Chapter 43; The Other Subclasses; "Stealthy Crawlers"

That one question repeated over and over; why introduce unique classes?

Without having the answers, I knew I had to investigate. Investigate that which presented itself to me indefinitely "The other classes!"

Quickly I slide through the windows, all the way back to the beginning where the classes got introduced to me. The sections were as clear as day presenting themselves as "Elemental Lizards", "Stealth Crawlers" and "Savage Raptors". Nothing mentioned anything remotely similar to "Unique Classes". But I had hope, hope that investigating what was known could not only increase my own knowledge, yet in the slightest of chances even unlock new information.

Now that I was still safe, I hurled up within the tunnels underneath a cut-off tree stump.

There should be enough time to check everything out in a careful manner, right?

Having looked into the "Elemental Lizards" section, now it is time to check out the other options starting with the "Stealthy Crawlers". I focused on the selection and instantly noticed something different in appearance to the "Elemental Lizards". Instead of the window surging with lightning and the four elements, this time it felt as if a large shadow got cast on top of the window. A shadow which had blended with my own.

The ecstatic felt different in the right way, mysterious while at the same time presenting the stealthy aspect of the classes. The shadow gradually merged with a dark cloud, like ink would with water… Waiting to go in, I couldn't wait any longer.

Toughing the word which slowly surfaced from the depths of the inky cloud.

"Stealthy Crawlers"

[Welcome to the "Stealthy Crawlers" section of the classes, the section introducing "the player" to the illusive and mysterious aspects known as "Stealth".

Since ancient times, those too weak to take their opponents head on had other ways for their survival, ways keeping them out of harm's way. They got devices to steal prey from under their predatorial eyes.

Blending in with the environment, making them harder to detect than others. Helped the "Stealthy Crawlers" to thrive throughout their lives. But beware, those surviving their ambush learn to become adept with their newly acquired knowledge implementing camouflage of their own.

All reptilian life started with the Scalus Ultima, a neutral ancestor of all reptilian life known to man. Quickly finding that overpowering their opponent wasn't the best way to go, some of the Scalus Ultima family had to become adept, finding new and intriguing ways to hunt and even thrive within their colonies. Introducing the Seathrios;

Baby Seathrios:

A sleuth version of the Scalus who can blend with the environment.

She has the affinity to learn how to conjure shadow and poison elemental attacks.

Baby Seathrios while the same size as the Baby Scalus have black scales allowing them to blend with the dark environments as well as with shadows allowing the environment to work as camouflage.

As they can both conjure shadow and poison elemental attacks, not only can they spit it with their mouths and ooze it out of their claws, but they can also radiate it from the tiny open areas between their scales.]

I was sure of reading this before, but was there more to this than meet the eye?

I continued reading as a new text slowly formed underneath the Seathrios.

Text introducing me to a whole new world of possibilities, like the "Elemental Lizards" tree had done.

[The system would like to reward the player due to the research of available information.

Due to this, the other two basic classes known within the "Stealthy Crawlers" have been unlocked. The "Mutarios" and "Umbra Linaria". Due to achieving the basic information, a possible fusion mutation is unlocked known as "The Xenomorph".]

Looking at all these names, I couldn't help but think about the aliens within a game I had played with friends. A game based on the movie block busters known as "Aliens".

Which had creatures going by the same name mentioned within the mutation classes?!

"No… This couldn't be, right? Am I able to evolve into one of those insane aliens?

No way!"

I couldn't believe it, I refused to believe the possibility, at least until I had checked out all the other classes which had been introduced to me. Quickly I continued, knowing that the thought of Xenomorphs could have the potential of making me spiral out of context.

I decided to dive into the class first mentioned before. The possibility of fusion and mutations?! Oh Boy! This was just too unbelievable, wouldn't it? But would that mean I as a reincarnated would actually be an "Alien" or "Extraterrestrial" as well?

"No, quick, getting side tracked! You never know when other large beasts come to rampage the area now that the guardian of the gate has perished, what kind of consequences this has, I do not know." But, frankly, I don't care about that right now either!"

