Chapter 44 - The Other Subclasses "Savage Raptors"


[The player has informed itself about "Stealthy Crawlers" within the system this knowledge is now registered within the players' soul space. The Unique class "Xenomorph" and "Ragnoss" have been added to the "Unique classes" section. We recommend checking this section once "the player has finished up checking all other available classes.]

The message disappeared so quickly I could only read it for a brief moment.

Did I finally do it, did I have to unlock the "Unique Classes" section within the system?

To make sure I needed to investigate more. But why didn't I check it out immediately?

The section was there, right?

Something inside me kept bugging me about the section, while my consciousness wanted to do the right thing, finish the tour so to speak…

Thinking about this situation brought me back to that time where I played Dungeon & Dragons with several friends of mine. Usually, we needed to do a perception check for moments like this. The Dungeon Master back then would ask us to roll with either Wisdom or Intelligence… But was that how it really should have played out?

In my mind I decided to do a similar thing, rolling a die with twenty sides to it.

Since it was my mind and I was determined to continue investigating the information

presented to me I tried making it a bit more fun than intended.

Rolling the die, it landed on the highest number; "Natural twenty!" I yelled.

This helped me think logically and subdue the temptation of checking out the unique classes early. Not that anything was stopping me from doing so, but it just felt right going through the subclasses before arriving at the end-stage.

Having this goal in mind I closed the window which displayed the "Stealthy Crawlers" subclasses. I honestly had to admit, that these classes were speaking my language.

While thinking about it something made me curious as I continued towards the "Savage Raptors" subclasses.

With the window now completely closed, I had to open up the system once more.

Again the three subclass sections were visible, while almost like something sinister the "Unique Classes" section floated vaguely visible in the back.

I moved my hand closer and as I did the sections grew closer, as if attracted to my claws like magnets. But not the "Unique Classes" that was the only section that stayed in the background. A slight glimpse at the while moving my claw towards the "Savage Raptors" revealed something new to me. Because as I moved my hand towards the unlocked section, chains formed around the "Unique Classes" section. Locked off from the rest,

I couldn't even open it if I wanted it to. Because honestly, I did not know how…

The last sliver of a doubt in my mind had now vanished making it clear what I had to do.

My claw gently scratched over the "Savage Raptors" section making me click it like a button.

The section began to float towards the middle when suddenly a message popped up.

[Do you want to open this section?] [YES]/[NO]


[Voice recognized as "Player; Mira" now opening "Savage Raptors".]

The window disappeared only keeping the title of the section open in front of me.

What happened next was in a sense rather unexpected, yet still on theme with the other sections. Because the title got ripped apart by gigantic razor-sharp claws…

I didn't know how to react, everything I saw felt real to me as if I was the one being ripped apart, but when I turned my head and checked for wounds there were none…

After the ripping and tearing of the title screen, a loud shriek could be heard.

A shriek so low that it made my body tremble indefinitely. But the thing that got to me, thought bone and marrow was the fact that it became high pitched as it faded away.

After which the window opened revealing its knowledge within.

"Wow… I expected effects… But this… This was far too real!"

The window was on theme with the effects shown before opening, as it had ripped flesh marks all around the edges, even revealing hinds of though skin and blood around the corners.

"Could this… No… They couldn't have done this on purpose, didn't they?"

Not knowing what to expect any more I decided the best way to move is forward.

Meaning I had to continue reading and inform myself about what the system had to offer a tiny little creature like me. I didn't even know if I was small… Or at least I knew that I was small in comparison with those monstrosities… But how small was I?

The entrance towards the Jungle area was huge as well, at least fifty times my size…

I had seen boulders around my size… But there was truly nothing…

Nothing at all to compare my size with… For all, I knew the frogs, spiders and other creatures I encountered before were either huge or tiny compared to their "normal" counterparts.

Then again… I wasn't at "earth" anymore so would my knowledge about these creatures even add up towards their actual size?

"Hmm… note to self; find out the actual size of the creatures who I've encountered, starting with my own. Logical thinking would suggest that I would be around twenty to thirty centimeters… or around two feet long? I don't know honestly…

Well… Maybe I should try calculating if I can and find some more time to think about it.

Note to self; Whenever there is time, try measuring your size.

For that matter… How much time has passed since I have been born?

Honestly, I haven't even given this any thought as my survival always takes top priority.

But could it be, that whenever I evolved or fell asleep more time had passed than felt normal to me? I mean, honestly… "Time" is a concept of "Men" "Human Kind" so to speak.

And truth be told, I haven't seen the sun in forever. So would there even be away?

