted with agile small limbs allowing them to run like the wind even traveling above water without losing speed. Like the Aeroseans they too can put some kind of membrane around themselves not by manipulating air, but by manipulating the water itself, thus allowing them to trap a moderate amount of air inside and traverse the waters for an extended period.

There are legends to be known for never before seen Apex Predators lurking in the depths of the sea and dragging down those who dare to oppose them.

The Ryutai are known for their abilities to manipulate water, allowing them to even heal paralyzing, poison, or other elemental disturbances. Might the Ryutai evolve its capabilities they adept to even heal wounds all together giving them insane recovery and healing abilities all together?

Where the Terraneans are known to be the lizard family's Tank, the Ryutai are known to be Healers.

[Baby Begila; Poison/Venomous Element

The Begila are the Poison and Venomous cousin of the lizard family.

Known to either melt their prey in mere seconds or poison them over time with their potent salvia. Belgia's adapted to the harsh environments of the world in a different way than others, by honing their bodily fluids to their disposal. Even poisoning their blood, allowing them to poison their prey on impact as they rip to their prey's flesh.

At the same time, this allows for an almost perfect defense mechanism while not only coating their sturdy hides or scales with their venom as those who dare rip or bite through their thick hides will not only meet a slow death by this potent venom but take the chance to melt away their claws or face on impact.

This strain of elemental lizards can be quite ambiguous, as they tend to have to endure self-harm for their survival as they gradually build up their poison and venom resistances. Never before has there been an Apex predator of this kind since they usually tend to develop ways outside of their resistances for survival. But who knows, they might be somewhere out there.

[Baby Raileus; Lightning Element

A lightning adaptation on the elemental lizards' branch. Raileus are known for their capabilities of reaching insane speeds, flashing by in the blink of an eye, or even paralyzing their prey with lightning itself. Raileus are a species that by some absurd reason have survived the collision with lighting strikes, honing their bodies allowing them to charge and discharge the loads generated by this. While others adopted in a different way allowing themselves to build up the charges on their own.

Raileus are tactical masters who immobilize their prey before going in for the kill,

allowing them a wide variety of abilities and moves towards the road of success.

[Baby Glacius; Ice Element

The Ice elemental lizard has adapted to survive in extreme coldness and weather.

Commonly seen on glaciers and the snowy area's hence the name "Glacius". These Elemental Lizards have learned to hone the coldness to their advantage allowing them the mastery of the ice element. Allowing them to freeze or even pierce their prey in seconds.

Abbreviations of this gave the humans some extra interest in them as they were able to keep their food fresh for a longer period than usual. Meaning the smaller ones often got south after as pets.

[Baby Ragiron; Metal elemental

The Artificially created lizard, known for its mechanical body which allows it to adapt to the environment on the fly. Humankind has always had a love or even an obsession with the

unknown, making them highly interested in creating their capable war machines,

which allow them to implement the prowess needed for the occasion.

Fusing the essence of these creatures with alchemic machinery sometimes turned out for the worse as these machines began living a life of their own.

With little to no weaknesses and the ability to absorb and adapt to the occasion on the fly, these machines have been feared since the war of light.

[Unknown Species; ??? element]

This all the known information about the elemental lizards' subclass, would you like to know more?]

"I think this is enough for now… damn… so many options to pick and choose from…

I think I need a minute to process this all, haha. Although I do know the interesting elements now. Yet there is more to it than I first thought, even leaving an unknown species and element? Could this be the previously mentioned otherworldly element "Void"? Man! I better take this in and think about my future options carefully."

When I found myself trying to comprehend all that had presented itself to me, curiosity began boiling within, with a question that had been bugging me since the presentation of the subclasses. What about the Unique classes? Where can I find out more about them? And why is it that it was introduced to me, to begin with?