I pushed the "Mutarios" button with my pointy snout, the system quickly proceeded with the ink black cloud moving towards the section introducing me to the class.

[The Mutarios;

Mutarios are known to use camouflage to trick their hunters or prey into believing they are one of them. Mutarios, as their name suggests, have the ability to "Mutate".

By mutating their attributes in such a way that they are able to not only trick,

they also manipulate those in their immediate surroundings. Similar to the "Ragnaria Ultima" the "Mutarios" learn to manipulate their scales in such a way that they are able to create a reflective surface on their scales.

Incredible care for their scales gave them the advantage of reflection. Think of it like hiding within the light in plain sight. Later states of evolution will prove them to be the masters of light manipulation.

[the reason for not being mentioned within the "Elemental Lizards" is due to the fact that the "Mutarios" learned to combine light with camouflage.]

"Masters of light and reflection, huh? Like the big guy who almost devoured me without blinking an eye… Man… I truly am weak, aren't I?"

[You sure whine a lot, I can tell you that much.]

"Oh shut up, E.V.E. Aren't I allowed to spit in the face of death from time to time, seeing how unfair life can be and all?"

E.V.E. remained silent after asking for an answer, since she didn't want to continue the conversation, I decided to continue informing myself about the other available class options.

[The Umbra Linaria;

Like the "Mutarios" are known for their camouflage and ability to blend in with the environment, the "Umbra Linaria" are known to manipulate shadows instead of light.

As the common saying goes, "The stronger the light, the larger the shadow"

Or "The bigger the Shadow, the more focused the light will be".

"Umbra Linaria" are master manipulators of the shadows, even allowing them to manipulate their own, to attack their prey or defend against attackers. Blending in is like second nature to them, which allows them to gain access to internal affairs fairly quickly.

These creatures love to live life carefully, always being prepared helps them to stay one or several steps ahead of their competition.

Since ancient times, humans have studied their behavioral patterns learning how to harness these powers for themselves, which gave birth to the "Rogue" and "Assassin" class masteries.]

"Wow! Masters of shadows! That sounds more like it, all sneaky like. Just like the subclass section presented itself. As mentioned, these are more like the traditional "Assassin" classes.

If the system hadn't combined my class into a unique one, I might have gone for this option long ago, but now… I'm not so sure anymore. Of course, I still wish to be some sort of assassin attacking anyone from the shadows, but I also want to implement this with incredible speed capabilities, like that class mentioned within the "Elemental Lizards".

What was its name is again? The one with lightning attribute capabilities?"

[Do you mean the Raileus?]

E.V.E. asked unable to believe I had forgotten the name within mere moments.

"Yes! That's the one! If possible, I'd like to combine that one with possibly the Umbra Linaria, maybe even more, but, hey, we'll see in the future, won't we?"

Nonchalantly, I continued reading knowing the system had introduced a third and final option within the "Stealthy Crawlers". The one I had been most anticipating to read about ever since I saw its name. "The Xenomorph"

[The Xenomorph;

Known for their extremely adaptability to their surroundings and those in it.

Masters of stealth, manipulation and mutation. "The Xenomorph" are known for their extremely high intellect. Pinning others against one another while manipulating the battlefield in their favor.

Completely black similar to the onyx, shadows are their friends, having excellent smell helps them to find prey quickly. Razor sharp fangs and claws allow them to make quick work of their opponents, but as this class is a "Unique" within the "Stealthy Crawlers" class, not only have they excellent smell, they also have the capability of seeing ultra violet and infrared within their color spectrums.

But their biggest asset would be their capability of lightning fast reflexes combined with a piercing tail piece that can't only pierce like a spear, but can also grab and take those most unfortunate with them for later.

Their saliva has so many bacteria living within them that if you are unfortunate enough to survive, you'll be paralyzed and dead within minutes. Dissolved in a drinkable liquid for easy consumption.]

I couldn't believe my eyes and imagination for that matter. Sounding similar to the movies, yet different in a weird way, would this mean that reptilians and I, for that matter, are not from this world? The question began eating away when suddenly the strain of thought got interrupted by a ping.