I have to admit I have fallen asleep countless times, but dwelling on this now would be counterproductive. Let's find out some actual interesting stuff."

After finishing up thinking about stuff that bugged me for a while I continued with the subclasses of the newly unlocked "Savage Raptors."

[The "Savage Raptors" are classes known for their implementation of emotions,

emotions are driven by power, anger, frustration, or even compassion, love, and ambition.

These so-called "Raptors" have the strength or will move a thousand suns or hold the world on their shoulders as unmovable fortresses. Getting overpowered by these emotions could result in insane brutal and savage experiences hence the name "Savage Raptors".

But don't let introduction mislead you more from the truth than necessary as these emotions can prove to be powerful weapons.]

The flavor text made me a bit skeptical, but at the same time it hyped me up for what was to come.

"Maybe it would be a good idea for my survival going for either of these classes.

I would have to see, wouldn't I?"

The first class my eyes came across was mentioned; Berserkus


Berserkus or ultimately known as the Berserkus Titanus is a class build around rage,

becoming stronger by letting its rage take over. Positive sides to this class are the fact that while increasing its prowess it also has the ability to ignore pain or cancel damage as a whole for certain periods of time. The drawback to this is that "the player" becomes more blinded over time and potentially blacks out until snapped out of this state.

The Berserkus Titanus is known for its brute strength and speed, as well as the ability to stand upright on two legs allowing it to deliver devastating punches to any who dear close in on it. Wider back and shoulder muscles also allow this beast to develop further usage of its scales even growing wings if it has sustained enough damage during its lifetime.]

"The Berserkus sounds like a typical berserker class, but what I find fascinating about it is the fact that its characteristics become more human allowing him to stand on two legs and in turn seem bigger to enemies, maybe it could be another defense mechanism?"

Continuing on I stumbled upon the second class within the "Savage Raptors" section.

A class which in a way felt opposite towards the Berserkus.

[Forthress Aderios;

The Forthress Aderios is a class build around defending oneself and others against incoming attacks. This lizard has adapted in such a way that its scales all function as a shield,

becoming almost as hard as adamantium. Meaning its scales are almost impervious to physical attacks. Making it extremely difficult to pierce through or damage the wearer through its scales.

At the same time, this lizard learned to use its defense for offence allowing it to use this to its advantage to slam itself into its opponents and crushing them to dust.

The Forthress Aderios has a strong sense of dignity, justice, and pride allowing it to become very loyal to those worthy of its kindness or ruthless to those who damage its trust.

Like the Berserkus Titanus, the Forthress Aderios has gained the ability to stand on two legs allowing him to pin down its enemies or roll op in a ball which allows it to gain speed for its slamming attack. On the other hand, while its head, back, and sides are well protected its belly is not which is why it needs this heavy plated scaling to protect itself from incoming threats.]

After reading about this class it had become clear, clear that this class was the complete opposite.

"Trust, Pride, and a strong sense of Justice? What's next the fact that it has the potential of becoming men's best friend? Didn't the dogs already take that position with men?"

I continued to the final class which had unlocked within the "Savage Raptors".

A class home to the "Unique" category.

[Trenchius Naminus; (Unique)

Due to experiencing severe trauma throughout its life, this lizard isn't able to coop with much more in its life. Excluded from most of the world these beasts are known to be lone wolves who are rarely seen by others.

This is due to the fact of going insane by its experiences throughout its life.

Due to this, this lizard has chosen the path of silence, seclusion, and loneliness.

But beware, this lizard doesn't want to be disturbed, any attempt doing so or pushing its boundaries may result in an explosion of rage similar to the "Berserkus Titanus".

The difference being this creature will then call upon all gruesome experiences to steel its resolve resulting in a tranquil state of mind which allows it to deliver precise hit and inflict huge chunks of damage to its opponents.

Tends to combine guerilla tactics with poisonous/chemical warfare to become the silent killer.

The "Trenchius Naminus". Can be seen as a close relative to either the Ragnaria Ultima, Terranean, and the Begila species.]

Not knowing what to think of this class I was baffled…

Not because of the sheer randomness and creative way of introducing me to yet another seriously "Unique Class". But more about the fact that this brought me a step closer to understanding the origin of "The Guardian of the Seed".

At that moment the window closed on itself and unlocked the "Unique Classes" section as the system had introduced three and had been introducing three classes with each section.

This made sense to me. Not thinking much of it I wanted to continue, although I felt like the classes had within the section had already been introduced to me.

I moved my claw, at which point I opened the window. But then something unexpected happened the floor around me began to tremble. Thinking it was part of the introduction I didn't think much of it. Until…